Act Like A Man ...

Where did i say she caused it? He got it because he got beat down by true Americans just like his hairy bimbo girl friend...he should expect more of the same if he continues with his fascist behavior.
Wrong! American's are okay with a difference of opinion. We embrace different cultures, not declare war on them.

Yep. And we celebrate the right of others to speak their opinions, even if we disagree.

I hate the kkk types and Westboro slime but they have the same rights I do, and that's the way I like it.

That's the part of the First Amendment we all need to test and protect. IMO

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I'd love love to watch a few dozen chicks beat the shit out of you with bottles.
She wasn't beating anyone with the bottle. She was just holding it. I love how the right wears their "wife beaters" on their sleeves, yet claims there's no war on women.
You will get laid with white knighting for thugs. I don't expect you to understand that it doesn't fit your ideology of hate and violence

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And of course you'd be wrong.
While I'm not a church goer I do identify as Christian,
And I know that nowhere in the Bible does it say I shouldnt fight the enemies of Christianity.
The Bible isn't about fighting. If you think, God thinks, its okay to harm someone out of choice, then you're not getting what the Bible is teaching.

I'm not christian but believe in the principles and practices that Jesus taught.

I don't understand why christians don't.

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I dont have a problem with a war on women who are throwing bottles at an antifa event.
In fact I dont have a problem with shooting women at an antifa event.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
That's an oxymoron. You can't be "for God" and "for war" at the same time. You can't hold a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. It doesn't work that way. You think God is okay with you shooting protesters?

And of course you'd be wrong.
While I'm not a church goer I do identify as Christian,
And I know that nowhere in the Bible does it say I shouldnt fight the enemies of Christianity.

LOL Of course you call yourself a "christian". LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

But, I disagree that the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution is some sort of enemy of christians.

Of wait, I see.

You mean this cowardly little twerp sucker punching this woman is an enemy of christianity.

Got it.


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Eye for an eye motherfucker.

So she's just standing there, he belts her and that's "an eye for an eye".


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Where did i say she caused it? He got it because he got beat down by true Americans just like his hairy bimbo girl friend...he should expect more of the same if he continues with his fascist behavior.
Wrong! American's are okay with a difference of opinion. We embrace different cultures, not declare war on them.

Yep. And we celebrate the right of others to speak their opinions, even if we disagree.

I hate the kkk types and Westboro slime but they have the same rights I do, and that's the way I like it.

That's the part of the First Amendment we all need to test and protect. IMO

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The right to disagree?
Who the fuck is beating people up because they chose to offer a different opinion?
I'd love love to watch a few dozen chicks beat the shit out of you with bottles.
She wasn't beating anyone with the bottle. She was just holding it. I love how the right wears their "wife beaters" on their sleeves, yet claims there's no war on women.

I dont have a problem with a war on women who are throwing bottles at an antifa event.
In fact I dont have a problem with shooting women at an antifa event.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Another RWNJ against the US Constitution.

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If you act like a commie expect to be treated as one.

An American exercising her constitutional rights by just standing there is, according to you, 'acting like a commie'.

What you described in this thread is YOU acting like a thug with no morals, no ethical anchor.

Get a grip and learn to accept that the US does have a constitution. Just because you don't like the US Constitution is not going to make go away or make you immune to it.

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Arms outstretched is a pretty tame way to say closed fist connecting to someone else's throat. She ran AT him, not away from him, with a closed fist aimed at him. That is NOT defensive. It is clearly offensive. She was fighting, not trying to avoid fighting. In fights like this (mutual combat), the other side gets to hit back.

Not how I see it. What I see is him running toward her, and she puts her hands up defensively.

Was she innocent of any intent? No. Was she caught being violent on camera? No.

Was she running towards him or away from him? Was her fist closed (offensive) or open (as in defensively pushing him away)? Again, why do you suppose she and her team conceal their faces and protect their knuckles? Did she or did she not admit she was going there to kick some butt? Why are you twisting so hard to make her an innocent victim?

If you're reading the whole thread, I clearly stated that she was not a victim. What I'm reacting to is the narrative in this thread to make the man a victim.

READ. Stop asking me questions I have answered elsewhere on this thread.

I did read. You never answered why her face was concealed and her knuckles protected. You never answered how a closed fist to the throat is pushing someone away defensively.

You admit she went there to commit violence, but dismiss her punch to the throat as defensive. This is no different than defending Trump's grab em by the fussy comment because he was never caught on video actually doing it IMO.

The things that matter are her actions. Not how she was dressed. Her fist could be closed even when defensively pushing someone away, because if you push at someone with an open hand, you're likely to bend back a finger, and break it.

Do you see the large wine bottle she's holding by the neck? Its not a water bottle. Its a weapon.


berkeley antifa victim - Google Search:

She was a masked, armed, gloved (witnesses say many wore loaded/weighted gloves but I can't confirm hers was loaded). She announced her intent before the event. She admitted her crew was throwing fireworks "at the Nazis" and defended them, literally, as in holding the line so her people could get them fired off. She was a combatant by choice. Any man in that same circumstance would get punched and you would not be defending him.
Arms outstretched is a pretty tame way to say closed fist connecting to someone else's throat. She ran AT him, not away from him, with a closed fist aimed at him. That is NOT defensive. It is clearly offensive. She was fighting, not trying to avoid fighting. In fights like this (mutual combat), the other side gets to hit back.
She did not run at him. The video clearly shows her backing up.

That's a lie. Not one step back until the punch.


Arms outstretched is a pretty tame way to say closed fist connecting to someone else's throat. She ran AT him, not away from him, with a closed fist aimed at him. That is NOT defensive. It is clearly offensive. She was fighting, not trying to avoid fighting. In fights like this (mutual combat), the other side gets to hit back.
She did not run at him. The video clearly shows her backing up.

Yeah, you're right, she was backing up.... right after she got the post stamp to her forehead.
Eye for an eye motherfucker.
How convenient you only state half of the message. Vengeance is HIS, not yours.

Like I said...i'm not a regular church goer. If I tend to take His readings a little more literal you can blame that on me.

The same rules apply whether you're a devout Christian or just a moral thinking person.
If you're starting shit,dont be surprised when you get it back in spades.

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