Acosta has pass revoked

"Mr. President. Do you feel any remorse for 30+ women that you have raped over the past five years?"

"How many meetings have you had with the white supremacists and Nazis in your party that you support?"

"Why where you so heartless in calling all of those innocent young children seeking a better life 'invaders'" who will come here and practice cannibalism?"
this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?
We're not talking about your opinion, we're talking about a President's right to inform the people of the US what objectives he has as our leader. This thread is about fairness of the people's listening to the President of the United States v. hatemongers in the Press. Acosta crossed the line and tried to turn his question into an indictment. The President and any Parliamentarian that needs to remove the hatemonger from the discussion is correct to remove the microphone from such a prejudicial, sick man who was not elected by the people to insert his character assassination in this venue as a shill for other hatemongers of his ilk..

Wait, so you're telling me that every president since George Washington hasn't had to go through the press to get their message across. For some reason Trump feels he's not able to do this. And so he goes on the war path.

I mean, you did notice that in the constitution journalism was SPECIFICALLY PROTECTED, right?

We don't have a free press, which IS protected by Constitutional mandate. What we have is a functioning activist arm of the Democratic Party.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
Acosta thought he was a star and that the president couldn't do jack to him, but now his career will swirl down the drain. Without a press pass, he's a big nothing.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
I watched the clip and his questioning seemed quite mild by British standards. Trump must see himself as an Emperor of some sort. Above questioning.
He's the guy that gives out the press passes, dumbass.
Trump does need to learn how to answer those shitty "question." It's a matter of actually waiting for a question.

"They were hundreds of miles away."

"I'm sorry. Did you have a question?"

Another example:

"Some have said that you identify as a white nationalist.".

"who says?"

"Some people."


"People who have heard you speak."

"What are their names?"
The powder keg can't get much closer to the hearth. Shit's about to go down. It won't be pretty.
It already did go down. Evil people are not welcome to disrupt the people's right to know what the President does through the civil forum that press conferences.

If college professors are training politicos to decimate press meetings, we need to get professors who refuse to brainwash political reporters to their personal side of things. I know. I had a college professor that tried to destroy a young woman who related her experience as the daughter of a man who died fighting for his country in Vietnam. He wound up blaming this young woman for the entire circus Hollywood folk made out of polticians who were trying to keep people in South Vietnam safe from the murderous invaders from the North whose favorite sport was killing Sought Vietnamese hill people and pushing their way to bigger cities to kill yet more innocent men, women, and children. Our fighters fought scorched-earth communism. When they got home, the beautiful people of Hollyweird had their fans and minions spitting all over our soldiers after years of them doing a hero's job of beating back human misery that scorched-earthers of North Vietnam had decided to just go in and kill everyone in their path to enrich themselves with free land. I bless our Vietnam vets who are still surviving. They had a tough job that turned into a thankless one when they got home to an America whose beautiful people disinherited them for their obedience to defend our friends who were being eliminated, village by village, by the vicious Viet Cong.

Let's be honest about Jim Acosta.
He is a Racist Aztlan Nationalist who wants open borders and mass immigration from Latin America.
He is playing to the Racist Democrats who watch CNN.

"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."-DJT

POTUS should take his own advice instead of lashing out like a sulking 6 year old over losing the house. No doubt he'll jet off this weekend to another cracker rally and will be right back to his repellent tweeting self.
That's not how America rolls. This thread is about conduct of an aggressive, in-your-face reporter trying to create embroiling the President of the United States to hurt him, and nothing else. Parliamentary procedure of the Press is what the issue is, not the President's tweets. Of course, it's expedient for the loyal opposition to feed on any negativity their hatemongers of the press excite. But it's poor business to spit into the wind. And Mr. Acosta, basically spit into the wind on national tv. :lmao:
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.

If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.


Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?

He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.

this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.

Backhanded her? LMAO!! He refused to give up the mic. You make it sound as though he slapped her.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.
I wonder what Obama thinks about all this?

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.

Backhanded her? LMAO!! He refused to give up the mic. You make it sound as though he slapped her.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.

If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.


Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?

He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.

this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?

View attachment 227576

Someone claimed he "backhanded her". Jeez we have lost all capacity for rational thinking.
Every President who we ever had prior to Trump never skirted a question and always answered every question that every reporter ever had on any subject.

Orange Man Bad!
What question did he not answer?

I am just going off of what another poster said.

Apparently the claim is that Trump didn’t answer Acosta’s question to Acosta’s satisfaction.

Fuck Acosta, he grandstands and gives speeches. He doesn’t ask questions,

The asshole likes to give Moon Bat speeches instead of asking real questions.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness and Jim haz it.


He is bananas.

It takes him 2-3 minutes to ask a question.

He is a narcissistic twat.

If every reporter took as long as he does to ask a question the presser would be 8 hours.

True that.
Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.

Backhanded her? LMAO!! He refused to give up the mic. You make it sound as though he slapped her.
View attachment 227580

Once again, "Backhanded her? LMAO!! He refused to give up the mic. You make it sound as though he slapped her.".

He blocked her reaching for the mic. Looks like she was closing on him, not the other way around.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.
I wonder what Obama thinks about all this?

View attachment 227578
Don't know, but any response will be filled with 47 uses of "I"
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
He backhanded her, shoving her away from doing her job as parliamentarian. He ought to be banned from the WH for life.

Backhanded her? LMAO!! He refused to give up the mic. You make it sound as though he slapped her.
View attachment 227580

Once again, "Backhanded her? LMAO!! He refused to give up the mic. You make it sound as though he slapped her.".

He blocked her reaching for the mic. Looks like she was closing on him, not the other way around.
so you're going to bitch people exaggerate and now "she's closing in on him".

quickest hypocrisy in the west.

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