Acosta has pass revoked

He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.
Not necessarily. A parliamentarian acts as necessary to ensure that the meeting has a purpose other than character assassination by a charlatan, which a reporter is when he or she tries to override the main speaker abusing his privilege of obtaining information and trying to insert character assassination of the speaker as an alternative to people hearing the truth the speaker has to say. The woman who tried to remove the speaker from Acosta's hands was doing her job of protecting the President from Press bullying, which has never been accepted as a means to establish strange rule over the people. That particular man doesn't want the truth to be told, he wants only his partisan beliefs pushed out, and he had a script furnished by the enemies of the United States who do not accept the result of promising smaller states a voice in government in order to have access to cheap gas and other natural benefits over the large area of their borders. People from large states are well-represented with the best people from tens of millions of people. Small states are limited who sometimes live in wastelands that furnish everybody else with reasonably-priced commodities to make life good for the larger groups of people. That is how we got their sign-on to Statehood with few exceptions, except for the Equality State that insisted before signing on that women would have the right to vote, as they often were equal to or stronger than their thin-skinned male counterparts who couldn't survive the sudden winter conditions in subzero weather without sufficient layering and outerwear. If you outlaw the College of Electors you have broken your pledge to small states who otherwise would be as unrepresented as the colonists were under King George the Arrogant. You want a country like that? I wouldn't care for such a place. If America cannot keep its promises to its own people, it will be no different than living in a monarchy in other ways, too, because once promises are broken, it's easy for perpetrators to habituate themselves into breaking promises to vast majorities of citizens. I don'[t view that as a direction towards this this nation should forage by removing people's voice from the government, and believe me, it's a small price to pay with justice for all. The little guys make up this nation, and they're taxed for it. We of the larger states must not take away people's voices of the smaller states right in Congress. Never being heard is intolerable.

BS, Trump skirted around the question, it was too hard for him. Its about time the press does not skirt around the Potus.

By the way , you little pop states can still have 2 Senators , just get rid of the EC, its no longer needed. Need proof, only the presidential election has the EC. Does a Senator from the small unpopulated state have more pull in the senate, NO, or a state with a large pop, NO. So why are Senators elected by pop. vote?? And why does the Congress vote on maj vote of 1 now.
He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.

Looks like she went in for the kill first.
Not necessarily. A parliamentarian acts as necessary to ensure that the meeting has a purpose other than character assassination by a charlatan, which a reporter is when he or she tries to override the main speaker abusing his privilege of obtaining information and trying to insert character assassination of the speaker as an alternative to people hearing the truth the speaker has to say. The woman who tried to remove the speaker from Acosta's hands was doing her job of protecting the President from Press bullying, which has never been accepted as a means to establish strange rule over the people. That particular man doesn't want the truth to be told, he wants only his partisan beliefs pushed out, and he had a script furnished by the enemies of the United States who do not accept the result of promising smaller states a voice in government in order to have access to cheap gas and other natural benefits over the large area of their borders. People from large states are well-represented with the best people from tens of millions of people. Small states are limited who sometimes live in wastelands that furnish everybody else with reasonably-priced commodities to make life good for the larger groups of people. That is how we got their sign-on to Statehood with few exceptions, except for the Equality State that insisted before signing on that women would have the right to vote, as they often were equal to or stronger than their thin-skinned male counterparts who couldn't survive the sudden winter conditions in subzero weather without sufficient layering and outerwear. If you outlaw the College of Electors you have broken your pledge to small states who otherwise would be as unrepresented as the colonists were under King George the Arrogant. You want a country like that? I wouldn't care for such a place. If America cannot keep its promises to its own people, it will be no different than living in a monarchy in other ways, too, because once promises are broken, it's easy for perpetrators to habituate themselves into breaking promises to vast majorities of citizens. I don'[t view that as a direction towards this this nation should forage by removing people's voice from the government, and believe me, it's a small price to pay with justice for all. The little guys make up this nation, and they're taxed for it. We of the larger states must not take away people's voices of the smaller states right in Congress. Never being heard is intolerable.

BS, Trump skirted around the question, it was too hard for him. Its about time the press does not skirt around the Potus.

By the way , you little pop states can still have 2 Senators , just get rid of the EC, its no longer needed.

Lol, you are so predictable.

A politician skirted a question? Wow.

Alert the press! Oh, wait...
this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?
We're not talking about your opinion, we're talking about a President's right to inform the people of the US what objectives he has as our leader. This thread is about fairness of the people's listening to the President of the United States v. hatemongers in the Press. Acosta crossed the line and tried to turn his question into an indictment. The President and any Parliamentarian that needs to remove the hatemonger from the discussion is correct to remove the microphone from such a prejudicial, sick man who was not elected by the people to insert his character assassination in this venue as a shill for other hatemongers of his ilk..

Wait, so you're telling me that every president since George Washington hasn't had to go through the press to get their message across. For some reason Trump feels he's not able to do this. And so he goes on the war path.

I mean, you did notice that in the constitution journalism was SPECIFICALLY PROTECTED, right?
Every President who we ever had prior to Trump never skirted a question and always answered every question that every reporter ever had on any subject.

Orange Man Bad!
this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?
We're not talking about your opinion, we're talking about a President's right to inform the people of the US what objectives he has as our leader. This thread is about fairness of the people's listening to the President of the United States v. hatemongers in the Press. Acosta crossed the line and tried to turn his question into an indictment. The President and any Parliamentarian that needs to remove the hatemonger from the discussion is correct to remove the microphone from such a prejudicial, sick man who was not elected by the people to insert his character assassination in this venue as a shill for other hatemongers of his ilk..

Wait, so you're telling me that every president since George Washington hasn't had to go through the press to get their message across. For some reason Trump feels he's not able to do this. And so he goes on the war path.

I mean, you did notice that in the constitution journalism was SPECIFICALLY PROTECTED, right?
Have you noticed that journalism died a long time ago, but that those who claim to be journalists are still able to exercise their First Amendment rights?
...asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
Perhaps if the questions had not been asked as Conclusions or Opinions or Statements, rather than objective questions?

Perhaps "we" need to get back to MSM networks promoting neutrality and objectivity rather than partisan attack-dog behaviors?

"Faux News", "Commie News Network" and "Miserable Socialist Nihilistic Bastards and Communists" are all equally guilty.
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Trump talks like he is a dictator.
The truth is, he only speaks for 30% of the country. That's the 30% of dumbass, unpatrotic losers, like yourself.

Interesting that you believe that seeing the Senate did not fall but in fact the GOP gain more seats.

Your side won the House but if all you have to run on is Trump way of making those like you look foolish, well enjoy losing the Electoral College again.

The reporter was wrong and many times he was told to hand the mic over and he refused showing the disrespect he had for the girl, his fellow journalists and the President.

Now how Trump reacted can be questioned and should be but had Obama done the same damn thing you would be attacking the press just like you did Fox for all those years when Obama was in office.

So as you fringers believe the reporter was correct, well he was not and believe me Trump reaction and taunting during the event was not making it any better for either side.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Yeah. Do that please. It will just be FOX news there. These Ken and Barbie dolls have too much ego, trying to be seen and heard on TV to do that. Like defiant children, any attention is good attention. When you are told time is up, stop asking questions and let someone else have their turn. That’s what you get, time out in the corner. Probably the most attention this guy has received in a while.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Every President who we ever had prior to Trump never skirted a question and always answered every question that every reporter ever had on any subject.

Orange Man Bad!
What question did he not answer?

I am just going off of what another poster said.

Apparently the claim is that Trump didn’t answer Acosta’s question to Acosta’s satisfaction.

Fuck Acosta, he grandstands and gives speeches. He doesn’t ask questions,
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Sure, but hitting the president will get you in trouble.
as it should regardless of who the president is.

it's a fact of life we're not going to like all the presidents we have in this country. pretty much a double fact you'll simply hate some. but they are the president and we need to find better ways through these times than what we are doing today.
Every President who we ever had prior to Trump never skirted a question and always answered every question that every reporter ever had on any subject.

Orange Man Bad!
What question did he not answer?

I am just going off of what another poster said.

Apparently the claim is that Trump didn’t answer Acosta’s question to Acosta’s satisfaction.

Fuck Acosta, he grandstands and gives speeches. He doesn’t ask questions,
I agree. There is no law that says a President needs to provide a satisfactory answer to the person asking the question.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.
you, and i suppose all of us, need to stop seeing things through hate. we really skew what is happening to fit our emotional views more than any of us would like to admit.

if CNN had any integrity they'd not be conducting a full scale assault on trump and conservatives in general. if CNN had any integrity, they'd call out lemon for his WHITE MAN EVIL routine and ensure that behavior is not tolerated.

if *we* had much integrity left, we'd demand more from everyone and not show our dissatisfaction with what they are doing by doing it as well. ie - making any point fit our views, allowing us to look away from one side while blasting the other for much of the same thing.

if acosta had any integrity he'd leave CNN. he'd stop badgering the President while crying VICTIM VICTIM HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED. but his doing so feeds what you do here - justify it and stay angry.

are you not tired of being angry all the time and seeing life through hate?
Every President who we ever had prior to Trump never skirted a question and always answered every question that every reporter ever had on any subject.

Orange Man Bad!
What question did he not answer?

I am just going off of what another poster said.

Apparently the claim is that Trump didn’t answer Acosta’s question to Acosta’s satisfaction.

Fuck Acosta, he grandstands and gives speeches. He doesn’t ask questions,

The asshole likes to give Moon Bat speeches instead of asking real questions.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness and Jim haz it.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude
Disguising an aggressive attempt to assassinate the character of the President is not the same of asking the President an objective question that seeks to help him tell his fellow countrymen what they need to hear from him. That's what Press conferences are for, and the correct Parliamentarian behaviors were employed. Sicko political pundits who disrupt with their own agenda are not welcome to interfere with the public's right to know what the President they elected knows. Acosta crossed the line and you know it too, don't you. If you don't know it, examine this: Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians -

Protocols for Press in the White House means if they get ugly and cannot conduct themselves in a dignified manner, they will be banned from further inserting their agendas through loaded questions. The President was correct to not take the bait of this rabid hatemonger whose goal was not to seek information the President has, but to pound him hard verbally with language reeking with character assassination hopes. Nobody has to put up with un-parliamentarian-like passive-aggressive and hate-filled speech. President Trump was correct in moving on to someone else who did want his opinion sans the bullshit James Acosta tried to shove down America's throat through aggressive overriding verbal jingoism of the President's character and its aftermath of dissenting press hatemongers who think their beliefs are more relevant than the President's objectives.

People who do not understand businesslike behavior have no place at the table to foist their puerile incivility in public.​
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"IMr. President. You didn't answer my question about why you continue to promote Nazis and racists."

"Are you worried about your upcoming prison time for you traitorous criminal activity in hijacking Hillary's rightful claim to the throne?"

Just asking questions about the presidency. What's the problem?

Every President who we ever had prior to Trump never skirted a question and always answered every question that every reporter ever had on any subject.

Orange Man Bad!
What question did he not answer?

I am just going off of what another poster said.

Apparently the claim is that Trump didn’t answer Acosta’s question to Acosta’s satisfaction.

Fuck Acosta, he grandstands and gives speeches. He doesn’t ask questions,

The asshole likes to give Moon Bat speeches instead of asking real questions.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness and Jim haz it.


He is bananas.

It takes him 2-3 minutes to ask a question.

He is a narcissistic twat.

If every reporter took as long as he does to ask a question the presser would be 8 hours.
According to other
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
reporters, no. He asked a question that Trump did not like.

No, he attempted to pontificate upon his personal political agenda in shaping a story outside the bounds of reality, then refused to sit down when Trump called upon another "reporter". A press conference is not The Jim Acosta Show, and even less so now.

Acosta's a Democrat operative. Were it my call, I'd make the revocation permanent.

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