Acosta has pass revoked

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?
ridiculous -- off subject/nonsensical/etc
this jackasses have been jackasses for a long time
FINALLY Trump is putting them in their place
they screw people over all the time by writing whatever they want [ LIES/bullshit ]

Trump has been a jackass for ages too. Kind of hypocritical, right?
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?
ridiculous -- off subject/nonsensical/etc

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking when I saw your post.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
White house bans a reporter.

And the press lies about it.


Maybe it's time to ban any access for the enemy of the people.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
I watched the clip and his questioning seemed quite mild by British standards. Trump must see himself as an Emperor of some sort. Above questioning.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?
please show me an example of this from trump in any press meeting.

youve got to let go of your hate.
the bottom line is, Trump isn't quick on his feet , far more used to CEO board rooms full of parroting yes men, than how a democratic republic responds

If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
I watched the clip and his questioning seemed quite mild by British standards. Trump must see himself as an Emperor of some sort. Above questioning.
he took 68 questions from 35 reporters.

journalsm was my minor in college. acosta was wrong here. period.
Tired of hypocrites?
Dem Diapers would have been crap filled and charges brought if ANY Right wing reporter had talked to Obama that way in a press conference.
Hypocritical jackass lying left twats

They DEMAND to be treated with respect....yet give NONE
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Sure, but hitting the president will get you in trouble.
If they had any integrity his fellow reporters would boycott these sessions until he is reinstated.

Why? Acosta stepped out of line, as he often does, and now has paid a price.

Just because you agree with his politics doesn't give him a pass. He's not special.

Do you think a boycott would change Trump's mind?
A boycott would relieve the American public of having to listen to a bag of negative un-truisms from character assassins instead of the United States President, whom the people elected.
Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
It's not the subject matter, it is the form of the question that makes it so repulsive.

"Trump, why are you such a racist nazi who hates poor immigrant and puppies?"

"Are you still raping and beating your wife and son on a daily basis?"

"Have you always been a criminal traitor Russian spy?"

Our media doesn't deserve a 1st Amendment. They are too irresponsible with the power they have. Good thing we have a 2nd.
I watched the clip and his questioning seemed quite mild by British standards.

Well yeah, British standards (since it has been destroyed by 3rd world invaders) nowadays are basically Islamic in that men can mildly assault women. As far as "questioning," a press conference is not a court of law you idiot.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Are we talking about Trump grabbing pussy here?
NO. :offtopic::dontfeedmod:
He acosta a white house staffer who tried to get the microphone away from him.
Looks like she went in for the kill first.

'Went In For The Kill'? You're talking about a college kid, a staffer / aide whose job it was to hand the microphone to a reporter, let them ask their question, take the microphone, and pass it to the next reporter. She as doing her job.

Don't blame the woman / intern for Acosta being a disrespectful, entitled, prick who continued to disrupt the Press conference.
Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

The entire Press conference was a circus, but Acosta was the head CLOWN.

Acosta acted like an entitled, spoiled, arrogant prick, having his question answered but demanding he be allowed ask a follow-up question, refusing to give up the microphone being shared by all the reporters, continuing to disrupt the Press conference, ignoring the President telling him 'That's Enough' at least 4 - 5 times, physically blocking a female intern's attempt to do her job - retrieving the microphone from Acosta....?

Acosta had the gall later to declare HE thought he had acted 'extremely professionally'.

:wtf:No reporter would have treated Obama so shamelessly and never DID do so!

It was more than enough to ban his ass. He should not be the only one, though -

PBS 'reporter' Alcindor, when given the opportunity to ask a question really didn't ASK the President a question as much as actually calling the President a 'Racist' / 'White Supremacist Supporter'.

She acknowledged the President had called himself a 'Nationalist' and then continued by saying 'SOME SAY' that he is more of a racist / is emboldening white supremacists, despite the fact that he has denounced white supremacists numerous times. (The snowflakes / liberals claimed each time, however, that the President had not denounced them 'ENOUGH' or not in the way they demanded him do so.


The President was right to call her out for her racist and insulting question, which amounted to little more than a disrespectful racist attack on him during the Press Conference.

Other reporters stood up at times and shouted out remarks and questions, causing the President to call them out for their behavior, to sit down, wait for their turn, etc....

Trump is in over his head.
Trump needs to instigate violence from Acosta so the Secret Service can smoke his expendable commie ass. I would celebrate. Dead commies, dead commies, dead commies. I am Red Motherfucking Foreman.

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