ACORN - Not a Bad Nut After All


This is a video of McCain at an ACORN rally.

I found it while trying to find an ACORN Obama rally as you claim exsists.
He does not support ACORN registaring people 100%.

That is very clear from his post

ACORN has a track record, Truth...sorry but that's the bottom line. They have been busted, and their results will always be questioned whether it's legit or not. Problem is when your a non profit organization, you can't be biased in politics....AT ALL, you could lose your non profit status legally. ACORN has shown over and over just how biased they are.
Get another honest non profit group out there to do the work that ACORN does.

There track record is of being the victim. When you hire someone to do your taxes and they defraud you by faking the results you are the victim.

That is exactly what has happened to ACORN and you cons insist that is it more and then suggest it cant be helped?

How have they showed their BIAS??????

The Bush DOJ fired lawyers (many were Rs) for refusing to bring false charges againt ACORN right before the elections. THEY HAVE BEEN SMEARED. Just like Kerry was by the swift boaters. Republicans refuse to accept the facts and still PRETEND that the lies are true.

You are being completely dishonest
You are being a hack, and I take offense to you calling me dishonest. There have been several videos to back my position. I say to you that you are the lying hack that won't admit the truth because your just too damn partisan. Your an epic fail on this thread, Truth.


What a surprize that poor black people support ACORN and Obama.

You do realize that ACORN concentrates on poor voters right?

Those people are no more the CEOs of ACORN than the temp workers who cheated ACORN out of money.

Now what do you say about the OWNER of the voting machine company who PROMISED the election to Bush?
Is it just me, or is it the most strident Fabian socialists on this board who have the most disingenuous user names?
Hi Mr. Ad-Hominem,

How are you? I hope you have a nice day.


My view of ACORN at this point is pretty much in line with that of VAYank's. Even if they're not guilty of the things they've been accused of recently they've shown themselves to be an organization that doesn't entirely have its shit together, either. Not enough to be trusted with gobs of Federal cash, anyway.
Really? I imagine you're so enthusiastic about proving and prosecuting and getting rid of companies that abuse government funds like BlackWater, XE, et al....yes?

You obviously don't know me very well, or you wouldn't ask that.
I didn't post any more information on this thread as to Acorn's much documented and very well known activities all over the nation. It did seem to me that the basic argument behind the claim that Acorn has nothing to do with any of this is more akin to my GM comment than anything else.

it would not have mattered Navy....because "Truth"can only see the truth he wants to see....he just will not believe his little cracked.....
They hate that poor people get to vote and that ACORN registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

ACORN helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that ACORN is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the Bush DOJ was politizied like had NEVER happened in this countries history and prosicuted BULLSHIT cases to effect elections.

Some just have NO moral code

geezus...they stuck a flag in your do you sit down?........
Let me get this there are some Americans that are upset that government funds are used to encourage fellow Americans to vote? Is that what I'm to understand?

why should tax dollars be used to encourage people to vote?.....if someone is so apathetic to their own countries govt.,and does not give a dam ....maybe they should stay away from the poles....chances are they would not have a clue as to what is going on anyway....let them stay away....
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this country is a better place every time an American choses to vote.

Do you agree?

yes....informed voters....and those who dont need people prodding them to vote....if you need someone leading you to a place to register and then leading you to a voting place....NO....ESPECIALLY if my tax dollars are involved leading them wanna lead them to these places,DO IT ON YOUR DIME....not mine....
this country is a better place every time an American choses to vote.

Do you agree?

I answered you will you answer me?

Voters say they were duped - Los Angeles Times

This is probably fine by you huh?

Dozens of newly minted Republican voters say they were duped into joining the party by a GOP contractor with a trail of fraud complaints stretching across the country.

Voters contacted by The Times said they were tricked into switching parties while signing what they believed were petitions for tougher penalties against child molesters. Some said they were told that they had to become Republicans to sign the petition, contrary to California initiative law. Others had no idea their registration was being changed.
and the same dam thing happened with the other party too dipshit....
THEY have not done anything you idiot.

LYING wont make it so either.

EVERY TIME they have been investigated they have been cleared.

Why do you refuse facts?

Haha... subconciously you are telling us they are lying every time.
Every time they have been investigated there has been no wrongdoing found.

Republicans just keep refusing Facts they dont like.

Yes...they investigated themselves and found nothing wrong.

The Dems benefit from their operations and found nothing wrong.

Corruption on display MUCH????

Btw.....thanks for breaking the string of Harry Dresdan posts Avatar...
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this country is a better place every time an American choses to vote.

Do you agree?

Yes, I agree. I would really like people to take the time and be educated on what they are voting on. It's a dream of mine that all will vote, and actually understand what they are voting on. I know, I know.....

Then why do you spew hate based on rumors for a group like ACORN that has registared MILLIONS of legal voters ?

one reason is....they use tax dollars....if you need help to a friend....or a group that is there for that the Board of Registrars....not some group like ACORN.....
There track record is of being the victim. When you hire someone to do your taxes and they defraud you by faking the results you are the victim.

That is exactly what has happened to ACORN and you cons insist that is it more and then suggest it cant be helped?

How have they showed their BIAS??????

The Bush DOJ fired lawyers (many were Rs) for refusing to bring false charges againt ACORN right before the elections. THEY HAVE BEEN SMEARED. Just like Kerry was by the swift boaters. Republicans refuse to accept the facts and still PRETEND that the lies are true.

You are being completely dishonest

who hired all those rotten people? keep on hiring get what you Meister said....they got a bad did the Egg....but instead of crying about it.....he did something about it.....
They hate that poor people get to vote and that ACORN registars millions of perfectly legal poor people to vote every election.

ACORN helps millions who need help and some think that their political hate trumps the reality that ACORN is a perfectly legal and law abiding organization which has been proven over and over by many investigations.

Yet somehow they dont mind that the Bush DOJ was politizied like had NEVER happened in this countries history and prosicuted BULLSHIT cases to effect elections.

Some just have NO moral code

No one has ever kept poor people from voting. All they have to do is register like everyone else. Im poor and I registered when I was 18. It didnt take much effort at all. No one from ACORN bothered showing up and quite frankly, i dont believe they would have turned my registration in anyway because they dont want me voting.

So no, this group isnt benefiting the poor. They are trying to exploit them and defraud them. They dont care about "organizing" the community. They care about controling it.
Where are you getting that they "do not wish to do" so from?

WHO'S telling you this? How did you derive at this?

I certainly don't see it that way.

What I DO see however, is a group (ACORN) that's dedicated to empowering DISENFRANCHISED people to vote.

I don't know anything more American than THAT.

So because they choose not to vote whether from lack of desire or apathy they are disenfranchised? how so?
Yes...they investigated themselves and found nothing wrong.

The Dems benefit from their operations and found nothing wrong.

Corruption on display MUCH????

Btw.....thanks for breaking the string of Harry Dresdan posts Avatar...

Acorn is going to get you for that Mud.....:eusa_eh:
Yes...they investigated themselves and found nothing wrong.

The Dems benefit from their operations and found nothing wrong.

Corruption on display MUCH????

Btw.....thanks for breaking the string of Harry Dresdan posts Avatar...

Acorn is going to get you for that Mud.....:eusa_eh:

Ok....if you say so brother.

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