Active shooter in Pittsburgh, PA.

It's called DNA.

I know it's a foreign concept for Brainwashed, and idiotic "Westerners"

But, DNA is there for a reason, to make us, who we are.

That's not to say that culture, environment, and government don't have impacts.

I tend to think Rob Bowers is like 90% the product of BAD GENES, you don't have any government, any environment, or any culture that causes even close to a majority to kill like this.

But, we do have documented genes that do in fact cause mental illnesses, or violence.

I know it might be crazy that Crazy people are crazy because of their DNA, and Violent people are violent because of their DNA.

I know it might be crazy that Bushman & Pygmies are short because of their DNA.

Who f*cking knew? Hahaha.

It's not all DNA, not by a long shot. Environment plays a huge role. The genetics of behavior are far murkier than the simple genetics of eye color.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.
I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Riddle me this ..... you have never heard of a mother naming her baby in the womb?

Beats me. The parents must have names. Tell me about some grieving parents.
So your answer is no....

That's odd... are you gay/homo or something?

So you can't even name grieving parents? No victim and no grieving parents. And I should care why?
Care? IDK, you said earlier you cared about human life

Yes I do. You haven't mentioned one I should care about. Not even the parents of one.
Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.
And Switzerland does not have a failed diversity experiment like America does

Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.
And Switzerland does not have a failed diversity experiment like America does

And they actually have strong gun laws.
Pittsburgh synagogue shooting suspect identified as Robert Bowers: What we know
Here's what we know about Bowers so far:

  • Police said Bowers shouted "All Jews must die!" while firing indiscriminately in the Tree of Life synagogue during services. He exchanged gunfire with officers while confined on the third floor of the synagogue before being taken into custody.
  • Bowers has been hospitalized with multiple gunshot wounds. He is listed in fair condition.
  • Bowers was a regular user on Gab, a social network often associated with white supremacists and extremists. Shortly after the attack, Gab was alerted to a user profile of the alleged Tree of Life Synagogue shooter. The account was verified and matched the name of the alleged shooter's name, which was mentioned on police scanners.
  • On Gab, Bowers posted dozens of anti-Semitic messages in the past month, including denials of the Holocaust and conspiracy theories about Jews destroying the planet and fueling mass migration. Many of the posts included a slur for Jews. A quote on the top of his page said, "jews are the children of satan." He also posted about popular right-wing conspiracy theories such as QAnon.
  • Bowers posted several messages supporting parts of President Trump's political agenda, such as opposition to mass migration, while also implying that Jews and a "deep state" in the government were manipulating the president. One post included a meme of a Jewish man telling Mr. Trump to "appear to the public as a white racist" so that Jews could "control Whites." Bowers said in one post that he did not vote for Mr. Trump and had never "owned, worn or even touched" a Make America Great Again hat.
  • Bowers also appeared to post two cryptic warnings about the shooting hours before the attack. On Friday, he wrote about HIAS, a Jewish organization that aids refugees and recently listed congregations across America that held Shabbat services for refugees. "Why hello there HIAS! You like to bring in hostile invaders to dwell among us? We appreciate the list of friends you have provided," Bowers wrote. On Saturday morning, about two hours before the attack, he wrote in another post, "HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I'm going in."
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.
And Switzerland does not have a failed diversity experiment like America does


If you exclude a small group of disgruntled whites who are are suddenly convinced they are persecuted victims, diversity works just fine in America and has for several centuries.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
Another topic that needs consideration is incredibly high unemployment rates. According to Eurostat in November, 2010 unemployment rate in EU was 9.6% while Lithuania’s was 18.3%.
It's called DNA.

I know it's a foreign concept for Brainwashed, and idiotic "Westerners"

But, DNA is there for a reason, to make us, who we are.

That's not to say that culture, environment, and government don't have impacts.

I tend to think Rob Bowers is like 90% the product of BAD GENES, you don't have any government, any environment, or any culture that causes even close to a majority to kill like this.

But, we do have documented genes that do in fact cause mental illnesses, or violence.

I know it might be crazy that Crazy people are crazy because of their DNA, and Violent people are violent because of their DNA.

I know it might be crazy that Bushman & Pygmies are short because of their DNA.

Who f*cking knew? Hahaha.

It's not all DNA, not by a long shot. Environment plays a huge role. The genetics of behavior are far murkier than the simple genetics of eye color.

So, explain away why SOME people with severe mental illnesses grew up POOR some grew up RICH, in general it does more often than not run sort of in family lines, and there's a ton more evidence that it is genetic.

Yes, obviously I DO think Bowers suffered from severe mental illnesses, absolutely.
Explain why that's unreasonable?

Oh hur, hur because Nazis did Genetics / Eugenics, well Nazis did smoking bans & Nazis did Volkswagens, and Nazis did gun control & also gun lax if you were German.

Drifting away from COMMON-SENSE just because Nazis did something, is edging towards ignorance, & delusion.

Anyways, Some traits which might seem "Superficial" when you'd consider crime, or temperament might not be.

Did you know TALL people have lower Serotonin levels generally because of the spinal size reducing the Serotonin levels in the spine?

Did you know that Serotonin is very low in suicidal people, OVERALL.

Yes, a lot of violent criminals have very low Serotonin too.

Of course there might be many people with low Serotonin who are "GREAT" people.

But, when it becomes super low, people can, and usually do hallucinate, have wild mood swings, violent like tempers, extreme depression etc. etc.

Basically similar to Schizophrenia, or Bi Polar.
Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.
And Switzerland does not have a failed diversity experiment like America does


If you exclude a small group of disgruntled whites who are are suddenly convinced they are persecuted victims, diversity works just fine in America and has for several centuries.

Diversity & or Clash of cultures is the cause of most genocides, massacres, and so forth.

People do sometimes start to compete & or resent each others detriments.

This MASSACRE by Bower is a symptom of diversity, HE COULD NOT have done it if it was a HOMOGENEOUS Society, &
if you ask me, AND is not a heck of a lot different than what kind of massacres you saw in Northern Ireland with VERY SIMILAR looking Protestants vs Catholics
between VERY SIMILAR looking Yugoslavian (Bosniak Muslims) or (Catholic Croats) & (Orthodox Serbs) which also saw different massacres between the various groups.

As for the why America worked out sort of.

Well, historically you had not just anti-Black lynchings, or anti-Black Pogroms, it did in fact extend over to Italians in the biggest singular lynching in New Orleans,
a Pogrom style attack against Irish Catholics in the Philadelphia Nativist riots.

But, did sort of work out, ONLY Because a lot of groups came to the USA to be American, well at least to a heavy extent, I think you'll find that yes quite a few White Catholics, and well a lot of Jews are kind of different than "White Protestants" and of course "Black Protestants" didn't have a choice of being here much, WELL they kind of do NOW but not in coming here intially, but they too are generally different than White Protestants too.

What's going on now-a-days is quite different, it is a lot of people who hate America coming here for what they see as entitlements form South of the border.
AND yes some people who do really cherish America, but most not really.

If you do respect America, you come here LEGALLY.

My parents are BOTH Democrats, and they do not like Illegals, and do not like Trump for his big mouth & anti-Program stances.

BUT, they do in fact blame Illegals for Trump, and I agree, TRUMP got elected because of Illegal f*cking Immigrants, and that's that.

People are in fact fed up, I know a lot of lifelong Democrats who became Republicans because of the Illegals, so yes, I know the deal, or shall I say "WE KNOW" the deal.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

The numbers I am seeing has Lithuania only slightly worse than other former Soviet countries. I think you are exaggerating the numbers.
A gunman opened fire in a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday morning, killing 11 people and injuring six others, including four police officers, before being taken into custody, authorities said.

Just crazy.
Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

The numbers I am seeing has Lithuania only slightly worse than other former Soviet countries. I think you are exaggerating the numbers.
Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

The numbers I am seeing has Lithuania only slightly worse than other former Soviet countries. I think you are exaggerating the numbers.

Serbia in comparison to Lithuania has had more political instability, less Democracy, less income,more unemployment, more guns & LESS MURDER.

Check mate.

It is called DNA.

Some people like Bowers have bad DNA making them more murderous.

In Europe Finno- Ugric mixed nations tend to have more murder.
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

The numbers I am seeing has Lithuania only slightly worse than other former Soviet countries. I think you are exaggerating the numbers.
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

The numbers I am seeing has Lithuania only slightly worse than other former Soviet countries. I think you are exaggerating the numbers.

Serbia in comparison to Lithuania has had more political instability, less Democracy, less income,more unemployment, more guns & LESS MURDER.

Check mate.

It is calked DNA.

Some people like Bowers have bad DNA making them more murderous.

In Europe Finno- Ugric mixed nations tend to have more murder.
You just keep jumping around. I'm not going to keep jumping around every time you think you have something. Keep in mind we are talking about very small countries. Serbia has about 7 million and Lithuania has about 2.9 million people. Relative to the USA, it sound like Serbia has very strong gun control:
Serbia has weapon laws and ranks second in guns per capita with a strong gun culture, especially in rural areas, with about one million guns in legal circulation. Weapons are regulated by Weapons and Ammunition Law (Zakon o oružju i municiji).[94]

People over age 18 may own firearms with a permit, which is denied to those with a criminal history, mental disorder, or history of alcohol or illegal substance abuse. There is a thorough background check with police having the final decision. Firearms must be stored in a "safe place", and may be confiscated by police if the owner is found irresponsible.

Rifles, shotguns and handguns may be owned with an appropriate permit, though licensing for handguns is strict. Having a permit to own a firearm does not itself allow the bearer to carry the firearm anywhere outside the home, regardless of whether it is concealed or not. The owner may transport his firearms at any time provided they are unloaded. Concealed carry permits for handguns require proving an imminent threat, with the police making the final decision. Therefore, concealed carry permit is hard to obtain. There is no limit on the number of firearms one may own, though every gun transaction is recorded by the police. There is no rifle caliber restriction (smaller than .50BMG, however). Fully automatic firearms and suppressors are prohibited for civilians. People over 18 years of age can buy and carry stun guns and electric tranquilizers with no permit needed. People over 16 can carry OC sprays.[95] There is no restriction regarding the number of rounds that may be purchased. Ammunition may be bought only for the caliber in which owned firearm is chambered. Reloading is allowed only to those who have passed an exam in handling explosive materials. Old firearms (produced before 1900), historically significant firearms, as well as black powder firearms (all category C items) may be bought without any permit.

So it's not surprising they could have a low homicide rate. From what little I can find it seems like Lithuania has weaker gun laws.
Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

You are playing into my hands.

I do tend to believe DNA is what causes violence most of the time.

Why isn't every poor gun owner a mass shooter like Bowers?

Actually Switzerland COULD be as unstable & explosive violent as Northern Ireland.

Swiss are not uniform ethnically SAME with N Ireland.

Swiss could fight over whos more French, or more German.

I just think Switzerland's people are very docile by European standards.

Not just its low murder rate, also Swiss have not been in war, or genocide like most of Europe.

It's called DNA & some are far more violent than others.

Bowers is just a symptom of bad DNA
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

You are playing into my hands.

I do tend to believe DNA is what causes violence most of the time.

Why isn't every poor gun owner a mass shooter like Bowers?

Actually Switzerland COULD be as unstable & explosive violent as Northern Ireland.

Swiss are not uniform ethnically SAME with N Ireland.

Swiss could fight over whos more French, or more German.

I just think Switzerland's people are very docile by European standards.

Not just its low murder rate, also Swiss have not been in war, or genocide like most of Europe.

It's called DNA & some are far more violent than others.

Bowers is just a symptom of bad DNA
Not buying it. There are lots of factors, and lots of guns makes them all worse.
The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
You are jumping around a lot. Austria and Switzerland are rich and stable countries. Lithuania is fresh out of the Soviet Union, it's a huge difference. Instability will increase homicide rates. Also the Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have much stronger laws than the US.

Okay, so why did you dodge that Northern Ireland was BY FAR pound for pound the champions of mass-shooters?

Bowers, Paddock, Roof & other "losers" don't change that fact in the USA. JUST it HAS changed.

Northern Ireland was a massacre blood-bath for a long time. (Had far less guns than the USA)

Bowers did do a terrible thing, but it's not necessarily just "American" & also I don't think his "Guns" had to be the problem, he could've found a ton of other options in a gun control society, CAR, Truck, Chainsaw, Machete, or how about Black market guns???????

America didn't have much mass shootings until pretty recently, either.

Okay, so Switzerland tops the charts in guns in Europe & DOES NOT top the charts murder.

Okay, so Lithuania tops the charts in lack of guns in Europe & DOES TOP the charts in murder.

You can in fact compare Lithuania's neighbors they all have similar instability, wealth, etc. and tend to have far less murder, definitely less suicide & less guns.

Now, the exact opposite applies for Switzerland, having more guns & less murder than most of it's neighbors who tend to have similar instability, wealth etc.
Your are going to have to provide some real numbers on Ireland. Also wasn't that all out of political instability like I have been saying?

The Swiss have a lot of guns, but they have very strong gun laws. Much stronger than the US. They are also extremely rich and very politically stable.

You are playing into my hands.

I do tend to believe DNA is what causes violence most of the time.

Why isn't every poor gun owner a mass shooter like Bowers?

Actually Switzerland COULD be as unstable & explosive violent as Northern Ireland.

Swiss are not uniform ethnically SAME with N Ireland.

Swiss could fight over whos more French, or more German.

I just think Switzerland's people are very docile by European standards.

Not just its low murder rate, also Swiss have not been in war, or genocide like most of Europe.

It's called DNA & some are far more violent than others.

Bowers is just a symptom of bad DNA
Not buying it. There are lots of factors, and lots of guns makes them all worse.

Actually I've driven my point to the T.

First most poor, most gun owners will never become a mass shooter like Bowers.

There is inequalities & it's not guns.

Overall theres a opposite correlation.

There is no correlation between guns & murders.

The three biggest lies of propagandas of the past & present centuries were the following.
1.) Race does not matter.
2.) Genes do not matter.
3.) More guns cause more murder.

You like most dumb Westerners believe such lies because of your poor critical thinking skills
Actually I've driven my point to the T.

First most poor, most gun owners will never become a mass shooter like Bowers.

There is inequalities & it's not guns.

Overall theres a opposite correlation.

There is no correlation between guns & murders.

The three biggest lies of propagandas of the past & present centuries were the following.
1.) Race does not matter.
2.) Genes do not matter.
3.) More guns cause more murder.

You like most dumb Westerners believe such lies because of your poor critical thinking skills

You live in Europe, who is stupid again?

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