Across the board, Americans think our rights are slipping away

It really isnt. Partisanship is killing America. Your politics is based on a 2 party system that assumes that folk will get along for the common good. That is not the case. Look at the 2 impeachment trials. The evidence was as clear as day and yet the majority side voted on a partisan slate to acquit. Its a waste of time and they need another way. .

Why is a Pakistani living off the welfare state in England lecturing Americans on "partisanship?" :dunno:
You even have to be careful that your opinion doesn't offend a Democrat, something that is very hard to do nowadays. Free speech is disappearing quickly under these liberals.
When have you ever been stopped from speaking your mind ?
Our Second Amendment is the key difference and the only difference that matters. The Second Amendment is what sets us apart from every other nation on the planet. In our nation, under the Second Amendment, a man going on vacation somewhere hours from home can pack a degree of firepower to protect his family, a degree unimaginable to your countrymen, the Brits, the Euros, the Australians or most anyone else. Within seconds that firepower can be in his hands and putting rounds downrange. In the most extreme circumstances imaginable that same American man could band together with other American men to effectively fight a State gone rogue.
As was evidenced by the Afghanis defeat of the USSR and the US with very limited weaponry and a determined force.

And with the government now targeting it's own citizens as a bigger threat that outside adversaries, this trend will only increase.

What has the US become?
Not a bigger threat, just an equal threat, if we wish to keep the country as a representative republic founded on our constitution. Try not to get tunnel visioned. It is a big, wide, wonderful, dangerous world out there and some dangers are in fact right here at home.
Our Second Amendment is the key difference and the only difference that matters. The Second Amendment is what sets us apart from every other nation on the planet. In our nation, under the Second Amendment, a man going on vacation somewhere hours from home can pack a degree of firepower to protect his family, a degree unimaginable to your countrymen, the Brits, the Euros, the Australians or most anyone else. Within seconds that firepower can be in his hands and putting rounds downrange. In the most extreme circumstances imaginable that same American man could band together with other American men to effectively fight a State gone rogue.

When explaining things to one from Canada, best include the first amendment as well.

Notley Scolds Quebec - History of No Free Speech in Canada

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Shock Video: Another Pastor Arrested In Canada Following Anti-Lockdown Church Service

I grew up in a small Midwestern town.

It was great. There were great people there.

But there’s not the same economic opportunities you get in large cities. Not even close to the same. Most of the people I grew up with who were intelligent enough to take advantage, left for other places.

What’s left over seems a little unrecognizable to me.
Sounds like California.

Most of the people I grew up with who were intelligent enough to take advantage, left for other places.
I grew up in a small Midwestern town.

It was great. There were great people there.

But there’s not the same economic opportunities you get in large cities. Not even close to the same. Most of the people I grew up with who were intelligent enough to take advantage, left for other places.

What’s left over seems a little unrecognizable to me.
Well, good for you. At least you recognize that Midwestern folks can be pretty nice.

Having reached financial security, I care not for economic opportunities. And, to be honest, South Dakota does not seem to be lacking for opportunity, as long as you don't mind living in a city. Governor Noem is hollering for folks to bring their businesses here!

As long as I stay out of the blue-leaning places, the few cities, I readily recognize what I grew up with here decades ago: friendly folks and real values. No homelessness, very little drug activity, and local commitment to keeping it this way.
It really isnt. Partisanship is killing America. Your politics is based on a 2 party system that assumes that folk will get along for the common good. That is not the case. Look at the 2 impeachment trials. The evidence was as clear as day and yet the majority side voted on a partisan slate to acquit. Its a waste of time and they need another way. .
Isn’t your country a two party system as well?
Well, good for you. At least you recognize that Midwestern folks can be pretty nice.

Having reached financial security, I care not for economic opportunities. And, to be honest, South Dakota does not seem to be lacking for opportunity, as long as you don't mind living in a city. Governor Noem is hollering for folks to bring their businesses here!

As long as I stay out of the blue-leaning places, the few cities, I readily recognize what I grew up with here decades ago: friendly folks and real values. No homelessness, very little drug activity, and local commitment to keeping it this way.
Oh man. You think there’s no drug activity in rural areas? You’re fooling yourself. Meth is prolific in rural areas. They’ve been knocking off anhydrous ammonia tanks at our COOP since I was a kid decades ago. Add to that prescription drug abuse.

A small town isn’t going to prosper economically on the backs of a retirement population. Rural communities can’t even find physicians to take care of these communities, and that’s after their reimbursement is enhanced by large government subsidies.
Oh man. You think there’s no drug activity in rural areas? You’re fooling yourself. Meth is prolific in rural areas. They’ve been knocking off anhydrous ammonia tanks at our COOP since I was a kid decades ago. Add to that prescription drug abuse.

A small town isn’t going to prosper economically on the backs of a retirement population. Rural communities can’t even find physicians to take care of these communities, and that’s after their reimbursement is enhanced by large government subsidies.
Let’s keep aborting babies then…Sounds smart.
Our Second Amendment is the key difference and the only difference that matters. The Second Amendment is what sets us apart from every other nation on the planet. In our nation, under the Second Amendment, a man going on vacation somewhere hours from home can pack a degree of firepower to protect his family, a degree unimaginable to your countrymen, the Brits, the Euros, the Australians or most anyone else. Within seconds that firepower can be in his hands and putting rounds downrange. In the most extreme circumstances imaginable that same American man could band together with other American men to effectively fight a State gone rogue.
Nope, its a sign that your society is sick.
You even have to be careful that your opinion doesn't offend a Democrat, something that is very hard to do nowadays. Free speech is disappearing quickly under these liberals.
The only place the government appears to berestrictig free speech are where they are banning CRT and criminalizing protests.
Nope, its a sign that your society is sick.

I think it is a clear sign you non-Americans are a heap of jealous bastards. Further, you sit over there on the sidelines as if cheering your favorite footy team, wagering on outcomes you cannot understand and freedoms you neither have nor will ever experience. I recently returned from a trip to Latvia. A friend who was born there and adopted by American parents wished to return and meet his biological parents and siblings. What about the place left me with the deepest, lasting impression was the average Latvian's hunger for American freedom—we Americans are all rock stars to them. Their hunger for freedom, American style, is insatiable. I've also recently been to Burma to participate in humanitarian relief there, in the form of landmine removal and as a member of an American organized rapid reaction medical force. If the Latvians are hungry for American style freedom, the Burmese are starved. Again, your jealousy of American freedom shows.
Hey retard, still waiting for you of the CCP or your Nazi vassals to show a single vote "suppressed."

We've shown TONS of proof of fraud, but so far you waging war to end America have not shown a single instance of "voter suppression."

And no, having ID like they do on an airplane or to buy beer isn't "voter supressifying."

And with the government now targeting it's own citizens as a bigger threat that outside adversaries, this trend will only increase.

What has the US become?
Until you speak out against the Patriot act I don't want hear bitching about rights. We signed away freedom for security 20 years ago. Just like sheep we took it. Wanna get serious about rights march and demand it's repeal. Quit carrying your cell phone every where also. We gave away freedom and privacy for convenience and fear. Wake the fuck up.
I think it is a clear sign you non-Americans are a heap of jealous bastards. Further, you sit over there on the sidelines as if cheering your favorite footy team, wagering on outcomes you cannot understand and freedoms you neither have nor will ever experience. I recently returned from a trip to Latvia. A friend who was born there and adopted by American parents wished to return and meet his biological parents and siblings. What about the place left me with the deepest, lasting impression was the average Latvian's hunger for American freedom—we Americans are all rock stars to them. Their hunger for freedom, American style, is insatiable. I've also recently been to Burma to participate in humanitarian relief there, in the form of landmine removal and as a member of an American organized rapid reaction medical force. If the Latvians are hungry for American style freedom, the Burmese are starved. Again, your jealousy of American freedom shows.
There are some really positive things about America. But your so called freedoms arent on that list. NObody wants to live in a country where you cant go to church without taking your gun.
You are projecting. Most Europeans would rather side with the US than China because the US generally shares our values. Im not sure what that means to the rest of your post.
The United States is the last place to go. There are no others even though all Western nations are being invaded and their politics changing. Each party in our two party system has a left, center and right. The Progs vote left of their party and even further left. The Repubs vote left and center of their party for the most part even though the propagandists call them conservatives. And yes there are some conservatives.
The United States is the last place to go. There are no others even though all Western nations are being invaded and their politics changing. Each party in our two party system has a left, center and right. The Progs vote left of their party and even further left. The Repubs vote left and center of their party for the most part even though the propagandists call them conservatives. And yes there are some conservatives.

I agree with this sentiment: the US of A is the last place to go, at least the last civilization in which to find some small degree of refuge. As for off-grid places there are still a few outside the borders of the lower forty-eight, such as Canada's NW Territories, the Arctic Circle and Greenland—maybe Michigan's UP and Alaska, domestically.

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