Acosta has pass revoked

It's completely dishonest to say Mexico "sends" illegal immigrants. Those are individual making a very difficult decision.
So, in response to today’s earlier calamity, It sounds like Jim Acosta won’t be asking questions at the White House briefings anymore

Jim Acosta on Twitter

I gotta give Acosta a little credit for honesty...

"Secret Service just informed me I cannot enter the WH grounds for my 8pm HIT"

Unfortunately he left out "job" at the end of his sentence.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.
Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.

All Mexicans are not the same any more than all Americans are. Don’t be illogical.
He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.
Not necessarily. A parliamentarian acts as necessary to ensure that the meeting has a purpose other than character assassination by a charlatan, which a reporter is when he or she tries to override the main speaker abusing his privilege of obtaining information and trying to insert character assassination of the speaker as an alternative to people hearing the truth the speaker has to say. The woman who tried to remove the speaker from Acosta's hands was doing her job of protecting the President from Press bullying, which has never been accepted as a means to establish strange rule over the people. That particular man doesn't want the truth to be told, he wants only his partisan beliefs pushed out, and he had a script furnished by the enemies of the United States who do not accept the result of promising smaller states a voice in government in order to have access to cheap gas and other natural benefits over the large area of their borders. People from large states are well-represented with the best people from tens of millions of people. Small states are limited who sometimes live in wastelands that furnish everybody else with reasonably-priced commodities to make life good for the larger groups of people. That is how we got their sign-on to Statehood with few exceptions, except for the Equality State that insisted before signing on that women would have the right to vote, as they often were equal to or stronger than their thin-skinned male counterparts who couldn't survive the sudden winter conditions in subzero weather without sufficient layering and outerwear. If you outlaw the College of Electors you have broken your pledge to small states who otherwise would be as unrepresented as the colonists were under King George the Arrogant. You want a country like that? I wouldn't care for such a place. If America cannot keep its promises to its own people, it will be no different than living in a monarchy in other ways, too, because once promises are broken, it's easy for perpetrators to habituate themselves into breaking promises to vast majorities of citizens. I don'[t view that as a direction towards this this nation should forage by removing people's voice from the government, and believe me, it's a small price to pay with justice for all. The little guys make up this nation, and they're taxed for it. We of the larger states must not take away people's voices of the smaller states right in Congress. Never being heard is intolerable.

By the way , you little pop states can still have 2 Senators , just get rid of the EC, its no longer needed. Need proof, only the presidential election has the EC. Does a Senator from the small unpopulated state have more pull in the senate, NO, or a state with a large pop, NO. So why are Senators elected by pop. vote?? And why does the Congress vote on maj vote of 1 now.
BS, Trump skirted around the question, it was too hard for him. Its about time the press does not skirt around the Potus.

Not a resident of an unpopulated state here. But it is a known fact the US Congress accepted terms from some states prior to a mutually beneficial state status that made their residents citizens of the United States with the provision their voices would be heard in spite of their low population. It prevents large states from doing in smaller states and making them poor with over-regulations that benefit only the fat cats of the bigger state. We got here by agreeing to disagree on some things, but never taxing people without representing their interests in ways that cause them to prosper like people who have the advantages of mass production prices. The College of Electors is not popular with Democrats, because they have lost touch with the difficulty of trying to make a living from enduring the hardships associated with farming and ranching, often in a weather-ravaged environment few people can tolerate when they are 40 or younger, but not well in old age.

The College of Electors does what the USA agreed in giving a promise to respect the process of representation of everyone, and not harm it. In the 70s or 80s, one of these states so unimportant to the notice of some large city dwellers, every rancher in the northern three-quarters of the Equality State lost livestock in a winter's devastating storms not seen before or since of anyone living. Ranchers and shepherds in Dubois, Wyoming, lost every animal they could not bring into the house with 10-ft snows piling up, and likely up to 50' in the higher elevations, of the Rocky Mountains there.

You eliminate the College of Electors, and parts of this free nation who have miles stretching between neighbors will be unrepresented, which would be alienated further from services. That would result in taxation without representation. It's too bad the drones of the press didn't learn to appreciate the history of the people who lived through many hardships before deciding to unite against the monarchy that refused them representation. That's learning from the past it would be the equivalent of a crime against a free people whose property sits on gas and oil deposits that would keep America going for a century of crisis administered by hostile nations against our people.
Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
And the judge went on to prove that he couldn't be impartial. Mexicans have always been Mexico first and will always be Mexico first.

You're completely wrong, but don't let that inhibit you.

Federal judge whom Trump called 'Mexican' clears way for border wall

And in case you missed it, Judge Curiel is American.
they are jackasses and rude
That’s sometimes part of their job to get their questions answered.

Unlike Trump, Obama neither berated the press nor banished them for doing their job nor attacked them as being an enemy to the people when it was done to him...

Trump couldn't handle him. What a puss.

The next Dem President needs to make Acosta Press Secretary.
Trump handled him. He's gone. Trump's still there. You're living in an upside universe. LOL

And actually it was Acosta who was the puss. He wouldn't give the microphone to the woman aide, but when Trump left the podium and started walking to Acosta, the wimp quickly relinquished the microphone to the woman. He was afraid Trump was going to take it from him, and smack Acosta in the jaw with it. Don't believe it ? Watch the video.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Shoves Woman Aide After Trump Calls On Her 11/7 [VIDEO]

Did you see Trump glance to his left and give a slight nod? I'd guess that was to his security detail and Acosta knew he was about to get tossed out.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.

So you really think Trump was going to actually go after Acosta, man you must be on some powerful shit or coming off of it.
they are jackasses and rude
That’s sometimes part of their job to get their questions answered.

Unlike Trump, Obama neither berated the press nor banished them for doing their job nor attacked them as being an enemy to the people when it was done to him...

O didn't need to play the victim all the time. Trump does, and he can only be the victim of the MSM if we all agree that Jim Acosta is unconscionably rude.

Better yet, we should agree Acosta got physical with an intern, in spite of video evidence to the contrary.
All this rudeness and incivility by the press could end if Trump, a hand full of Republican Senators, and 3 SCOTUS justices would just resign and give power back to the Dems.

Just ask Hillary.


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