Acosta Proves Border Wall Works

:biggrin: :laugh:
of course walls work!!!!:thup:


Would have been a brilliant meme, but Acostas stupidity knows no bounds.

This is the man who wouldn't give a microphone to the much smaller white house intern. True idiot.

It's still a brilliant meme!

Showing the world what a moron Acosta is!:wink_2:
For God's sake, compromise at $3 billion and call it barrier enhancement. Enough of this nonsense.

Trump doesn't do compromises.
He couldn't make a deal if his whore daughter's life depended on it.
He coerces and bullies.
His books are phony, just like him.
Ivanka is not a whore and Trump is the consummate negotiator. In every negotiation there is compromise as there will be on Barrier Funding.
One thing I don't understand is why Trump is asking for only 5 billion dollars. Much more than that would be warranted.

By Law, the figure is 1.3 billion required by the 2006 Border Security law of 2006. This is why the original offering by the House was 1.3 but they upped it to 1.6 trying to do a compromise. The House has offered other incentives lately. Yesterday, Trumped turned the last offered down flat. No Wall, No Budget. It was reported today that in the Senate, the House version would carry over 90 votes but the POS Majority Leader won't allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. So the Government Shutdown now belongs to two people, not anyone else.

And why did Trump ask for only 5 billion? No point opening the government until there is a plan to get what Americans have voted for - the wall.

We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.

No, we voted for the wall. You must have missed the "BUILD THAT WALL" part.

You missed that part about Mexico paying for it.
Why do you fucking morons ignore the biggest part of that lie?
Brain dead.

But they are. They are planning to build the Wall. Except its going to be on their southern border and 541 miles long and it's going to be more of a multi level Fence with Mexican Army patrolling it. That's one border I wouldn't try and cross. The Mexican Army has absolutely no sense of humor.
I like the one with the slat wall with pieces sawed out

Some deterrent
No one who supports the wall wants one made from metal slats, moron. We want one that is 1 foot thick prestressed concrete and 30 feet high.

Sure, if you have a few trillion burning a hole in your pocket. I don't mind replacing those security fences with it though, yard by yard. But to try and put that monstrosity at least 2000 miles is staggering, much less 3000 miles. As it stands now, the security fence allows small animals to pass but slows down humans. The problem with using any kind of Steel, they rust in a matter of only a couple or three years and you have to repair them. We already have that problem with what is in place now. Even what you are proposing only slows the illegals down if there isn't all the other security systems and boots on the ground to back them up. And the money for the 2006 Border Security has been offered to Trump but he has turned it down. It's the Wall or nothing. Congress already has it in the Budget because they are bound to it. To give you some idea, when Trump too office there were 733 miles of Wall and Security Fencing and some of it needing repair due to illegals with cutting torches, wire cutters and just plain old fashioned rust. The last 2 Presidents have been spending 1.3 billion a year as per the law and have had those 733 miles built and maintained. After 2 years in Office, do you know how many miles of wall and security fencing (some in real bad need of repair) there is? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. 2 years without expanding the wall or security fencing. 2 years allowing what is there to run down. And for the last 2 years, the funds have been available. I wonder where they were spent, it wasn't on the border security. Must have been one hell of a Beer Blast in Washington or MaroLargo.
Argue with this, dumbass:


And how much of a border do they have for the Gaza Strip. The wall you are referring to is in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The PLO aren't firing rockets, launching balloons or anything else once Hamas had their butts kicked out of there. And it's only 440 miles. 90 to 95% of the Security Fence is a multi level Wired fence. Only about between 5 and 9 % of it is actually concrete. Like what we use on the border for most areas, the only place they are using concrete barriers is in Metro Areas. The rest is the Multi layered Fence.

Now, how about YOU learning from the Israelis for a change. Even they could not afford to do their 440 miles of reinforced concrete.
Concrete in the cities and multi-layer fencing every where else would be fine with me, but we haven't got that, have we? A wall just like Israel has will be more than acceptable. That will reduce illegal immigration to zero.
One thing I don't understand is why Trump is asking for only 5 billion dollars. Much more than that would be warranted.

By Law, the figure is 1.3 billion required by the 2006 Border Security law of 2006. This is why the original offering by the House was 1.3 but they upped it to 1.6 trying to do a compromise. The House has offered other incentives lately. Yesterday, Trumped turned the last offered down flat. No Wall, No Budget. It was reported today that in the Senate, the House version would carry over 90 votes but the POS Majority Leader won't allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. So the Government Shutdown now belongs to two people, not anyone else.

And why did Trump ask for only 5 billion? No point opening the government until there is a plan to get what Americans have voted for - the wall.

We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.

No, we voted for the wall. You must have missed the "BUILD THAT WALL" part.

The Wall is symbolic. Those of us that are sane know that you can't build a 3000 plus mile wall. You won't even be able to build 2000 miles of it. If you ever look at the geographics you would see this. You can't build a wall down the middle of a river. Even a River flowing into the main one needs to be able to flow and that means no wall there. You can't build your wall in the Rocky Mountains. You can't build a wall across deep canyons. The good news is, very few try and cross those Rocky Mountains as it's almost suicide to enter that way. Most do't make it across the Deserts either but they still try it and most die if it weren't for the Border Guards that rescue them. The Wall is symbolic, not just a piece of slatted steel or concrete.
The border is only 1900 miles long, moron. There are no Rocky Mountains on the border. Do you know anything about American geography?
For God's sake, compromise at $3 billion and call it barrier enhancement. Enough of this nonsense.
Fuck that. $5 billion is already a compromise. The total cost is actually $25 billion. $5 billion is only 1/5th of that. Let Trump declare a national emergency and let the Army Corp of Engineers build it.
By Law, the figure is 1.3 billion required by the 2006 Border Security law of 2006. This is why the original offering by the House was 1.3 but they upped it to 1.6 trying to do a compromise. The House has offered other incentives lately. Yesterday, Trumped turned the last offered down flat. No Wall, No Budget. It was reported today that in the Senate, the House version would carry over 90 votes but the POS Majority Leader won't allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. So the Government Shutdown now belongs to two people, not anyone else.

And why did Trump ask for only 5 billion? No point opening the government until there is a plan to get what Americans have voted for - the wall.

We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.

No, we voted for the wall. You must have missed the "BUILD THAT WALL" part.

You missed that part about Mexico paying for it.
Why do you fucking morons ignore the biggest part of that lie?
Brain dead.

But they are. They are planning to build the Wall. Except its going to be on their southern border and 541 miles long and it's going to be more of a multi level Fence with Mexican Army patrolling it. That's one border I wouldn't try and cross. The Mexican Army has absolutely no sense of humor.
What the fuck are you blubbering about?
I like the one with the slat wall with pieces sawed out

Some deterrent
No one who supports the wall wants one made from metal slats, moron. We want one that is 1 foot thick prestressed concrete and 30 feet high.

Sure, if you have a few trillion burning a hole in your pocket. I don't mind replacing those security fences with it though, yard by yard. But to try and put that monstrosity at least 2000 miles is staggering, much less 3000 miles. As it stands now, the security fence allows small animals to pass but slows down humans. The problem with using any kind of Steel, they rust in a matter of only a couple or three years and you have to repair them. We already have that problem with what is in place now. Even what you are proposing only slows the illegals down if there isn't all the other security systems and boots on the ground to back them up. And the money for the 2006 Border Security has been offered to Trump but he has turned it down. It's the Wall or nothing. Congress already has it in the Budget because they are bound to it. To give you some idea, when Trump too office there were 733 miles of Wall and Security Fencing and some of it needing repair due to illegals with cutting torches, wire cutters and just plain old fashioned rust. The last 2 Presidents have been spending 1.3 billion a year as per the law and have had those 733 miles built and maintained. After 2 years in Office, do you know how many miles of wall and security fencing (some in real bad need of repair) there is? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. 2 years without expanding the wall or security fencing. 2 years allowing what is there to run down. And for the last 2 years, the funds have been available. I wonder where they were spent, it wasn't on the border security. Must have been one hell of a Beer Blast in Washington or MaroLargo.
Argue with this, dumbass:


And how much of a border do they have for the Gaza Strip. The wall you are referring to is in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The PLO aren't firing rockets, launching balloons or anything else once Hamas had their butts kicked out of there. And it's only 440 miles. 90 to 95% of the Security Fence is a multi level Wired fence. Only about between 5 and 9 % of it is actually concrete. Like what we use on the border for most areas, the only place they are using concrete barriers is in Metro Areas. The rest is the Multi layered Fence.

Now, how about YOU learning from the Israelis for a change. Even they could not afford to do their 440 miles of reinforced concrete.
Concrete in the cities and multi-layer fencing every where else would be fine with me, but we haven't got that, have we? A wall just like Israel has will be more than acceptable. That will reduce illegal immigration to zero.

Not zero. Our Border Patrol won't have a shoot on sight order. You climb that Israeli fence and you are likely as not to get shot. Plus, the Israelis have more than enough boots on the ground to put a stop to it. Israel is in a constant state of war. We could debate that constant state of war one way or another but Israelis believe it therefore they operate that that way. We are NOT in a constant state of war so we act a totally different way.

It's not the Mexicans we have to worry about. It's all those damned Canadians amassing right on the border. I think they are planning an invasion or they might just be damned cold.
One thing I don't understand is why Trump is asking for only 5 billion dollars. Much more than that would be warranted.

By Law, the figure is 1.3 billion required by the 2006 Border Security law of 2006. This is why the original offering by the House was 1.3 but they upped it to 1.6 trying to do a compromise. The House has offered other incentives lately. Yesterday, Trumped turned the last offered down flat. No Wall, No Budget. It was reported today that in the Senate, the House version would carry over 90 votes but the POS Majority Leader won't allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. So the Government Shutdown now belongs to two people, not anyone else.

And why did Trump ask for only 5 billion? No point opening the government until there is a plan to get what Americans have voted for - the wall.

We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.
I voted for the wall. I've been hearing that "border security" horseshit from Democrats for 15 years now.
No one who supports the wall wants one made from metal slats, moron. We want one that is 1 foot thick prestressed concrete and 30 feet high.

Sure, if you have a few trillion burning a hole in your pocket. I don't mind replacing those security fences with it though, yard by yard. But to try and put that monstrosity at least 2000 miles is staggering, much less 3000 miles. As it stands now, the security fence allows small animals to pass but slows down humans. The problem with using any kind of Steel, they rust in a matter of only a couple or three years and you have to repair them. We already have that problem with what is in place now. Even what you are proposing only slows the illegals down if there isn't all the other security systems and boots on the ground to back them up. And the money for the 2006 Border Security has been offered to Trump but he has turned it down. It's the Wall or nothing. Congress already has it in the Budget because they are bound to it. To give you some idea, when Trump too office there were 733 miles of Wall and Security Fencing and some of it needing repair due to illegals with cutting torches, wire cutters and just plain old fashioned rust. The last 2 Presidents have been spending 1.3 billion a year as per the law and have had those 733 miles built and maintained. After 2 years in Office, do you know how many miles of wall and security fencing (some in real bad need of repair) there is? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. 2 years without expanding the wall or security fencing. 2 years allowing what is there to run down. And for the last 2 years, the funds have been available. I wonder where they were spent, it wasn't on the border security. Must have been one hell of a Beer Blast in Washington or MaroLargo.
Argue with this, dumbass:


And how much of a border do they have for the Gaza Strip. The wall you are referring to is in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The PLO aren't firing rockets, launching balloons or anything else once Hamas had their butts kicked out of there. And it's only 440 miles. 90 to 95% of the Security Fence is a multi level Wired fence. Only about between 5 and 9 % of it is actually concrete. Like what we use on the border for most areas, the only place they are using concrete barriers is in Metro Areas. The rest is the Multi layered Fence.

Now, how about YOU learning from the Israelis for a change. Even they could not afford to do their 440 miles of reinforced concrete.
Concrete in the cities and multi-layer fencing every where else would be fine with me, but we haven't got that, have we? A wall just like Israel has will be more than acceptable. That will reduce illegal immigration to zero.

Not zero. Our Border Patrol won't have a shoot on sight order. You climb that Israeli fence and you are likely as not to get shot. Plus, the Israelis have more than enough boots on the ground to put a stop to it. Israel is in a constant state of war. We could debate that constant state of war one way or another but Israelis believe it therefore they operate that that way. We are NOT in a constant state of war so we act a totally different way.

It's not the Mexicans we have to worry about. It's all those damned Canadians amassing right on the border. I think they are planning an invasion or they might just be damned cold.
Name one person trying to get over the wall that the Israelis have shot.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

That's what I thought.
One thing I don't understand is why Trump is asking for only 5 billion dollars. Much more than that would be warranted.

By Law, the figure is 1.3 billion required by the 2006 Border Security law of 2006. This is why the original offering by the House was 1.3 but they upped it to 1.6 trying to do a compromise. The House has offered other incentives lately. Yesterday, Trumped turned the last offered down flat. No Wall, No Budget. It was reported today that in the Senate, the House version would carry over 90 votes but the POS Majority Leader won't allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. So the Government Shutdown now belongs to two people, not anyone else.

And why did Trump ask for only 5 billion? No point opening the government until there is a plan to get what Americans have voted for - the wall.

We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.
You're a fucking moron. Try learning some actual history rather then regurgitating Dim talking points. The wall stopped the Mongols for hundreds of years. Genghis Khan got through it only by bribing the guards at one of the gates. Khan was leading an army of 100,000, not a few ignorant peasants.

You voted for a barrier? Are you actually trying to convince us that you voted for Trump? You're a leftwing shill if I've ever seen one.
For God's sake, compromise at $3 billion and call it barrier enhancement. Enough of this nonsense.

I have a feeling that the House would go for 3 billion as long as they get what they want in return for DACA.
They aren't getting amnesty for DACA for $3 billion, you fucking moron. The aren't even going to get the government re-opened for that amount.
For God's sake, compromise at $3 billion and call it barrier enhancement. Enough of this nonsense.
Fuck that. $5 billion is already a compromise. The total cost is actually $25 billion. $5 billion is only 1/5th of that. Let Trump declare a national emergency and let the Army Corp of Engineers build it.

The total cost is at least 53 billion above and beyond the 1.3 billion already earmarked for the border security. Yah I know, you read Wall where I typed Border Security. No, I mean Border Security where a wall is just part of border security. It's at least 53 billion if it's done using the slatted steel. It could run into the trillions if you try and use the reinforced cement. Considering that there is over 1000 miles that you can't put even a multi layered security fence on much less a steel or reinforced concrete wall, the importance of the wall falls below boots on the ground and electronic security. While the wall is important in the Metro areas, in the harsh outlander parts it makes little sense. And the more rugged it gets, the less likely any of the Border Security matters. Start talking about Border Security not just the wall. Unfortunately, when I type that you read it "Start talking about Wall not just the Wall".
We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.

No, we voted for the wall. You must have missed the "BUILD THAT WALL" part.

You missed that part about Mexico paying for it.
Why do you fucking morons ignore the biggest part of that lie?
Brain dead.

Mexico will pay for a part. We must have our part first.

Show me the money, fuckhead.

Patience, patience... we can simply cut the benefits to them and that way they will pay for us. There is no problem, they will pay. Relax now... it's only 5 billion, less than 1% of the budget. You have never cared about such sums before.
it's less than 0.0125% of the budget. The whines about how much it cost are obvious horseshit.
For God's sake, compromise at $3 billion and call it barrier enhancement. Enough of this nonsense.
Fuck that. $5 billion is already a compromise. The total cost is actually $25 billion. $5 billion is only 1/5th of that. Let Trump declare a national emergency and let the Army Corp of Engineers build it.

The total cost is at least 53 billion above and beyond the 1.3 billion already earmarked for the border security. Yah I know, you read Wall where I typed Border Security. No, I mean Border Security where a wall is just part of border security. It's at least 53 billion if it's done using the slatted steel. It could run into the trillions if you try and use the reinforced cement. Considering that there is over 1000 miles that you can't put even a multi layered security fence on much less a steel or reinforced concrete wall, the importance of the wall falls below boots on the ground and electronic security. While the wall is important in the Metro areas, in the harsh outlander parts it makes little sense. And the more rugged it gets, the less likely any of the Border Security matters. Start talking about Border Security not just the wall. Unfortunately, when I type that you read it "Start talking about Wall not just the Wall".
You're full of shit, of course. I haven't read a single post from you that isn't total horseshit.

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