Acid relux help for coffee lovers (good for spicey food too)

Cann someone please take over and explain to this moron why the name prilosec is in parenthesis? Fuck this.
For Christ sake, you are one DUMBASS mother fucker. You just can't get it through your thick, ignorant fucking skull that PRILOSEC is a BRAND NAME, and not the name of the DRUG. How fucking STUPID ARE YOU? It's RIGHT THERE in FRONT OF YOUR FACE... fucking READ IT... you retarded sonsabitch...

Dude, its in parenthesis because they are the same fucking thing. Brand name = prilosec. Generic name is = Omeprazol. Are you stoned?
Hmmm... interesting article. I think it's time I have a talk with my doctor about how long I've been taking P.P.I.'s, because it's been well over 15 years.
Dude your doctor is a fucking idiot. Find a new one. Fast. Wow... this is basic acid 101.
"DUDE"... California 1985 is calling... they want their idiot back.
lose weight if you have a gut. Drink lots of water daily. Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegies. Do not strain on the toilet; this causes hernias and acid reflux. Lower Stress, exercise, never eat till full or overeat. Lots more well known and rare tips coming in Pm if you like. REMEMBER- Most people with reflux actually do not have enough acid to digest their foods properly, thus creating gas, reflux, bacteria and illness.
Dude im looking at the prescription right now. Underneith Omeprazol it says prilosec. Go ask your pharmasist and come back and apologize. I hate being a genius about everything. Fucking irritating. Id make a good adult sex aa sponser, though. :)
OK... I guess some just have to be educated the old fashioned way, with pictures, because they're too stupid to learn from reading.... now you see at the bottom of that screen capture... where it says *BRAND NAME*? Prilosec is the *BRAND NAME*, it is NOT the *DRUG*, as I've been saying all along. Now has that gotten through your thick skull... DUDE? If not, then they're too stupid to learn even the simplest of things a freakin' a second grader can grasp...

Cann someone please take over and explain to this moron why the name prilosec is in parenthesis? Fuck this.
For Christ sake, you are one DUMBASS mother fucker. You just can't get it through your thick, ignorant fucking skull that PRILOSEC is a BRAND NAME, and not the name of the DRUG. How fucking STUPID ARE YOU? It's RIGHT THERE in FRONT OF YOUR FACE... fucking READ IT... you retarded sonsabitch...

Dude, its in parenthesis because they are the same fucking thing. Brand name = prilosec. Generic name is = Omeprazol. Are you stoned?
I give up... you're just too fucking stupid.

Prilosec = BRAND NAME

Omeprazole = Active ingredient / drug

Maybe you're just too obsessed with talking about your cock to let something so simple to get through your skull.
Prilosec = omeprazol= active only ingredient. They are all the same fucking thing. One big fucking mix of omeprazol.
omeprazole is the key INGREDIENT in the acid relfux drugs.
And its exactly what prilosec is.
Nope... wrong Einstein. Now you're just making a fool out of yourself.

Prilosec is a BRAND NAME, for MARKETING. Like CHEVROLET is the BRAND NAME for a CAR. It's not THE CAR, it's the BRAND NAME of the car.

But, if you can't get that... I guess you might as well just keep making yourself look like an idiot.
I get heartburn a lot, but weirdly enough, not from spicy foods. Coffee messes my whole digestive system up, but I still drink it constantly. Cranberry juice, orange juice and grapefruit juice are all pretty much guaranteed to give me heartburn as well.

I usually just take a Tums, it works most of the time.

read my posts, they will help.
007- please follow my advice... it is solid. Btw, never stop taking these meds suddenly- taper off slowly. I do not care what your Dr. or family says. These drugs create a HUGE REBOUND effect and your chest will feel like it is on fire if you stop suddenly as your stomach will make triple the amount of acid it needs for the first while.
007- grab some calci blend packets- they will change your life! They work- I swear by them.

use one packet only at first in coffee or on food. Taper UP to two and so on if you need more. All natural, no taste or smell. It does not change the flavor of the food or drink at all. Mix well with spoon if drink or sprinkle evenly across sauces if food/pasta etc...
I use 4 packets each medium or large capachino.
007- (nice name)- a few quick tips. Take a small amount (daily) of apple cider vinegar with water each morning. Do not wear belts. Rise not only your head up but your ENTIRE bed at least 30 degrees. Do not eat after 8pm. ABSOLUTELY a huge fan of GAVISCON tablets. TAKE TWO just before bed. A literal life saver. They are the best thing on the market. Orange Burst flavor is the best. Trust me. Go get some calciblend packets. Tell Robert, Kevin sent you.

Yeah this looks like a good idea... thanks ninja007, I'm going to try this...

How to Treat Acid Reflux Naturally No drugs Natural Society
omeprazole is the key INGREDIENT in the acid relfux drugs.
And its exactly what prilosec is.
Nope... wrong Einstein. Now you're just making a fool out of yourself.

Prilosec is a BRAND NAME, for MARKETING. Like CHEVROLET is the BRAND NAME for a CAR. It's not THE CAR, it's the BRAND NAME of the car.

But, if you can't get that... I guess you might as well just keep making yourself look like an idiot.
I dont give a damn what its called. Its about whats in it. Prilosec is the ingredient known as omeprazol. They dont call it prilosec any more. They call it prilosec otc.
I take prescription omeprazol daily, and that takes care of any acid reflux.
Also called prilosec.
No, Prilosec is a manufacturers name for an over the counter, non prescription strength version of omeprazol.
Nope. You are half correct. Omeprazol standard milligrams is 20. You can get that as a prescription and the poor can get it free with Medicaid. We'll talk about why medicaid is broke later. However, with the prescription you can get 40 mg 60 mg and 80 mg. Anotherwords instead of taking 2,3 or 4 prilosecs you are taking 1 pill. Omeprazol is the generic name for prilosec.
Requote for dumbass. Theres no difference between any of the over counter acid reducers except how long they last because they all have omeprazol in them which was originally call simple prilosec. Why do you think its called prilosec otc now? Dumbshit.
People get prilosec as a prescription because they can get a 30 day supply for a much cheaper cost. A generic prescription copay.
get a bottle of 60 gaviscon tablets (10 or so bucks). Trust me. Take 2 before bed religiously- you will see immediate improvement. I want to hear back from you asap. Following these tips will improve your reflux 75-90% I am sure. Get the calciblend.
get a bottle of 60 gaviscon tablets (10 or so bucks). Trust me. Take 2 before bed religiously- you will see immediate improvement. I want to hear back from you asap. Following these tips will improve your reflux 75-90% I am sure. Get the calciblend.
Did he really say 12 years? He needs to fire his doctor.
People get prilosec as a prescription because they can get a 30 day supply for a much cheaper cost. A generic prescription copay.

The prescription dose is higher than the OTC dose, too.
Thats why its a prescription. Also technically if you have no generic copay you can get the over counter prilosec as a prescription. Youll pay nothing. Same dosage. 20 mg
I dont give a damn what its called. Its about whats in it. Prilosec is the ingredient known as omeprazol.
It's obvious you don't give a damn what it's called, because you're wrong.

But I'm glad you posted that, because that shows right there in your own words that you're not only WRONG, but you have it completely ass backwards, and you're too fucking stupid to understand.
007 and naturalgas, I gotta say - reading through this thread is a trip.

You guys are both saying the same thing in slightly different ways, and having a huge fight about it.

Will you guys both agree on the following facts?

1. Omeprazole is a chemical compound that can help with acid reflux.
2. It is sold under a few brandnames worldwide, including in the US as Prilosec.
3. Prilosec OTC is a low-dose over the counter drug containing Omeprazole as it's active ingredient.
4. With a prescription, higher dose tablets are available, just like almost any over the counter pill.

From what I've read of this thread, you've both agreed to the above facts. Correct me if I'm wrong.

What exactly are you fighting about?
I dont give a damn what its called. Its about whats in it. Prilosec is the ingredient known as omeprazol.
It's obvious you don't give a damn what it's called, because you're wrong.

But I'm glad you posted that, because that shows right there in your own words that you're not only WRONG, but you have it completely ass backwards, and you're too fucking stupid to understand.
Im not the one paying and seeing the same doctor for 12 years that says you are perfectly fine taking prilosec every day for 12 years. Whos the bigger moron you or your doctor? Lol...let me guess you are one of those idiots who drink pop and say doc.. why do i have heart burn. A good doc will first tell you to change your diet BEFORE telling you to take anything!
007 and naturalgas, I gotta say - reading through this thread is a trip.

You guys are both saying the same thing in slightly different ways, and having a huge fight about it.

Will you guys both agree on the following facts?

1. Omeprazole is a chemical compound that can help with acid reflux.
2. It is sold under a few brandnames worldwide, including in the US as Prilosec.
3. Prilosec OTC is a low-dose over the counter drug containing Omeprazole as it's active ingredient.
4. With a prescription, higher dose tablets are available, just like almost any over the counter pill.

From what I've read of this thread, you've both agreed to the above facts. Correct me if I'm wrong.

What exactly are you fighting about?
He denied that omeprasol is prilosec or as you put it omeprasol is sold under same brand name as prilosec. He also denied the part about the higher dose is why its a prescription. Hes on drugs.

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