Acosta Proves Border Wall Works

Argue with this, douchebag:


How necessary is Donald Trump’s wall?

How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

World of walls: How 65 countries have erected fences on their borders – four times as many as when the Berlin Wall was toppled – as governments try to hold back the tide of migrants
  • Security fears and a widespread refusal to help refugees have fuelled a new spate of wall-building around the world
  • A third of the world's countries have completed or are building barriers – compared to 16 at the fall of the Berlin Wall
  • They include Israel's 'apartheid wall', India's 2,500-mile fence around Bangladesh and Morocco's huge sand 'berm'
  • Experts are dismissive, saying: 'Their main function is theatre. They provide the sense of security, not real security'

Border walls are ineffective, costly and fatal — but we keep building them

Yet no wall has ever succeeded in permanently eliminating contraband. Ramps, catapults, drones, tunnels, submarines, mules or even corrupt border guards can always undermine its effectiveness; or the traffic merely shifts elsewhere. A wall simply pushes us farther from getting to the heart of the matter, from addressing the root problem, from treating the illness and not just the symptoms.

argue with this, moron:


Did Israel have an 1885 mile long river to contend with?

Eminent domain problems or just a lot of sand?

Spare me. The river makes it even easier.

How so?
He wants a wall, fucking idiot, not a bridge.
A wall down the middle of a river.
The river is a barrier, moron. They can't drive any vehicles up to the wall where the river is. You're so fucking stupid it's a wonder you can make your lungs function.
For God's sake, compromise at $3 billion and call it barrier enhancement. Enough of this nonsense.

Trump doesn't do compromises.
He couldn't make a deal if his whore daughter's life depended on it.
He coerces and bullies.
His books are phony, just like him.
He's already compromised multiple times, you lying douchebag. Piglosi and Schumer are the ones who refuse to compromise. Only the idiots on the left are fooled.
No one who supports the wall wants one made from metal slats, moron. We want one that is 1 foot thick prestressed concrete and 30 feet high.

Sure, if you have a few trillion burning a hole in your pocket. I don't mind replacing those security fences with it though, yard by yard. But to try and put that monstrosity at least 2000 miles is staggering, much less 3000 miles. As it stands now, the security fence allows small animals to pass but slows down humans. The problem with using any kind of Steel, they rust in a matter of only a couple or three years and you have to repair them. We already have that problem with what is in place now. Even what you are proposing only slows the illegals down if there isn't all the other security systems and boots on the ground to back them up. And the money for the 2006 Border Security has been offered to Trump but he has turned it down. It's the Wall or nothing. Congress already has it in the Budget because they are bound to it. To give you some idea, when Trump too office there were 733 miles of Wall and Security Fencing and some of it needing repair due to illegals with cutting torches, wire cutters and just plain old fashioned rust. The last 2 Presidents have been spending 1.3 billion a year as per the law and have had those 733 miles built and maintained. After 2 years in Office, do you know how many miles of wall and security fencing (some in real bad need of repair) there is? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. 2 years without expanding the wall or security fencing. 2 years allowing what is there to run down. And for the last 2 years, the funds have been available. I wonder where they were spent, it wasn't on the border security. Must have been one hell of a Beer Blast in Washington or MaroLargo.
Argue with this, dumbass:


And how much of a border do they have for the Gaza Strip. The wall you are referring to is in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The PLO aren't firing rockets, launching balloons or anything else once Hamas had their butts kicked out of there. And it's only 440 miles. 90 to 95% of the Security Fence is a multi level Wired fence. Only about between 5 and 9 % of it is actually concrete. Like what we use on the border for most areas, the only place they are using concrete barriers is in Metro Areas. The rest is the Multi layered Fence.

Now, how about YOU learning from the Israelis for a change. Even they could not afford to do their 440 miles of reinforced concrete.
Concrete in the cities and multi-layer fencing every where else would be fine with me, but we haven't got that, have we? A wall just like Israel has will be more than acceptable. That will reduce illegal immigration to zero.

Not zero. Our Border Patrol won't have a shoot on sight order. You climb that Israeli fence and you are likely as not to get shot. Plus, the Israelis have more than enough boots on the ground to put a stop to it. Israel is in a constant state of war. We could debate that constant state of war one way or another but Israelis believe it therefore they operate that that way. We are NOT in a constant state of war so we act a totally different way.

It's not the Mexicans we have to worry about. It's all those damned Canadians amassing right on the border. I think they are planning an invasion or they might just be damned cold.
Read the fucking chart.
Sure, if you have a few trillion burning a hole in your pocket. I don't mind replacing those security fences with it though, yard by yard. But to try and put that monstrosity at least 2000 miles is staggering, much less 3000 miles. As it stands now, the security fence allows small animals to pass but slows down humans. The problem with using any kind of Steel, they rust in a matter of only a couple or three years and you have to repair them. We already have that problem with what is in place now. Even what you are proposing only slows the illegals down if there isn't all the other security systems and boots on the ground to back them up. And the money for the 2006 Border Security has been offered to Trump but he has turned it down. It's the Wall or nothing. Congress already has it in the Budget because they are bound to it. To give you some idea, when Trump too office there were 733 miles of Wall and Security Fencing and some of it needing repair due to illegals with cutting torches, wire cutters and just plain old fashioned rust. The last 2 Presidents have been spending 1.3 billion a year as per the law and have had those 733 miles built and maintained. After 2 years in Office, do you know how many miles of wall and security fencing (some in real bad need of repair) there is? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. 2 years without expanding the wall or security fencing. 2 years allowing what is there to run down. And for the last 2 years, the funds have been available. I wonder where they were spent, it wasn't on the border security. Must have been one hell of a Beer Blast in Washington or MaroLargo.
Argue with this, dumbass:


And how much of a border do they have for the Gaza Strip. The wall you are referring to is in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The PLO aren't firing rockets, launching balloons or anything else once Hamas had their butts kicked out of there. And it's only 440 miles. 90 to 95% of the Security Fence is a multi level Wired fence. Only about between 5 and 9 % of it is actually concrete. Like what we use on the border for most areas, the only place they are using concrete barriers is in Metro Areas. The rest is the Multi layered Fence.

Now, how about YOU learning from the Israelis for a change. Even they could not afford to do their 440 miles of reinforced concrete.
Concrete in the cities and multi-layer fencing every where else would be fine with me, but we haven't got that, have we? A wall just like Israel has will be more than acceptable. That will reduce illegal immigration to zero.

Not zero. Our Border Patrol won't have a shoot on sight order. You climb that Israeli fence and you are likely as not to get shot. Plus, the Israelis have more than enough boots on the ground to put a stop to it. Israel is in a constant state of war. We could debate that constant state of war one way or another but Israelis believe it therefore they operate that that way. We are NOT in a constant state of war so we act a totally different way.

It's not the Mexicans we have to worry about. It's all those damned Canadians amassing right on the border. I think they are planning an invasion or they might just be damned cold.
Name one person trying to get over the wall that the Israelis have shot.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

That's what I thought.

You really want to climb that wall knowing that you are probably going to be dead trying? Not many will take that chance which is zero chance.
Argue with this, dumbass:


And how much of a border do they have for the Gaza Strip. The wall you are referring to is in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The PLO aren't firing rockets, launching balloons or anything else once Hamas had their butts kicked out of there. And it's only 440 miles. 90 to 95% of the Security Fence is a multi level Wired fence. Only about between 5 and 9 % of it is actually concrete. Like what we use on the border for most areas, the only place they are using concrete barriers is in Metro Areas. The rest is the Multi layered Fence.

Now, how about YOU learning from the Israelis for a change. Even they could not afford to do their 440 miles of reinforced concrete.
Concrete in the cities and multi-layer fencing every where else would be fine with me, but we haven't got that, have we? A wall just like Israel has will be more than acceptable. That will reduce illegal immigration to zero.

Not zero. Our Border Patrol won't have a shoot on sight order. You climb that Israeli fence and you are likely as not to get shot. Plus, the Israelis have more than enough boots on the ground to put a stop to it. Israel is in a constant state of war. We could debate that constant state of war one way or another but Israelis believe it therefore they operate that that way. We are NOT in a constant state of war so we act a totally different way.

It's not the Mexicans we have to worry about. It's all those damned Canadians amassing right on the border. I think they are planning an invasion or they might just be damned cold.
Name one person trying to get over the wall that the Israelis have shot.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

That's what I thought.

You really want to climb that wall knowing that you are probably going to be dead trying? Not many will take that chance which is zero chance.
What's your point, that walls work?
LOL okay so this Acosta retard goes down to the boarder and films a video next to a steel slat wall, and claims the wall isn't working because there are no illegals around. Thus proving the wall is effective. Now the poor guy is being mocked in social media without mercy. :21::21::21:

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work
But repubs claim there is no wall and the border is open. Which is it?

No they don't stop lying. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Acosta showed an empty wall

Where are all the pictures showing murderers and rapists streaming across the border
yo dude, you lock your doors at night while you sleep? your silence will be the answer - yes you do. Mr. ITG. BTW, do you and superman get together?

False Equivalence | Truly Fallacious

There are 195 countries in the world. How many have an actively patrolled border wall?
Quite a few, moron. Many of them have walls or fences.
None do. There are about 30 which have fences or dirt berms. No one has a full border wall.
Israel has a border wall, moron, and it works.
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.
Where I am at I dont have to worry about events like this happening to me or my family.

After My Daughter's Death -- A Father's View of the Immigration Debate
Kate Steinle’s Last Words As She Died Were “Help Me, Dad”
Illegal Alien Kills Husband and Two Youngest Kids, Widow Speaks Out

I just hope it happens to you, or the Obama's, Pelosi's or Schumers. You want them here, you deserve to be killed by them...

So you're afraid, now we're getting somewhere. And you want the wealthy and powerful class to protect you from poor people. You want the wealthy and powerful who have always made damn sure "illegals" are here, to protect you from "them" by building a wall around you as the empire goes into decline and contracts.

You don't need to fear poor folk, you need to review history.

If you're so scared you need to wish me death, so be it. Wish.
Dude, I am wealthy, I have more than enough to live the rest of my life in luxury. I just dont want some asshole like you , to "FEEL" that what I have, belongs to you or those illegally crossing the border. As a matter of fact, I offer you the 50 cent solution anytime you want some FREE stuff. Just try to break into my house and I will willingly give up some of my possessions to you. 1 round at a time.

I noticed that you are a victim of liberalism, because you constantly harp on those that have amassed great wealth, while you must be a welfare queen, to stupid to use your God given gifts to make something of yourself. Back 30 years ago, when I was naïve, I felt sorry for you worthless fuckers, but today, after seeing you constantly vote for those that keep you poor, you deserve all the misery and poverty those liberals FORCE upon you.. Bwaaaahhhhhaaaahhhhaaaaa. I laugh at your lack of intelligence...

A typical liberal voter.

Typical Trump voters.

Yeah, yeah, they have amassed great wealth and want to keep it.. Just like me...

You can claim whatever you like, but you're all over the map. First you were scared, now you're wealthy and you need a wall around you because the poor brown people are coming for your wealth?

Make a decision.

Never said I was scared, dude, here in Florida we have the "Stand your own ground law", so I am concealed carry and not scared of any liberal who wants to steal my shit. I have noticed in my last 2 residences that the sanctuary states of Md and Va, the emergency rooms have become so congested that waiting times could be up to 8 hours and also the taxes of those states are ridiculously high, because of public schooling for the anchors and welfare they get. So yeah, they are stealing from those who live there, not me anymore, but again, if a liberal gets uppity with me and wants to start shit, I will gladly send them to Satan and let him, deal with the lib.

Also I noticed that you didnt try to refute that you are a welfare queen or queer, and hate everyone that has more money than you. Elections have consequences, you retard, vote for those who want your money, you will be giving your money up...

Be afraid. To be american is not to be free, but to live in fear. Vote your fear, live your fear, your govt will tell you who to fear. Everyone is coming for your stuff. After all, who would you be without your stuff? "The other" is always after you in america.

Where I am at I dont have to worry about events like this happening to me or my family.

After My Daughter's Death -- A Father's View of the Immigration Debate
Kate Steinle’s Last Words As She Died Were “Help Me, Dad”
Illegal Alien Kills Husband and Two Youngest Kids, Widow Speaks Out

I just hope it happens to you, or the Obama's, Pelosi's or Schumers. You want them here, you deserve to be killed by them...

Perhaps what you are afraid of is american society itself. Perhaps it is an understanding that you live amongst americans who feel as you do, and that they may think you “deserve to be killed by them...”

Permitted to carry myself, it ain't all that special bub. Lots are/do.

but you lock your doors when you go to bed at night. Are you afraid?
Here is the Israeli "wall". It cost $2.6 million per mile to build, and is only 5 meters high. It is only 143 miles long.


That's about 5 billion for the US border.

We will take it, thanks! But maybe if we can up it to about 20 billion, just think about how tall and beautiful it could be? No illegal could possibly get past it.

AND the $500 billion we save each year on illegals related costs...yeah another Trump tax cut! :eusa_dance:

The wall will likely pay itself back in the first year, regardless if we get any money from Mexico or not.

Trump said the wall was built - is it paying for itself or is there a national emergency ????????

700 miles of wall is built, he's asking for another 350 miles. You're another one of the leftists with his eyes closed while watching news on tv.
Here is the Israeli "wall". It cost $2.6 million per mile to build, and is only 5 meters high. It is only 143 miles long.


That's about 5 billion for the US border.

We will take it, thanks! But maybe if we can up it to about 20 billion, just think about how tall and beautiful it could be? No illegal could possibly get past it.

AND the $500 billion we save each year on illegals related costs...yeah another Trump tax cut! :eusa_dance:

The wall will likely pay itself back in the first year, regardless if we get any money from Mexico or not.

Trump said the wall was built - is it paying for itself or is there a national emergency ????????

700 miles of wall is built, he's asking for another 350 miles. You're another one of the leftists with his eyes closed while watching news on tv.
Only about 580 miles are built, and a lot of that is very shitty wall patched together from military surplus runway mats, and they are only 10 foot high.
That's about 5 billion for the US border.

We will take it, thanks! But maybe if we can up it to about 20 billion, just think about how tall and beautiful it could be? No illegal could possibly get past it.

AND the $500 billion we save each year on illegals related costs...yeah another Trump tax cut! :eusa_dance:

The wall will likely pay itself back in the first year, regardless if we get any money from Mexico or not.

Trump said the wall was built - is it paying for itself or is there a national emergency ????????

700 miles of wall is built, he's asking for another 350 miles. You're another one of the leftists with his eyes closed while watching news on tv.
Only about 580 miles are built, and a lot of that is very shitty wall patched together from military surplus runway mats, and they are only 10 foot high.

The leftists here have been wrong again and again and again... and again.

Why are they continuing the temper tantrum theater and not just admitting the obvious - walls work and we need one, and it's possible to build it.
AND the $500 billion we save each year on illegals related costs...yeah another Trump tax cut! :eusa_dance:

The wall will likely pay itself back in the first year, regardless if we get any money from Mexico or not.

Trump said the wall was built - is it paying for itself or is there a national emergency ????????

700 miles of wall is built, he's asking for another 350 miles. You're another one of the leftists with his eyes closed while watching news on tv.
Only about 580 miles are built, and a lot of that is very shitty wall patched together from military surplus runway mats, and they are only 10 foot high.

The leftists here have been wrong again and again and again... and again.

Why are they continuing the temper tantrum theater and not just admitting the obvious - walls work and we need one, and it's possible to build it.

The left is lying about this issue. The can't defend their position, they have no answer for all the dead Americans, so they just deny that there is a problem and lie.
That's about 5 billion for the US border.

We will take it, thanks! But maybe if we can up it to about 20 billion, just think about how tall and beautiful it could be? No illegal could possibly get past it.

AND the $500 billion we save each year on illegals related costs...yeah another Trump tax cut! :eusa_dance:

The wall will likely pay itself back in the first year, regardless if we get any money from Mexico or not.

Trump said the wall was built - is it paying for itself or is there a national emergency ????????

700 miles of wall is built, he's asking for another 350 miles. You're another one of the leftists with his eyes closed while watching news on tv.
Only about 580 miles are built, and a lot of that is very shitty wall patched together from military surplus runway mats, and they are only 10 foot high.
There is a total of 733 miles built including walls and multi layer fences. Funny, the Multi layered Fences actually work better than the single Wall does. Neither one is perfect but the multi layer fence buys the border patrol the time to get to the scene. Border security is more than just a wall. Yah, I know, what you see when I type that is Wall is more than just a wall.
AND the $500 billion we save each year on illegals related costs...yeah another Trump tax cut! :eusa_dance:

The wall will likely pay itself back in the first year, regardless if we get any money from Mexico or not.

Trump said the wall was built - is it paying for itself or is there a national emergency ????????

700 miles of wall is built, he's asking for another 350 miles. You're another one of the leftists with his eyes closed while watching news on tv.
Only about 580 miles are built, and a lot of that is very shitty wall patched together from military surplus runway mats, and they are only 10 foot high.

The leftists here have been wrong again and again and again... and again.

Why are they continuing the temper tantrum theater and not just admitting the obvious - walls work and we need one, and it's possible to build it.

So do multi level fences and they actually work a bit better. Plus, the multi layered fencing is a fraction of the cost of what Trump proposes. But, hey, it works well for the Israelis. Maybe you should learn from them.

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