Acosta has pass revoked

Acosta's left hand is on the woman's arm. In Florida, that is a crime (Battery-1st degree misdemeanor) Probably is in the White House too. The ass clown could have been arrested

Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

If we would've done the same to Obama,he would've lost his job. Glad to see you're a hypocrite.
Acosta has been out of line way too many times. Putting his hands on that girl was the last straw. He has been nasty, insulting and abusive. CNN should have fired him long ago.
Dictators control ALL the press ALL the time....Your dumbass hyperbolic talking points don't even make sense in the real world.

If a member of the press had been such disrespectful shitburger to Dear Boiking, he would have been tossed from the press pool the first day, not two years later...And you know what, hacks asses like you would have cheered.
Come back when you got better spin.
Good riddance
An interrupting simpleton
When POTUS tells you that you are done talking-you are done talking you pretentious twit.
He used his superior size and strength to fend off the female trying to take the mike. That’s abuse.

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