Acosta has pass revoked

For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
Maybe he should only allow FOX News in, the only tough question they will ask him is "how does he like his eggs?".
I was actually, seriously, about to ask you what problem you have with reporters being held to a standard of respectable, respectful behavior … and then I remembered everything the snowflakes / Democrats have done since Hillary lost....remembered Hillary calling for Liberals to abandon civility and to increase violent intolerance until they took back power.....

Silly question for Democrats / snowflakes.....'Nuff said.

Well let's flip that, why don't you think the POTUS should be held to a certain standard and decorum, but I forgot Trumpers think everyone needs to kiss his ass and treat him like a King instead of a President.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.

If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.


Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?

He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.

this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?

View attachment 227576

Someone claimed he "backhanded her". Jeez we have lost all capacity for rational thinking.
That's quite a case of myopia ya gots there, doll. As John Heywood said in 1546, "there are none so blind as those who will not see."
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.

He's is using force to refuse to give up the mic. The woman tried to take it away from him and he held on, and pushed against her.

He should be banned. That would not be allowed at a karaoke bar.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.

He's is using force to refuse to give up the mic. The woman tried to take it away from him and he held on, and pushed against her.

He should be banned. That would not be allowed at a karaoke bar.
we definitely hung out at different karaoke bars growing up.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.

He's is using force to refuse to give up the mic. The woman tried to take it away from him and he held on, and pushed against her.

He should be banned. That would not be allowed at a karaoke bar.
we definitely hung out at different karaoke bars growing up.

Ok, I've on been at one once. But they were pretty good at giving up the mic when people were done.

And the idiot reporter was fucking done.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.

He's is using force to refuse to give up the mic. The woman tried to take it away from him and he held on, and pushed against her.

He should be banned. That would not be allowed at a karaoke bar.
we definitely hung out at different karaoke bars growing up.

Ok, I've on been at one once. But they were pretty good at giving up the mic when people were done.

And the idiot reporter was fucking done.
oh i won't argue you'll find more polite people at a karaoke bar than at our press conferences these days, but i've seen some pretty wild times at karaoke. when the B-52's is on their 3rd singer and you're love shacked out and simply can't take another pat benetar song, you get a little crazy.

Well there you are. Thanks for proving one of my previous posts.
I don't claim to know what is wrong with you but anyone can clearly see the back of his hand contacting the woman.
and? a backhand is a strong slapping motion and that simply was not there.

acosta is still an ass and need the "time out" in the worst of ways but stop the dramatics.
Let him handle your woman like that.
most of the woman i dated were into rock / metal music. if they felt he was out of line, they'd take care of it.

if this were flipped and the left was calling this a "backhand" - you'd be calling them out for it. now it's a bullet you simply for some emotional reason you think you need to prove your hate for acosta.

acosta is a dick. i don't need to invent reasons to think this as there are enough valid/real ones to choose from.
Indeed. And he will not be coming back to the White House to insert that little buddy of the DNC's character-assassination-style hyper-opinion in place of information the President will share with the American nation's people.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, but push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
Off to the Gulag with Jim. How dare he fluster the Orange Tittie baby like that. Now dare he not take the bait and answer Donnie's deflective question about the vile campaign ad. How dare he ask the question that everybody already knows the answer to, those were not the poor people walking across Mexico jumping a fence. How dare he tell the King he has no clothes. Jim is the enemy of Donnie "Corleone" Trumpybear not the people.
That liberal puke is lucky he wasn't arrested for assault. When the POTUS tells you your turn is over and to :anj_stfu: listen next time.
tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again.

Yep, that’s nothing new. What makes this situation so epic is that we see him taking out a political activist posing as a journalist. Seriously, do you see both sides of this, or can you only see it thru Democratic colored lens?

We have a childish bully as president who is being asked questions by people who are given access to the president for the purpose of bringing news to the people. But Many of those people instead use the access to advance their own political agenda.

Don’t get me wrong, they have a right to advance their agenda, but not as a White House journalist, and not on the presidents time, which is the people’s time, the people who elected him.
They're asking the questions their audience wants answered, not the ones tRump wants to answer. Being somewhat confrontational is kinda part of the job.
tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again.

Yep, that’s nothing new. What makes this situation so epic is that we see him taking out a political activist posing as a journalist. Seriously, do you see both sides of this, or can you only see it thru Democratic colored lens?

We have a childish bully as president who is being asked questions by people who are given access to the president for the purpose of bringing news to the people. But Many of those people instead use the access to advance their own political agenda.

Don’t get me wrong, they have a right to advance their agenda, but not as a White House journalist, and not on the presidents time, which is the people’s time, the people who elected him.
They're asking the questions their audience wants answered, not the ones tRump wants to answer. Being somewhat confrontational is kinda part of the job.

Not hitting the arm of a woman.
You know, I keep watching that video looking for that but it doesn't happen in any version if it I've seen. I see them fend off a grab for the mic and say "pardon me ma'am". No hitting, nothing even remotely rough. Do you have a link to it?
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.
He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.
Not necessarily. A parliamentarian acts as necessary to ensure that the meeting has a purpose other than character assassination by a charlatan, which a reporter is when he or she tries to override the main speaker abusing his privilege of obtaining information and trying to insert character assassination of the speaker as an alternative to people hearing the truth the speaker has to say. The woman who tried to remove the speaker from Acosta's hands was doing her job of protecting the President from Press bullying, which has never been accepted as a means to establish strange rule over the people. That particular man doesn't want the truth to be told, he wants only his partisan beliefs pushed out, and he had a script furnished by the enemies of the United States who do not accept the result of promising smaller states a voice in government in order to have access to cheap gas and other natural benefits over the large area of their borders. People from large states are well-represented with the best people from tens of millions of people. Small states are limited who sometimes live in wastelands that furnish everybody else with reasonably-priced commodities to make life good for the larger groups of people. That is how we got their sign-on to Statehood with few exceptions, except for the Equality State that insisted before signing on that women would have the right to vote, as they often were equal to or stronger than their thin-skinned male counterparts who couldn't survive the sudden winter conditions in subzero weather without sufficient layering and outerwear. If you outlaw the College of Electors you have broken your pledge to small states who otherwise would be as unrepresented as the colonists were under King George the Arrogant. You want a country like that? I wouldn't care for such a place. If America cannot keep its promises to its own people, it will be no different than living in a monarchy in other ways, too, because once promises are broken, it's easy for perpetrators to habituate themselves into breaking promises to vast majorities of citizens. I don'[t view that as a direction towards this this nation should forage by removing people's voice from the government, and believe me, it's a small price to pay with justice for all. The little guys make up this nation, and they're taxed for it. We of the larger states must not take away people's voices of the smaller states right in Congress. Never being heard is intolerable.

BS, Trump skirted around the question, it was too hard for him. Its about time the press does not skirt around the Potus.

By the way , you little pop states can still have 2 Senators , just get rid of the EC, its no longer needed. Need proof, only the presidential election has the EC. Does a Senator from the small unpopulated state have more pull in the senate, NO, or a state with a large pop, NO. So why are Senators elected by pop. vote?? And why does the Congress vote on maj vote of 1 now.

You really should go back to Russia where they do not have an Electoral College, and where Putin can run unopposed, and be president for multiple terms.
For crying out loud! This Accosta creep wouldn't stop badgering the president, even when his turn to speak was over. When the lady rightfully reached for the mic to give it to someone else, he pressed the back of his hand on her arm. He is obviously pushing her. Some people are arguing over what "back hand" means instead of acknowledging that this guy is out of line. WTF.
he was WAY out of line.

he did not "backhand" her in a "hitting" sense.
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

Lets not forget, Trump extended the courtesy of calling on the guy he didn't have to do that. Only a small fraction of the White House press corps get called on for a question. So Trump calls on him knowing what a jerk he is, and the guy behaves like a jackass.

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