Acosta has pass revoked

That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.
When the President tells the reporter they are done, they are done and need to give up the microphone. Acosta isn't in charge of that conference, the President is. Idiot.
Once a reporter asks a question they are done. Haranguing the president and monopolizing the microphone is not allowed.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
the funny thing is, the pussy grabber lied about why Costa was banned....and we can all see the lie on video.

No...He didn't lie.

The girl didn't need to be shoved to the ground by Acousta.

The POTUS told the girl to get the mike and had called on another
reporter. Acousta does not have any option in that scenario. He
surrenders the Mike. He kept her away with his arm. He made contact.

He is guilty and he is gone.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.
He always does, probably went on CNN right after and cried to Don Lemon as usual
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.

The White House has already played the Victim Card on behalf of the intern.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one.

There were cameras on both sides. The camera on one side didn't show much. The one that many of us watched showed the actual deed. Too bad you didn't see the other angle of cameras shown yesterday, but saw the one that obfuscated the assault against White House personnel.
He's not called "BlindBoo" for nothing.
Point well taken, but BlindBoo is a respected member of the loyal opposition. Personally, I think he has a kinda cute way of disagreeing if he decides to go on a tear..:laugh2:
That is correct, and push did come to shove, and the bigger man shoved the smaller woman obviously charged with parliamentary duties, away from doing her job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one.

There were cameras on both sides. The camera on one side didn't show much. The one that many of us watched showed the actual deed. Too bad you didn't see the other angle of cameras shown yesterday, but saw the one that obfuscated the assault against White House personnel.

Psssft, from all angles, it was a natural reaction to a person reaching in and grabbing his hand trying to take the microphone. Sure he was trying to beat the so-called president with the words coming out of the mic, it's what reporter do in a free society. As usual the Trumpflakes get all huffy and puffy over nothing at all. I believe it is because they can't help but parrot their dear leaders fragile emotions. He has got to be the thinnest skinned bully ever to hold the office.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.
He always does, probably went on CNN right after and cried to Don Lemon as usual
Don Lemon and Acosta are very "friendly", if you know what I mean...wink wink......
In the middle of a presser - presenting his best loutish, spoiled-brat, egocentric, over-entitled bully-persona - the Trumpy accosted Acosta for doing his job insisting the Fourth Estate's question be answered, "You are a rude, terrible person".

One really has to ask: How is this possible without the whole room erupting in laughter?

Of course, the Trumpletons, subservient authoritarians all, wouldn't stop bellowing at the reporter for failing to fold, immediately, before the Dear Leader and his "orders".
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
If he did the same to Obama, he would've been fired from his job.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one.

There were cameras on both sides. The camera on one side didn't show much. The one that many of us watched showed the actual deed. Too bad you didn't see the other angle of cameras shown yesterday, but saw the one that obfuscated the assault against White House personnel.

Psssft, from all angles, it was a natural reaction to a person reaching in and grabbing his hand trying to take the microphone. Sure he was trying to beat the so-called president with the words coming out of the mic, it's what reporter do in a free society. As usual the Trumpflakes get all huffy and puffy over nothing at all. I believe it is because they can't help but parrot their dear leaders fragile emotions. He has got to be the thinnest skinned bully ever to hold the office.
Oh c'mon. Let's just forget who the people are here and look at the incident. He refused to give up the mic until he finished. He resisted.
In the middle of a presser - presenting his best loutish, spoiled-brat, egocentric, over-entitled bully-persona - the Trumpy accosted Acosta for doing his job insisting the Fourth Estate's question be answered, "You are a rude, terrible person".

One really has to ask: How is this possible without the whole room erupting in laughter?

Of course, the Trumpletons, subservient authoritarians all, wouldn't stop bellowing at the reporter for failing to fold, immediately, before the Dear Leader and his "orders".
Trump was very polite by calling Acosta a "rude, terrible person". He should have called him a "measly nasty leftist snake".
In the middle of a presser - presenting his best loutish, spoiled-brat, egocentric, over-entitled bully-persona - the Trumpy accosted Acosta for doing his job insisting the Fourth Estate's question be answered, "You are a rude, terrible person".

One really has to ask: How is this possible without the whole room erupting in laughter?

Of course, the Trumpletons, subservient authoritarians all, wouldn't stop bellowing at the reporter for failing to fold, immediately, before the Dear Leader and his "orders".
Acosta is just a heckler; he did not have a serious question to ask, just a trivial, hostile opinion to express. The problem is not that this lout was banned from the WH, but that it took so long to do it.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.

The White House has already played the Victim Card on behalf of the intern.
And Rightly so. The poor young lady didn't deserve that rude foul treatment from Acosta.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.

The White House has already played the Victim Card on behalf of the intern.
Well, gee, I missed that one. I've been here all morning, and every time I post too many words, 3 pages appear, and I didn't get a chance to answer all of them, much less read the daily news after 6 am earlier. Never thought I'd see so many opinions, and to make matters worse, some of the videos almost shows the shove, most of them don't. I think Mr. Acosta may have known how to ensure that most of the cameras wouldn't pick up his little malicious act so they could show that "nothing" happened. What can I say, was it luck or planning that only a couple of cameras would pick up the truth of the matter? Or was this another Christine Blasey Ford-style ploy to throw dirt successfully on somebody she can't abide politically?
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one.

There were cameras on both sides. The camera on one side didn't show much. The one that many of us watched showed the actual deed. Too bad you didn't see the other angle of cameras shown yesterday, but saw the one that obfuscated the assault against White House personnel.

Psssft, from all angles, it was a natural reaction to a person reaching in and grabbing his hand trying to take the microphone. Sure he was trying to beat the so-called president with the words coming out of the mic, it's what reporter do in a free society. As usual the Trumpflakes get all huffy and puffy over nothing at all. I believe it is because they can't help but parrot their dear leaders fragile emotions. He has got to be the thinnest skinned bully ever to hold the office.
NAh, The President answered his question and moved on. Acosta should have some dignity for himself and the other reporters that would like to get a question in.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.
He always does, probably went on CNN right after and cried to Don Lemon as usual
Don Lemon and Acosta are very "friendly", if you know what I mean...wink wink......
I wouldn't doubt it
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Asking questions the President doesn't want to answer, how rude. :rolleyes:

We've had almost two years of Donny in the White House, these reporters should know by now that questions must be confined to the weather and President Twitters golf game.
Not really. Jim Acosta's unconscionable speech, and subsequent pushing back White House personnel supporting the President's admonishment of Mr. Acosta amounted to the trouble this fella got himself into all by himself with nobody else's assistance.

You'll notice that if you examine your own response objectively it's filled with subjective conclusions. The fact of the matter is that "rude" is a matter of opinion and regarding the subject of freedom of the press it sets an unfortunate precedent when a reporter is not only tossed (perhaps permanently) from the White House but also horribly slandered in public by the POTUS afterwards for attempting to do his job, even if the President doesn't like said reporters "style". Acosta could have acted more professionally but he didn't do anything that was extreme and the press needs to be given the leeway in such situations, else the Freedom of the Press is supposed to enjoy is confounded and eroded.

This is just a continuation of Donny's attempt to intimidate those segments of the press that report things he doesn't like and his comments afterwards (regarding the reporter and the company he works for) resemble something one might have expected to find during the mid 1920's in Italy.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.

The White House has already played the Victim Card on behalf of the intern.
Well, gee, I missed that one. I've been here all morning, and every time I post too many words, 3 pages appear, and I didn't get a chance to answer all of them, much less read the daily news after 6 am earlier. Never thought I'd see so many opinions, and to make matters worse, some of the videos almost shows the shove, most of them don't. I think Mr. Acosta may have known how to ensure that most of the cameras wouldn't pick up his little malicious act so they could show that "nothing" happened. What can I say, was it luck or planning that only a couple of cameras would pick up the truth of the matter? Or was this another Christine Blasey Ford-style ploy to throw dirt successfully on somebody she can't abide politically?

Surely George Soros was blocking the best camera angle.

There wasn't a shove. That's ridiculous.
yes, it should have happened long ago....about time
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.

The White House has already played the Victim Card on behalf of the intern.
Well, gee, I missed that one. I've been here all morning, and every time I post too many words, 3 pages appear, and I didn't get a chance to answer all of them, much less read the daily news after 6 am earlier. Never thought I'd see so many opinions, and to make matters worse, some of the videos almost shows the shove, most of them don't. I think Mr. Acosta may have known how to ensure that most of the cameras wouldn't pick up his little malicious act so they could show that "nothing" happened. What can I say, was it luck or planning that only a couple of cameras would pick up the truth of the matter? Or was this another Christine Blasey Ford-style ploy to throw dirt successfully on somebody she can't abide politically?

Surely George Soros was blocking the best camera angle.

There wasn't a shove. That's ridiculous.
Acosta was rude, very rude. Acosta is not the boss.......he needs to learn his place

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