Acosta has pass revoked

The video evidence shows Sarah Sanders lied in here statement about suspending Acosta's press pass.
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.

You're completely wrong, but don't let that inhibit you.

Federal judge whom Trump called 'Mexican' clears way for border wall

And in case you missed it, Judge Curiel is American.
Many Mexicans are born in this country and have primary loyalty to Mexico and fellow Mexicans.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.
He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.


Why are you repeating it? You can EASILY watch the video and see with your own eyes, that is a lie.

DD: He (sic) acosta (/sic) a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.
If you meant that he accosted a white house staffer who reached for the microphone after the President of the United States called him on his asserting his agenda rather than asking the president a legitimate, sincere question that he could answer with knowledge only a President has, I saw the same thing of him shoving her back from the particular camera angle, live video I was watching, and I saw him using the back of his hand to shove her hard away from him. After the President ordered him to give it up, he refused it when the parliamentarian the woman was paid to be got shoved away from him. The leftist creep of them all wanted to assassinate the character of this President, and he staged this little thespian act to get others to do it for him at a later time after he was banned from even coming to the White House for his crude rudeness that he knew was over the line, and that his partisan interests could be best served by his bad boy actions, in nothing but a conspiratorial way to set up the President for the fall the aggressive Maxine Waters of his party would like to use as a basis for impeaching President Trump since thespian actress and sicko prevaricator Christine Blasey Ford tried to falsely accuse a conservative Federal Judge from becoming a Supreme Court Justice, and evidence of her treachery and lying has sufficiently shown her to be a DNC agitator extraordinaire with knowledge of control freak style psychological mind bending of an audience to gain pathos-type sympathy that was undeserved, considering the insidiousness of the lies she was spewing out following her gain of trust and the coaching of several key Democrats attending this little character assassination party.

With all due respect, Care4all, DigitalDrifter observed the same thing you did, perhaps from a more intimate angle that showed him pushing her. What you saw may not have shown the same push. I saw the other side, too, and you cannot tell from that angle much of what was actually going on, and the strength of a brute man with a mission to kill a POTUS with character assassination shilling, pushing hard against anyone who'd stop his scorched-earth rhetoric before President Trump even had a chance to speak. There is a huge difference between asking an honest question and putting maliciously spoken critique of a man who doesn't tolerate bullshit from hatemongers. President Trump was used as a target, not a source of information by a reporter with a dishonorable, intimidating scenario against a President of this country. President Trump was there to give an honest answer, but to bullies with malicious agendas, he is savvy to know the difference and act to end this hatemonger's wet dream on the spot and move on.

God bless President Trump! He needs it to deal with vile people who want to end Republican winning of a good economy, the best in history if what some say is true. We have a long way to go to work on the National Debt. It's not going to be easier with the spendathon the Democrats are planning on for the next two years based on beating to death the horse of things dredged up in the eleventh hour to diminish conservatives from saving the economy by vomiting out alleged personal offenses of any conservative that comes to the table that represents the silent majority in this nation. If President Trump does not thwart hatemongers, the economy of this nation and the entire world collapses. He will not let a Communistic Press thwart him first. He's a fighter, and that's all there is to it.

Edit: and he is a fighter for all the people of United States of America.
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Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.

You're completely wrong, but don't let that inhibit you.

Federal judge whom Trump called 'Mexican' clears way for border wall

And in case you missed it, Judge Curiel is American.
Many Mexicans are born in this country and have primary loyalty to Mexico and fellow Mexicans.

Isn't freedom of speech wonderful? You can say any harebrained, fact-free bullshit you want.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.
Only an idiot would assault someone with camera's rolling.

I'm sure no one will miss the asshole.
Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.

You're completely wrong, but don't let that inhibit you.

Federal judge whom Trump called 'Mexican' clears way for border wall

And in case you missed it, Judge Curiel is American.
Many Mexicans are born in this country and have primary loyalty to Mexico and fellow Mexicans.

Who? How many?
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one.

There were cameras on both sides. The camera on one side didn't show much. The one that many of us watched showed the actual deed. Too bad you didn't see the other angle of cameras shown yesterday, but saw the one that obfuscated the assault against White House personnel.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

Trump made it clear early on, it was all Mexicans, but some...

he went head on bashing Judge Curio, an American citizen because he was of Mexican decent....

so it was not just illegal Mexicans, but Americans who are of Mexican decent, who are well established, well educated, with respectable and honorable careers.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.
When the President tells the reporter they are done, they are done and need to give up the microphone. Acosta isn't in charge of that conference, the President is. Idiot.
Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.

You're completely wrong, but don't let that inhibit you.

Federal judge whom Trump called 'Mexican' clears way for border wall

And in case you missed it, Judge Curiel is American.
Many Mexicans are born in this country and have primary loyalty to Mexico and fellow Mexicans.

Who? How many?
Judge Curiel for one. Who ever belongs to La Raza, LULAC or any other Mexico first organizations.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Asking questions the President doesn't want to answer, how rude. :rolleyes:

We've had almost two years of Donny in the White House, these reporters should know by now that questions must be confined to the weather and President Twitters golf game.
Not really. Jim Acosta's unconscionable speech, and subsequent pushing back White House personnel supporting the President's admonishment of Mr. Acosta amounted to the trouble this fella got himself into all by himself with nobody else's assistance.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one.

There were cameras on both sides. The camera on one side didn't show much. The one that many of us watched showed the actual deed. Too bad you didn't see the other angle of cameras shown yesterday, but saw the one that obfuscated the assault against White House personnel.
He's not called "BlindBoo" for nothing.

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