Acosta has pass revoked

Off to the Gulag with Jim. How dare he fluster the Orange Tittie baby like that. Now dare he not take the bait and answer Donnie's deflective question about the vile campaign ad. How dare he ask the question that everybody already knows the answer to, those were not the poor people walking across Mexico jumping a fence. How dare he tell the King he has no clothes. Jim is the enemy of Donnie "Corleone" Trumpybear not the people.
You're calling justice to an offensive abuser a gulag? Well, kiss my grits. :disagree:
tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again.

Yep, that’s nothing new. What makes this situation so epic is that we see him taking out a political activist posing as a journalist. Seriously, do you see both sides of this, or can you only see it thru Democratic colored lens?

We have a childish bully as president who is being asked questions by people who are given access to the president for the purpose of bringing news to the people. But Many of those people instead use the access to advance their own political agenda.

Don’t get me wrong, they have a right to advance their agenda, but not as a White House journalist, and not on the presidents time, which is the people’s time, the people who elected him.
They're asking the questions their audience wants answered, not the ones tRump wants to answer. Being somewhat confrontational is kinda part of the job.
tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again.

Yep, that’s nothing new. What makes this situation so epic is that we see him taking out a political activist posing as a journalist. Seriously, do you see both sides of this, or can you only see it thru Democratic colored lens?

We have a childish bully as president who is being asked questions by people who are given access to the president for the purpose of bringing news to the people. But Many of those people instead use the access to advance their own political agenda.

Don’t get me wrong, they have a right to advance their agenda, but not as a White House journalist, and not on the presidents time, which is the people’s time, the people who elected him.
They're asking the questions their audience wants answered, not the ones tRump wants to answer. Being somewhat confrontational is kinda part of the job.

Not hitting the arm of a woman.
You know, I keep watching that video looking for that but it doesn't happen in any version if it I've seen. I see them fend off a grab for the mic and say "pardon me ma'am". No hitting, nothing even remotely rough. Do you have a link to it?

It's defend Trump at all cost, doesn't matter that it didn't happen Trump or his WH said it did so it must be true.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.
If that girl had tripped when Acosta pushed her away from him, this would have been an even bigger deal. Instead, this girl looked kinda fit, and Acosta's whimpy little attempt to push her away from him resulted in nothing but him embarrassing himself.
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For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.
backhand is usually smacking someone with the back of your hand. i'm not going to redefine the traditional use of the word because it doesn't fit here.
Expel him for being rude if you really insist, but Sarah Sanders LIED outright...? Why did she have to lie?
Off to the Gulag with Jim. How dare he fluster the Orange Tittie baby like that. Now dare he not take the bait and answer Donnie's deflective question about the vile campaign ad. How dare he ask the question that everybody already knows the answer to, those were not the poor people walking across Mexico jumping a fence. How dare he tell the King he has no clothes. Jim is the enemy of Donnie "Corleone" Trumpybear not the people.
You're calling justice to an offensive abuser a gulag? Well, kiss my grits. :disagree:

Justice? For the crime of being rude right back at the Don? Oh the horror! What's this world coming too! Say, what is the current status of the invading hoard anyway?

The point being, when Trump lies to a reporter at a presser, the reporter is supposed to sit down and shut up. Anything else is rude, and we know rudeness isn't tolerated in the Trump administration.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?
Won't happen, but the other reporters should refuse to show up for Trump's dog and pony show for a couple of days. It's not like they would miss more than his usual stupid remarks.
They should refuse to show up permanently, and be replaced by others who are non-partisans...... as journalists are supposed to be.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.

Well, "the people" didn't elected the president, did they? The system elected the president. Seeing how people in Puerto Rico can't vote in the election, or other places that aren't in states like DC, or how only 12 states get to actually decide, and seeing that the majority of people didn't even vote in the election, it kind of makes democracy looks like the turd a dog just freshly made.

"character assassins", well Trump is one too. Don't forget that. He started it too. Started on the Mexicans if you remember.

Come on frigidweirdo, you're better than that. Your beloved media spun the whole 'hates Mexicans' thing when they mischaracterized ILLEGAL MEXICANS as all Mexicans. Surely you you were not dumb enough to fall for that media trick. Give me a quote of one time the president ever said something bad about Hispanic Americans. You just hear what you want to hear. What does it say about you that you heard it that way?

He said Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in the USA, could not be impartial because he was Mexican.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.

All progressive males are fairies when the moment comes and everything is on the line. Most will never come to realize it......but when debate becomes heated, step up nose to nose to a limpwrister and ask them to take their best shot with a smile on your face!! There are millions of Jim Acosta's out there.....deballed males who fold like a cheap wallet when confrontation might lead to violence.....sure as the time on your clock s0ns!

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