Act Like A Man ...

I'd love love to watch a few dozen chicks beat the shit out of you with bottles.
She wasn't beating anyone with the bottle. She was just holding it. I love how the right wears their "wife beaters" on their sleeves, yet claims there's no war on women.

I dont have a problem with a war on women who are throwing bottles at an antifa event.
In fact I dont have a problem with shooting women at an antifa event.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Another RWNJ against the US Constitution.

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If you act like a commie expect to be treated as one.

An American exercising her constitutional rights by just standing there is, according to you, 'acting like a commie'.

What you described in this thread is YOU acting like a thug with no morals, no ethical anchor.

Get a grip and learn to accept that the US does have a constitution. Just because you don't like the US Constitution is not going to make go away or make you immune to it.

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Hate to break it to you but rioting is not a constitutional right.
Girls, both anatomically so and mentally/emotionally so, you will not likely do well running up to someone who is 75 pounds heavier and 6" taller and demand that their "gentlemaness" take over while you curse, threaten and move toward them

The number one American value is staying alive and unharmed, it does not take a back seat to liberal horseshit
Try me, we will see how curious you are.
You have been tried and found lacking.
Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king.
He said in his parting words that you were always better......
Try me, we will see how curious you are.
You have been tried and found lacking.
Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king. He said in his parting words that you were always better......
HWGA, you evidence faggot in all of your postings. Kiddo, your turn speaking is obvious. Contact OffensivelyOpenMinded and MikeTx for action!
Try me, we will see how curious you are.
You have been tried and found lacking.
Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king. He said in his parting words that you were always better......
HWGA, you evidence faggot in all of your postings. Kiddo, your turn speaking is obvious. Contact OffensivelyOpenMinded and MikeTx for action!

Listen up Fakey......
I could sit here and spout the shit from the Exorcist spinning head scene and still come across as a Yale professor. Which is a pretty lame bar to set the given circumstances.
You have been tried and found lacking.
Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king. He said in his parting words that you were always better......
HWGA, you evidence faggot in all of your postings. Kiddo, your turn speaking is obvious. Contact OffensivelyOpenMinded and MikeTx for action!

Listen up Fakey......
I could sit here and spout the shit from the Exorcist spinning head scene and still come across as a Yale professor. Which is a pretty lame bar to set the given circumstances.
You babble like the rabble, offering nothing. You have no game. Death Angel would like you to get in contact. He just heard about you.

Real men fight other men. That piece of shit had about 15 guys he could've punched out instead of That woman. Your dick must be smaller than his.

Lol that was funny, must have had bad blood brewing just before

He looked her square in her ugly fucking face and drilled her smelly dred locked communist fucking ass.
Bush, if she came at you, you would have run the other was as fast you could, until you could get behind Lucy Hamilton, who is a real stud!
Try me, we will see how curious you are.
You have been tried and found lacking.

Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
Try me, we will see how curious you are.
You have been tried and found lacking.

Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
Try me, we will see how curious you are.
You have been tried and found lacking.
Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king. He said in his parting words that you were always better......
HWGA, you evidence faggot in all of your postings. Kiddo, your turn speaking is obvious. Contact OffensivelyOpenMinded and MikeTx for action!
Haha..prove it.
Bush, if she came at you, you would have run the other was as fast you could, until you could get behind Lucy Hamilton, who is a real stud!
lol. I used to fight Golden Gloves before I joined Marines you fucking dickhead.
Fakey is so lame he was tried at the gloryhole and was found lacking......but he persisted.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king. He said in his parting words that you were always better......
HWGA, you evidence faggot in all of your postings. Kiddo, your turn speaking is obvious. Contact OffensivelyOpenMinded and MikeTx for action!

Listen up Fakey......
I could sit here and spout the shit from the Exorcist spinning head scene and still come across as a Yale professor. Which is a pretty lame bar to set the given circumstances.
You babble like the rabble, offering nothing. You have no game. Death Angel would like you to get in contact. He just heard about you.

Thats pretty much a fruitloop response Fakey...
I'd be happy to give your death angel my address...but ya might want to forewarn him.
:lol: HWGA speaks of his lack of prowess at the glory hole.

Sorry....your best friend with the chapped lips admitted you were the king. He said in his parting words that you were always better......
HWGA, you evidence faggot in all of your postings. Kiddo, your turn speaking is obvious. Contact OffensivelyOpenMinded and MikeTx for action!

Listen up Fakey......
I could sit here and spout the shit from the Exorcist spinning head scene and still come across as a Yale professor. Which is a pretty lame bar to set the given circumstances.
You babble like the rabble, offering nothing. You have no game. Death Angel would like you to get in contact. He just heard about you.

Thats pretty much a fruitloop response Fakey...
I'd be happy to give your death angel my address...but ya might want to forewarn him.
Not to worry about it. OOM just showed up for you. Go to it guys.
Here is what we need in the United States to clean the leftist scum off our campuses.

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