Acosta has pass revoked

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Places like the WH have the right to bar people for heckling. President Trump dealt with the Heckler Acosta pretty smoothly, but the guy wouldn't shut up. He took it over the limit, even accosting some broad. If I were President, I probably wouldn't have suspended him yesterday. I would have just had the Secret Service drag him out, rough him up a little bit and deposit him into the official Presidential Dumpster.

I think that could straighten Acosta out.
Acosta has been begging to get his credentials revoked since day one. I bet he considers it a political victory.
Yep, now he can play the victim.

The White House has already played the Victim Card on behalf of the intern.
Well, gee, I missed that one. I've been here all morning, and every time I post too many words, 3 pages appear, and I didn't get a chance to answer all of them, much less read the daily news after 6 am earlier. Never thought I'd see so many opinions, and to make matters worse, some of the videos almost shows the shove, most of them don't. I think Mr. Acosta may have known how to ensure that most of the cameras wouldn't pick up his little malicious act so they could show that "nothing" happened. What can I say, was it luck or planning that only a couple of cameras would pick up the truth of the matter? Or was this another Christine Blasey Ford-style ploy to throw dirt successfully on somebody she can't abide politically?

Surely George Soros was blocking the best camera angle.

There wasn't a shove. That's ridiculous.
Acosta was rude, very rude. Acosta is not the boss.......he needs to learn his place

I can accept that as long as you wag your finger while you say it, granny!
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whitehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
Last edited:
Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

The entire Press conference was a circus, but Acosta was the head CLOWN.

Acosta acted like an entitled, spoiled, arrogant prick, having his question answered but demanding he be allowed ask a follow-up question, refusing to give up the microphone being shared by all the reporters, continuing to disrupt the Press conference, ignoring the President telling him 'That's Enough' at least 4 - 5 times, physically blocking a female intern's attempt to do her job - retrieving the microphone from Acosta....?

Acosta had the gall later to declare HE thought he had acted 'extremely professionally'.

:wtf:No reporter would have treated Obama so shamelessly and never DID do so!

It was more than enough to ban his ass. He should not be the only one, though -

PBS 'reporter' Alcindor, when given the opportunity to ask a question really didn't ASK the President a question as much as actually calling the President a 'Racist' / 'White Supremacist Supporter'.

She acknowledged the President had called himself a 'Nationalist' and then continued by saying 'SOME SAY' that he is more of a racist / is emboldening white supremacists, despite the fact that he has denounced white supremacists numerous times. (The snowflakes / liberals claimed each time, however, that the President had not denounced them 'ENOUGH' or not in the way they demanded him do so.


The President was right to call her out for her racist and insulting question, which amounted to little more than a disrespectful racist attack on him during the Press Conference.

Other reporters stood up at times and shouted out remarks and questions, causing the President to call them out for their behavior, to sit down, wait for their turn, etc....

Trump is in over his head.

Trump is in over his head.

Doing the right thing often places one over one's head. It takes a very determined man these days to be President of the United States. And he did the right thing for sincere people who honestly want to know what the President feels is appropriate to tell them.

Protocols for the press do not include aggressive speech meant to tear up the Executive Branch. And a reporter who uses the Bully Pulpit for selfish purposes has no business being there. I'm glad the little egomaniac Mr. Acosta will not be intimidating anyone at the White House again.

I suspect you haven't seen the last of Mr Acosta at the white house, and Trump is the one using the bully pulpit for selfish purposes. He's the only one with access to it.
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
Don't you get it yet, we just had 11 more people mostly young students gunned down in a night club. & not one op about it. focus on arm pushing.
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
i edit videos for a hobby. a good friend does it for a living. the videos are not edited - at least any i've seen in these articles yet.

if you speed up the frame rate and that is all you do, EVERYTHING moves faster, which is not happening in any video i've seen yet. if you speed up his arm you get a ghosting / predator / halo effect on video like this - and again, not there.

people need to quit making shit up to be mad at all around. for all the mocking you do of the right when they say something outlandish you turn around and do the same thing by diving into things like this.
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
i edit videos for a hobby. a good friend does it for a living. the videos are not edited - at least any i've seen in these articles yet.

if you speed up the frame rate and that is all you do, EVERYTHING moves faster, which is not happening in any video i've seen yet. if you speed up his arm you get a ghosting / predator / halo effect on video like this - and again, not there.

people need to quit making shit up to be mad at all around. for all the mocking you do of the right when they say something outlandish you turn around and do the same thing by diving into things like this.
She used an INFOWARS video that was Doctored.

your choice, pick your own site as a source!

was video of acosta doctored - Google Search

I don't know if the Fox supposition is correct or the one on marketwatch which claims frames were added...
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
i edit videos for a hobby. a good friend does it for a living. the videos are not edited - at least any i've seen in these articles yet.

if you speed up the frame rate and that is all you do, EVERYTHING moves faster, which is not happening in any video i've seen yet. if you speed up his arm you get a ghosting / predator / halo effect on video like this - and again, not there.

people need to quit making shit up to be mad at all around. for all the mocking you do of the right when they say something outlandish you turn around and do the same thing by diving into things like this.
She used an INFOWARS video that was Doctored.

your choice, pick your own site as a source!

was video of acosta doctored - Google Search

I don't know if the Fox supposition is correct or the one on marketwatch which claims frames were added...
I love google searches as proof.

obama is a homosexual - Google Search
Cory Lewendowski grabbing and bruising reporter Michelle Fields' arm.... Trump's flock took the opposite position back then...


Is it because they will lose in the game of ''Simon Says'', only now it is called ''Donald Says'', if they do not mock him perfectly, they will lose the game?

Honestly, is this really what you all want to be known as, through your own actions of monkey see, monkey do or Donald Says??


Come on you guys! You are better than this!!! No need to make up some assault claim.... Acosta was rude, that's it.... Maybe a short week's timeout...

The president believes it is ok to be rude.... being rude is what you love about him....

NOT being PC is what you LOVE about Trump, isn't it???

There is a major difference between President Trump and his political adversaries.
He has been dealing with the business world for over half a century, and he values hardworking, no-nonsense people who can take a task and finish it with a profit. He has blessed this country by taking up America's fiscal issues and putting the best people in solving the business end of this nation's well-being by doing his best to fix the problems. True, he may be a novice in some areas, but he extends his right arm out to sincere Americans, and not egocentric character assassins whose narcissism exceeds propriety.

President Trump has a beautiful wife in the world, so I don't love him, but I respect what his potential is, which is to shoot America's star above the rest to improve and maintain our American way of life, to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and to protect our nation from predators within and without our borders. He's a winner with a proven track record of fiscal accomplishments, and he shares the same faith as President Eisenhower and President George Washington, both of whom with God's dear help were key in winning battles somewhat different than those we have today--one was engaged in winning freedom and establishing the Constitution, one addressed constitutional amendments that hadn't quite reached their potential if only to assure that men of color who gave their all in WWI and WWII were adequately compensated with equal pay for equal work, shoulder to shoulder, starting with the opening of public schools to their children and children from every background as well, equal opportunities to learn and to earn good livings alongside their white brothers. Notice my emphasis was on equal, not better than and not worse than. The Constitution says equal, and that's what President Donald Trump has placed as a cornerstone in his presidency with results in the real world as his basis for choosing who does what. In return, his opposition has assumed the position of giving him a bad hair day, and every time he shells out retribution for their wannabe assassins of his character, the entire groupthink left goes into a tizzy to the point of creating a universe incompatible with business realities.

And I like President Trump. He's a real person to me, if you get ugly with him, you get ugly payback that you deserve. He knows how to give and take. That drives some of his loyal opposition to become shrill antagonists.

And the left is not gonna like it when they can't engage in the huge spendathon they thought they were going to get if they won the House of Representatives by any means possible. The reason, however, is not Donald Trump. It's because the people of the USA ensured that the Senate doesn't allow cuckoo budgets that would create a national debt ten times what it is now.

Trump will win the battle of the budget. And he has my wholehearted endorsement to do so.
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
i edit videos for a hobby. a good friend does it for a living. the videos are not edited - at least any i've seen in these articles yet.

if you speed up the frame rate and that is all you do, EVERYTHING moves faster, which is not happening in any video i've seen yet. if you speed up his arm you get a ghosting / predator / halo effect on video like this - and again, not there.

people need to quit making shit up to be mad at all around. for all the mocking you do of the right when they say something outlandish you turn around and do the same thing by diving into things like this.
She used an INFOWARS video that was Doctored.

your choice, pick your own site as a source!

was video of acosta doctored - Google Search

I don't know if the Fox supposition is correct or the one on marketwatch which claims frames were added...
i'm picking no site at all. i've seen the videos and i know for a fact you can't simply speed up the frame rate to get what you think you're getting.

you laugh at others for falling for a conspiracy theory then you run out and do it yourself. the video editing has already been debunked several times. but if you are hellbent on believing it, you will. much like those who think acosta "backhanded" her, you're going to die believing the video was edited.

you tell me - if you speed up the frame rate, how come the people in the background are not going "keystone cop" on us also?
Last edited:
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
i edit videos for a hobby. a good friend does it for a living. the videos are not edited - at least any i've seen in these articles yet.

if you speed up the frame rate and that is all you do, EVERYTHING moves faster, which is not happening in any video i've seen yet. if you speed up his arm you get a ghosting / predator / halo effect on video like this - and again, not there.

people need to quit making shit up to be mad at all around. for all the mocking you do of the right when they say something outlandish you turn around and do the same thing by diving into things like this.
She used an INFOWARS video that was Doctored.

your choice, pick your own site as a source!

was video of acosta doctored - Google Search

I don't know if the Fox supposition is correct or the one on marketwatch which claims frames were added...
adding frames now? i guess when the first technical explanation goes splat on the wall you change it to keep the conspiracy alive.

adding in frames is going to require copying existing frames and dubbing them in which would increase the time differences between the 2 videos, of which isn't happening.

next up - they hired actors and re-enacted the event completely and released that video.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Asking questions the President doesn't want to answer, how rude. :rolleyes:

We've had almost two years of Donny in the White House, these reporters should know by now that questions must be confined to the weather and President Twitters golf game.
Not really. Jim Acosta's unconscionable speech, and subsequent pushing back White House personnel supporting the President's admonishment of Mr. Acosta amounted to the trouble this fella got himself into all by himself with nobody else's assistance.

You'll notice that if you examine your own response objectively it's filled with subjective conclusions. The fact of the matter is that "rude" is a matter of opinion and regarding the subject of freedom of the press it sets an unfortunate precedent when a reporter is not only tossed (perhaps permanently) from the White House but also horribly slandered in public by the POTUS afterwards for attempting to do his job, even if the President doesn't like said reporters "style". Acosta could have acted more professionally but he didn't do anything that was extreme and the press needs to be given the leeway in such situations, else the Freedom of the Press is supposed to enjoy is confounded and eroded.

This is just a continuation of Donny's attempt to intimidate those segments of the press that report things he doesn't like and his comments afterwards (regarding the reporter and the company he works for) resemble something one might have expected to find during the mid 1920's in Italy.

You'll notice that if you examine your own response objectively it's filled with subjective conclusions. The fact of the matter is that "rude" is a matter of opinion and regarding the subject of freedom of the press it sets an unfortunate precedent when a reporter is not only tossed (perhaps permanently) from the White House but also horribly slandered in public by the POTUS afterwards for attempting to do his job, even if the President doesn't like said reporters "style". Acosta could have acted more professionally but he didn't do anything that was extreme and the press needs to be given the leeway in such situations, else the Freedom of the Press is supposed to enjoy is confounded and eroded.

This is just a continuation of Donny's attempt to intimidate those segments of the press that report things he doesn't like and his comments afterwards (regarding the reporter and the company he works for) resemble something one might have expected to find during the mid 1920's in Italy.

Did you notice me shoving somebody in the tit region, dear? You're the one pointing the finger at me for subjectivity when you refer to the President of the United States as "Donny".
I refer to President Twitter in a less than deferential fashion because overall I don't approve of his behavior and given the fact that he works for me and not the other way around, I as a citizen am well within my rights to do so (well at least until he and his cohorts get around to working to intimidate private citizens for expressing views he doesn't like I suppose), he'll get more respect and less ridicule when he begins behaving in a fashion that merits it. On the other hand, unlike him I don't go about attempting to use State Power to intimidate anyone into silence.

His treatment of the members of the press that are critical of him goes beyond "business as usual" and into the territory of using the power of his office for intimidation. The press often deserves criticism and Presidents often take more than their fair share of unfounded derision from the Press. However, there's a "Presidential" way to handle it, if you want some examples look no further than the often self-deprecating witticisms of Ronald Reagan or Gerald Ford, heck even George W. Bush managed to stay reasonably civil even when facing an unending storm of media criticism. Donny (and his immediate predecessor) handle it like they're unusually thin-skinned kindergarteners, which only serves to make things worse and deepen the already eroded service that the Press is supposed to provide the public.

As I said, Acosta could have behaved more professionally but IMHO his actions weren't anything beyond the pale and certainly don't warrant indefinite suspension and all the slander hurled at him and his organization by a sitting POTUS.
ahhhh, sarah and whitehouse DOCTORED THE VIDEO or used a doctored video... explains why you all believed the whiehouse crap

Sarah Sanders accused of circulating 'doctored' video of Jim Acosta’s interaction with White House intern

Video of Acosta incident posted by White House press secretary contains extra frames
A video shared by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing an incident involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta and a White House intern contains extra frames that do not appear in the C-SPAN broadcast of the event.
this sounds just as bad as saying acosta backhanded her.

both sides are looking for about anything at this point except reality.
the first article is from FOX on it, don't you believe it? :D

and is not a partisan site.

besides, just watch the 2 different videos, one real, one doctored.... no other way to describe it... honestly...

Sanders may not have created the doctored video herself, but she did use a doctored video.
i edit videos for a hobby. a good friend does it for a living. the videos are not edited - at least any i've seen in these articles yet.

if you speed up the frame rate and that is all you do, EVERYTHING moves faster, which is not happening in any video i've seen yet. if you speed up his arm you get a ghosting / predator / halo effect on video like this - and again, not there.

people need to quit making shit up to be mad at all around. for all the mocking you do of the right when they say something outlandish you turn around and do the same thing by diving into things like this.
She used an INFOWARS video that was Doctored.

your choice, pick your own site as a source!

was video of acosta doctored - Google Search

I don't know if the Fox supposition is correct or the one on marketwatch which claims frames were added...
i'm picking no site at all. i've seen the videos and i know for a fact you can't simply speed up the frame rate to get what you think you're getting.

you laugh at others for falling for a conspiracy theory then you run out and do it yourself. the video editing has already been debunked several times. but if you are hellbent on believing it, you will. much like those who think acosta "backhanded" her, you're going to die believing the video was edited.

you tell me - if you speed up the frame rate, how come the people in the background are not going "keystone cop" on us also?
Don't you love politics. Things get bent quickly if they don't suit the offender! The only change made on the film was to zoom in in the part where touching is concerned.It showed what really happened, and Acosta doesn't want anybody else to know what he did. The loyal opposition is pleased to support hiding the truth of what happened.

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