Active shooter in Pittsburgh, PA.

Bomb suspect..... fake bombs, 0 dead.

Anti-Trump, anti-Israel shooter....8 dead....

Will the left accept responsibility for this shooter? And for their ant-Israel hate speech?
Wrong again,We all have a responsibility to educate People like this on the benefit of Jews and Judiasm...By your comment your thought is not needed in this conversation because You understand NOTHING other than Racist Patter
Just breaking.

Just another day in America. 27 gun deaths on average a day.

And 1.1 million times a year guns are used by law abiding Americans to stop attacks like these and rapes, robberies and murders......

Americans who own and carry guns? As more people own and carry, our gun murder rate went down Britain where they banned and confiscated guns...gun crime in London was up 42%.....

You don't know what you are talking about.

Which is irrelevant.

You're basically pointing out the much higher crime that people are forced to defend themselves against.

With a gun in your hand you're 5 times more likely to be shot and killed than if you would find it hard to get a gun.

Rape rates in Alaska are the highest in the country, showing that guns aren't that effective at dealing with the overall problem.

But you know this already and you'll spout random facts on their own as if this is somehow proof of something.

I'm sure that helps a lot.

I'll ponder the rape rates in Alaska when I go out on the streets later, hoping a terrorist won't mow me down with his vehicle.
Mindful you are shrouded by me and this will never happen(Despite our differences,I have your back,Lady)Just Sayin...steve
Just breaking.

Just another day in America. 27 gun deaths on average a day.

And 1.1 million times a year guns are used by law abiding Americans to stop attacks like these and rapes, robberies and murders......

Americans who own and carry guns? As more people own and carry, our gun murder rate went down Britain where they banned and confiscated guns...gun crime in London was up 42%.....

You don't know what you are talking about.

Which is irrelevant.

You're basically pointing out the much higher crime that people are forced to defend themselves against.

With a gun in your hand you're 5 times more likely to be shot and killed than if you would find it hard to get a gun.

Rape rates in Alaska are the highest in the country, showing that guns aren't that effective at dealing with the overall problem.

But you know this already and you'll spout random facts on their own as if this is somehow proof of something.

I'm sure that helps a lot.

I'll ponder the rape rates in Alaska when I go out on the streets later, hoping a terrorist won't mow me down with his vehicle.
Mindful you are shrouded by me and this will never happen(Despite our differences,I have your back,Lady)Just Sayin...steve

Concrete blocs everywhere. Big election day today.
Just another day in America. 27 gun deaths on average a day.

And 1.1 million times a year guns are used by law abiding Americans to stop attacks like these and rapes, robberies and murders......

Americans who own and carry guns? As more people own and carry, our gun murder rate went down Britain where they banned and confiscated guns...gun crime in London was up 42%.....

You don't know what you are talking about.

Which is irrelevant.

You're basically pointing out the much higher crime that people are forced to defend themselves against.

With a gun in your hand you're 5 times more likely to be shot and killed than if you would find it hard to get a gun.

Rape rates in Alaska are the highest in the country, showing that guns aren't that effective at dealing with the overall problem.

But you know this already and you'll spout random facts on their own as if this is somehow proof of something.

I'm sure that helps a lot.

I'll ponder the rape rates in Alaska when I go out on the streets later, hoping a terrorist won't mow me down with his vehicle.
Mindful you are shrouded by me and this will never happen(Despite our differences,I have your back,Lady)Just Sayin...steve

Concrete blocs everywhere. Big election day today.
My post still holds,any how are you talking about Israel or America(I couldn't work it the way What Big Election? st)
Yeah they stop so much murder our homicide rate is 4-5X greater than countries with strong gun control. Seems to be a highly ineffective way of stopping murders. Crime went down after we got background checks.

Wrong, you doofus...... those countries used to have low murder rates due to the personal tastes of their criminals...they did not commit, with the social welfare states destroying families in those countries and generations of young girls raising young males without fathers in the home, their violence and gun crime rates are going up....add to that their importing violent, 3rd world males and reducing their police funding and manpower and you are now seeing increasing levels of violent crime all across Europe......

Crime went down as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Wrong again Doofus. They all have homicide rates a small fraction of ours. Stop the lies already. See the OP, people are dying regularly.

You are a moron.... you know that it is culture not guns that are the issue......and their culture can no longer keep their young males crime free....that is why their gun crime and violent crime is going up, while ours is going down.....
Ours is a bit up actually. Their homicide rates are a fraction of ours. They don't have regular mass shootings like we do.

After the Ferguson Effect of the last two years our rates are going down again, no thanks to obama and black lives matter who handicapped our police....and increased the gun murder rate over the last two years...but that is over now that Trump is in office and not attacking and blaming the police...
You are a LAIR. Totalitarianism has been de rigueur among the power hungry throughout human history. The packaging may change, but the desire to control and profit from others persists. The Dems are the consumer brand in our era.

Without government police there would be a lot more mass shootings like this.

We may very well have shootings everyday like this if not for governnent policing.

Big Government also ended the Holocaust.

I am not so sure big government even leads to much more if anymore genocide.

The British Empire Capitalists killed on every continent.

There's Rwanda & Wolyn Massacre which are more modern genocides in basic anarchy.

Then there were a ton of small government massacres & genocides before the Enlightenment.

Genghiz Khan killed as much as 1 in 4 people in this World & was a small government Nomad.
Horse shit! Government itself is the implied consent of use of force. What’s good for the goose; is good for the gander.

How do you stop mass shooters massacres like this, Abortion murders, drug dealer junkies & illegal immigrants WITHOUT SOME KIND OF GOVERNMENT FORCE?
That’s a varying list. Worthy of multiple answers. Pegged to only one... I have to say personal responsibility....

This is getting too off topic.

But government DID solve & end this mass shooting& government DID solve & end the Holocaust mostly by Soviets but also some others.

The bottomline is Anarchy would suck.

What would stop McDonalds from massacring Wendys without the Police a government institution?
One is either in favor of the initiation, of force, or they aren’t. Once they side with being in favor of the initiation of force; by default they have become subject to it as well...
In Germany.
WHAT???? are you doing there???st

Drinking coffee, looking out of the window, and talking to you.
I was in Koln last week and Stuttgart the week before selecting my new Merc,life can be tough but the rewards can be

I'm a BMW fan.

You forgot the umlaut, btw.
LOL umlaut,be satisfied with my limitations,and limitations they are...As much as I admire Robert Nester Norville Marley,he thought that the initials BMW mean't

Bob Marley and the Wailers,not The Bavarian Motor Works but BMW did very well selling to

Dreadlocks worldwide because of him...Jah Rastafari..I can interpret Mindie,with or

without umlauts
As Jews across the US registered their shock at Saturday morning’s shooting massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh by a gun-wielding assailant, communal organizations emphasized the need to confront the antisemitic hatred behind the crime.

In a statement issued on Saturday afternoon, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt observed, “It is simply unconscionable for Jews to be targeted during worship on a Sabbath morning, and unthinkable that it would happen in the United States of America in this day and age.”

“Our hearts break for the families of those killed and injured at the Tree of Life Synagogue, and for the entire Jewish community of Pittsburgh,” Greenblatt said.

The ADL chief added: “We believe this is the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the United States. We are actively engaged with law enforcement to support their investigation and call on authorities to investigate this as a hate crime.”


Greenblatt noted that the massacre at the Shabbat morning service — in which 11 people were murdered and several more were wounded by gunman Robert Bowers, whose social media profile has revealed him as a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer — “occurs at a time when ADL has reported a historic increase in both antisemitic incidents and antisemitic online harassment.”

American Jewish Groups Vow to Fight Antisemitism Following ‘Deadliest Attack on Jews in US History’
The guy was a Jew hater. We have a plethora of those here at the USMB.

I've ONLY seen genocide references towards Muslims on this forum & never against Jews.

With that said this is wrong & Bowers is an idiot to do this shooting.

That however doesn't mean the opposite hasn't happened.

The Jewish Defense League have targeted Muslims & Fascists
Which is also wrong especially Baruch Goldstein.
you can put the goalposts back where they were now.
ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.

David Duke was a dem until the late 80s. That was hardly "generations" ago.

Do you consider him a trustworthy person?
And then he became a Republican....I wonder, not really. I know exactly why....he found a home with the GOP.

He's been no more welcome here, then in your party.

My point stands. He was a dem until the late 1980s, while you dems like to pretend that the racists flipped back in the 60s.

Address that.
ANd that is what he said, if you actually watched the full unedited tape.

He specifically said, that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists with his "fine people" comment.

He specified that multiple times for the vile media, and they still lied to you.

One side was only white supremacists, dope.
They organized the event. Fine people don't march with supremacists.

The ultimate white supremacists, the KKK, are Democrats.
No longer. They were a few generations back. But it's amusing to see you live in the past like's what con-servatives do.

You are a LAIR. Totalitarianism has been de rigueur among the power hungry throughout human history. The packaging may change, but the desire to control and profit from others persists. The Dems are the consumer brand in our era.
I'm not lying at all....but I certainly seem to have struck a nerve with's your peeps:

You know the actual nazis are a complete fringe group with no mainstream support.

It is hateful and divisive of you to say otherwise.

Why are you doing that? Why are you being hateful and divisive?

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