ACORN - Not a Bad Nut After All

They investigated everything teh Congress asked them to investigate

yes, but NOT all activities of acorn....and the report, as i pointed out to you earlier, has a bit of....we did not independently verify.....


Because the activities you guys claim have already been debunked.

They were cases where ACORN hired temps and they turned in bad regs to get money from acorn

Acorn sure seems to hire a lot of shitty people.....i wonder why no decent people want to work for them...that could be saying something about Acorn.....
They investigated everything teh Congress asked them to investigate

yes, but NOT all activities of acorn....and the report, as i pointed out to you earlier, has a bit of....we did not independently verify.....


Because the activities you guys claim have already been debunked.

They were cases where ACORN hired temps and they turned in bad regs to get money from acorn

Anyone want to explain away Wade Rathke?
Seems there is a never ending story with corruption and ACORN
yeap every time they have been investigated they have been cleared.

"Truth"....if this co. is so innocent, why does all this shit happen to them....all these lowlifes working for them....they are not the only "Leftist" organization out there that the Repubs can pick on,there are dozens of others out there,yet all the flies land on this just wont admit they are not as clean as you think they are....
yeap every time they have been investigated they have been cleared.

"Truth"....if this co. is so innocent, why does all this shit happen to them....all these lowlifes working for them....they are not the only "Leftist" organization out there that the Repubs can pick on,there are dozens of others out there,yet all the flies land on this just wont admit they are not as clean as you think they are....
Truth knows it, Harry, but truth is a hack. If the table were turned and ACORN was a conservative org. with this much corruption, Truth would be on it like white on rice. Don't be fooled by a tool like Truth.
yeap every time they have been investigated they have been cleared.

And John Gotti was cleared everytime as well.....except for the last time
OJ was cleared

And netiher one of them had the reputations of politicians with pull in the judicial community hanging in limbo based on the results

But please Truth....continue to live in your fantasyland.
I didn't post any more information on this thread as to Acorn's much documented and very well known activities all over the nation. It did seem to me that the basic argument behind the claim that Acorn has nothing to do with any of this is more akin to my GM comment than anything else.
Is it just me, or is it the most strident Fabian socialists on this board who have the most disingenuous user names?
Hi Mr. Ad-Hominem,

How are you? I hope you have a nice day.


My view of ACORN at this point is pretty much in line with that of VAYank's. Even if they're not guilty of the things they've been accused of recently they've shown themselves to be an organization that doesn't entirely have its shit together, either. Not enough to be trusted with gobs of Federal cash, anyway.
Really? I imagine you're so enthusiastic about proving and prosecuting and getting rid of companies that abuse government funds like BlackWater, XE, et al....yes?
They hate that poor people get to vote and that ACORN registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

ACORN helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that ACORN is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the Bush DOJ was politizied like had NEVER happened in this countries history and prosicuted BULLSHIT cases to effect elections.

Some just have NO moral code
They hate that poor people get to vote and that ACORN registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

ACORN helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that ACORN is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the Bush DOJ was politizied like had NEVER happened in this countries history and prosicuted BULLSHIT cases to effect elections.

Some just have NO moral code being poor is synonymous with "needing help to register to vote"?

Last I saw, it costs nothing to register. The only barrier betweween registering and not registering is an apathetic attitude. Now, such an attitude is ones right and I am not condemning it. But then why should tax payer money be given to Acorn and used to help people do what they really have no desire to do?

I find it interesting as to how you view Acorn and their mission.

Quite "controlling" if you ask me. Sort of similar to wat we see coming out of this know....the "Americans do not know what is best fopr them, soo we will make thir decisions for them"......

And you are OK with this?
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Another difference between Democrats and Republicans

Republicans want to run dead candidates.
Democrats want to run dead people.

See the difference??
they hate that poor people get to vote and that acorn registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

Acorn helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that acorn is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the bush doj was politizied like had never happened in this countries history and prosicuted bullshit cases to effect elections.

Some just have no moral code being poor is synonymous with "needing help to register to vote"?

Last i saw, it costs nothing to register. The only barrier betweween registering and not registering is an apathetic attitude. Now, such an attitude is ones right and i am not condemning it. But then why should tax payer money be given to acorn and used to help people do what they really have no desire to do?

I find it interesting as to how you view acorn and their mission.

Quite "controlling" if you ask me. Sort of similar to wat we see coming out of this know....the "americans do not know what is best fopr them, soo we will make thir decisions for them"......

And you are ok with this?

we are a democracry you elitist
they hate that poor people get to vote and that acorn registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

Acorn helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that acorn is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the bush doj was politizied like had never happened in this countries history and prosicuted bullshit cases to effect elections.

Some just have no moral code being poor is synonymous with "needing help to register to vote"?

Last i saw, it costs nothing to register. The only barrier betweween registering and not registering is an apathetic attitude. Now, such an attitude is ones right and i am not condemning it. But then why should tax payer money be given to acorn and used to help people do what they really have no desire to do?

I find it interesting as to how you view acorn and their mission.

Quite "controlling" if you ask me. Sort of similar to wat we see coming out of this know....the "americans do not know what is best fopr them, soo we will make thir decisions for them"......

And you are ok with this?

we are a democracry you elitist
they hate that poor people get to vote and that acorn registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

Acorn helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that acorn is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the bush doj was politizied like had never happened in this countries history and prosicuted bullshit cases to effect elections.

Some just have no moral code being poor is synonymous with "needing help to register to vote"?

Last i saw, it costs nothing to register. The only barrier betweween registering and not registering is an apathetic attitude. Now, such an attitude is ones right and i am not condemning it. But then why should tax payer money be given to acorn and used to help people do what they really have no desire to do?

I find it interesting as to how you view acorn and their mission.

Quite "controlling" if you ask me. Sort of similar to wat we see coming out of this know....the "americans do not know what is best fopr them, soo we will make thir decisions for them"......

And you are ok with this?

we are a democracry you elitist

So a democracy is where people who do not want to do things are nudged into doing them by special interest groups?

Did not know that was the new definition.

So much to learn with this fundamentally changing America.
Let me get this there are some Americans that are upset that government funds are used to encourage fellow Americans to vote? Is that what I'm to understand?
Let me get this there are some Americans that are upset that government funds are used to encourage fellow Americans to vote? Is that what I'm to understand?

If the funds were used to educate americans on why they should vote, I would suppoort it 100%.

But to encourage them to do someting they do not wish to do?

No. A big waste of money

Now do not try to spin this. THose who are on the streets "encouraging" are nbot out there educating...are not taught how to educate...are not experienced educators....they are low paid poor people themselves, lookng to make a buck...with no special training....just quotas.

So do not try to spin it.
Where are you getting that they "do not wish to do" so from?

WHO'S telling you this? How did you derive at this?

I certainly don't see it that way.

What I DO see however, is a group (ACORN) that's dedicated to empowering DISENFRANCHISED people to vote.

I don't know anything more American than THAT.
asking people to registar to vote is a crime in this assholes mind.

You are one shitty American old and tired
Where are you getting that they "do not wish to do" so from?

WHO'S telling you this? How did you derive at this?

I certainly don't see it that way.

What I DO see however, is a group (ACORN) that's dedicated to empowering DISENFRANCHISED people to vote.

I don't know anything more American than THAT.

Where are you getting that they are disenfranchised from?

Who is telling you this? How did you derive at this?

I certainly don't see it that way.

What I do see, however, is a group (ACORN) that is politically connected (and you can not deny that) hiring temps to enocurage people to vote...with their impetus being the need to make a quota in an effort to get paid.

Do you really think that those poor people who are trying to make a buck use the power of education to empower disenfranchised people to vote?
How anyone can be insulted by people encouraging other Americans to vote is beyond the pale.

You are a partisan hack who hates to see Americans vote.

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