Active shooter in Pittsburgh, PA.

Wrong....nazism is a type of socialism, therefore left wing, not Right far As American conservatism goes... the party of hate, violence and racism is the democrat party, a left wing, socialist party that uses race and hate to gain power....that you can't see that shows you are not very observant of truth and realilty.

Wong, the Nazi's were not socialist. They used the term "Socialist" to attract the working class, but in the end,,,,,:
"Hitler crushed the Nazi Party’s left, or socialist-oriented, wing in 1934, executing Ernst Röhm and other rebellious SA leaders on what would become known as the “Night of the Long Knives.”
Nazi Party | Definition, Meaning, History, & Facts
And again, 2aguy shows his ignorance.

Yes...they were socialists.....lying about it won't change that truth....

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

By Friedrich August von Hayek Spring 1933

Hoover Institution, F. A. Hayek Papers, Box/Folder 105 : 10.

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National “Socialism” is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to “socialism of the chair” and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capitali

To you read what you post?
"A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capital"

And then there's this:
The Coining of “Privatization” and Germany’s National Socialist Party
An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda

Yes...the tired argument that because the national socialists fought and defeated the international socialists, that means they aren' socialists....then explain to us how the MS-13 drug gang isn't really a drug gang because they fight and kill other members of the other drug gangs....please...we will wait right here for your answer.....

Rob Bowers, Hitler & Stalin are all Right Wing Conservatives.

The scales should be as followed.

Libertarian vs Authoritarian. AKA less vs more government.

Egalitarian vs Hierarchy. Meaning classless vs class.

Collectivist vs Individualist

Natiobalism vs Globalist.

Conservative vs Liberal. Meaning preservation of traditional values vs more rights.

Authoritarianism, Nationalism, Collectivism & Conservative values all tend to go hand & hand.

That's what Nazis did.

This shooter Robert Bowers is in fact a Right winger.

You are a misguided individual.

This particular shooter AKA Rob Bowers would probably just use a car, a bomb, or something else like a machette to cause mayhem otherwise, without guns.

So, I don't think guns are much of the culprit, in fact the BIGGEST USA massacres like Wounded Knee were caused by the GUN CONTROL.

As for your comment.
Lithuania right next to Poland has even far less guns per capita than Poland, and about 8 X more murders, and about 3 X more suicide?

What happened there? Lithuanians are racially a bit different than Poles having Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes at higher rates & Slavic genes at much lower rates, now we're getting somewhere.

Because Russians despite being Slavic speakers, also have a lot of Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes much like Lithuanians do in comparison to Poles.

Yes, Russia has nearly identical murder rates as Lithuania.

I don't think it has MUCH of ANYTHING to do with guns, or lack of guns.

There's holes in both theories all over the World, which would call such theories BS.

Mass shootings were very common in Northern Ireland, at a time when they had far less guns than the USA.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.

I don't see any kind of difference.

You DO NOT kill in offense because of anything other than basically point blank BEING MENTALLY ILL.

Mental illnesses are MOSTLY "drum roll" genetics, a defect in DNA, NOW environment might make things worse, or better, but NORMAL people DO NOT kill like this.

Also considering that there have been cars & truck mass killings with MUCH higher fatalities than this, then why not consider banning Cars & Trucks?

Oh, wait that would be insane. Cars & Trucks are a tool, well so are Guns, in being self sufficient, and be it hunting, or protecting ones family.

The bottomline is you can look at murder rates all over the World, and I HAVE seen NO CORRELATION.

Quite the opposite, gun control FAILED in Jamaica BIG TIME, Jamaica's murder rate exploded "Drum roll" AFTER gun control.

Meanwhile, Holocaust victim Jews, Armenians in the Armenian Genocide, Black slaves, and Massacred Natives in the USA were ALL DISARMED.

Therefor I see no value in gun control, EXCEPT to strengthen genocide positions.
Our mentally ill have easy access to guns. They don't in countries with strong gun control. It obviously makes a big difference. We are the only stable country who suffers from regular mass shootings.

I happen to support background checks, disarment of the masses is something different.

But, even background checks don't do as much as you think because of criminals getting guns from the Black Market, from Friends, from Family, from well where ever they want.

I don't think you can get rid of guns.

There will always be a black market for them.

Guns aren't the only tools used to kill, so are knives, so are cars, so are trucks, machetes, axes, chain-saws, I can keep going on, and on & on.

Why single out guns, should we also ban chain-saws & cars, or trucks because of a few bad apples?
Glad you support them. Crime went down drastically ever since we got them. What we need is more. The Swiss have lots of guns, but they have strong gun laws.

Yes and it's a lot harder to do a mass killing with a knife. People can run away. Barriers can be put up against cars. Guns however are easily concealed and obviously kill many really fst.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.

I don't see any kind of difference.

You DO NOT kill in offense because of anything other than basically point blank BEING MENTALLY ILL.

Mental illnesses are MOSTLY "drum roll" genetics, a defect in DNA, NOW environment might make things worse, or better, but NORMAL people DO NOT kill like this.

Also considering that there have been cars & truck mass killings with MUCH higher fatalities than this, then why not consider banning Cars & Trucks?

No they don't


Oh, wait that would be insane. Cars & Trucks are a tool, well so are Guns, in being self sufficient, and be it hunting, or protecting ones family.

The bottomline is you can look at murder rates all over the World, and I HAVE seen NO CORRELATION.

Quite the opposite, gun control FAILED in Jamaica BIG TIME, Jamaica's murder rate exploded "Drum roll" AFTER gun control.

Meanwhile, Holocaust victim Jews, Armenians in the Armenian Genocide, Black slaves, and Massacred Natives in the USA were ALL DISARMED.

Therefor I see no value in gun control, EXCEPT to strengthen genocide positions.
Our mentally ill have easy access to guns. They don't in countries with strong gun control. It obviously makes a big difference. We are the only stable country who suffers from regular mass shootings.

No they don't.

You're ignorant to the max

All our mass shootings and cop killings disagree with you.
Acceptable risk to live in America

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
I don't see any kind of difference.

You DO NOT kill in offense because of anything other than basically point blank BEING MENTALLY ILL.

Mental illnesses are MOSTLY "drum roll" genetics, a defect in DNA, NOW environment might make things worse, or better, but NORMAL people DO NOT kill like this.

Also considering that there have been cars & truck mass killings with MUCH higher fatalities than this, then why not consider banning Cars & Trucks?

No they don't


Oh, wait that would be insane. Cars & Trucks are a tool, well so are Guns, in being self sufficient, and be it hunting, or protecting ones family.

The bottomline is you can look at murder rates all over the World, and I HAVE seen NO CORRELATION.

Quite the opposite, gun control FAILED in Jamaica BIG TIME, Jamaica's murder rate exploded "Drum roll" AFTER gun control.

Meanwhile, Holocaust victim Jews, Armenians in the Armenian Genocide, Black slaves, and Massacred Natives in the USA were ALL DISARMED.

Therefor I see no value in gun control, EXCEPT to strengthen genocide positions.
Our mentally ill have easy access to guns. They don't in countries with strong gun control. It obviously makes a big difference. We are the only stable country who suffers from regular mass shootings.

No they don't.

You're ignorant to the max

All our mass shootings and cop killings disagree with you.
Acceptable risk to live in America

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

Yes, only the White Europeans clustered around Poland have the perfect human genes. realize that crap is insane, right?

And makes you sound batcrap insane.

The Democrats blame Conservatives for this shooting & the Holocaust & then Republicans blame Socialists for this shooting & the Holocaust.

So why doesn't Poland which is infact both way more Socialist & way more Conservative have these shootings, or genocides?

Valid point, indeed.

Poland, Czechs & Hungarians have tried many government types with great results & a lack of violence.

Anglo-Saxons have also tried many government types each with terrible results & lots of violence.

It is NOT government or guns.

Some people are just genetic trash.

This Rob Bowers did what he did because of his DNA & blah, blah NOT government type or the environment,guns, or lack of guns.

People can be very violent & insane.

This Robert Bowers is one of them.

Anglo-Saxons AKA English & Germans do in fact have a monopoly on European genocides, serial killers & mass shooters

My guess is approx 80% of all European violence is by these Anglos & Saxons
Poland has a very low gun ownership rate. 2.5
Estimated number of civilian guns per capita by country - Wikipedia

This particular shooter AKA Rob Bowers would probably just use a car, a bomb, or something else like a machette to cause mayhem otherwise, without guns.

So, I don't think guns are much of the culprit, in fact the BIGGEST USA massacres like Wounded Knee were caused by the GUN CONTROL.

As for your comment.
Lithuania right next to Poland has even far less guns per capita than Poland, and about 8 X more murders, and about 3 X more suicide?

What happened there? Lithuanians are racially a bit different than Poles having Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes at higher rates & Slavic genes at much lower rates, now we're getting somewhere.

Because Russians despite being Slavic speakers, also have a lot of Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes much like Lithuanians do in comparison to Poles.

Yes, Russia has nearly identical murder rates as Lithuania.

I don't think it has MUCH of ANYTHING to do with guns, or lack of guns.

There's holes in both theories all over the World, which would call such theories BS.

Mass shootings were very common in Northern Ireland, at a time when they had far less guns than the USA.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Our mentally ill have easy access to guns. They don't in countries with strong gun control. It obviously makes a big difference. We are the only stable country who suffers from regular mass shootings.

No they don't.

You're ignorant to the max

All our mass shootings and cop killings disagree with you.
Acceptable risk to live in America

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
The Democrats blame Conservatives for this shooting & the Holocaust & then Republicans blame Socialists for this shooting & the Holocaust.

So why doesn't Poland which is infact both way more Socialist & way more Conservative have these shootings, or genocides?

Valid point, indeed.

Poland, Czechs & Hungarians have tried many government types with great results & a lack of violence.

Anglo-Saxons have also tried many government types each with terrible results & lots of violence.

It is NOT government or guns.

Some people are just genetic trash.

This Rob Bowers did what he did because of his DNA & blah, blah NOT government type or the environment,guns, or lack of guns.

People can be very violent & insane.

This Robert Bowers is one of them.

Anglo-Saxons AKA English & Germans do in fact have a monopoly on European genocides, serial killers & mass shooters

My guess is approx 80% of all European violence is by these Anglos & Saxons
Poland has a very low gun ownership rate. 2.5
Estimated number of civilian guns per capita by country - Wikipedia

This particular shooter AKA Rob Bowers would probably just use a car, a bomb, or something else like a machette to cause mayhem otherwise, without guns.

So, I don't think guns are much of the culprit, in fact the BIGGEST USA massacres like Wounded Knee were caused by the GUN CONTROL.

As for your comment.
Lithuania right next to Poland has even far less guns per capita than Poland, and about 8 X more murders, and about 3 X more suicide?

What happened there? Lithuanians are racially a bit different than Poles having Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes at higher rates & Slavic genes at much lower rates, now we're getting somewhere.

Because Russians despite being Slavic speakers, also have a lot of Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes much like Lithuanians do in comparison to Poles.

Yes, Russia has nearly identical murder rates as Lithuania.

I don't think it has MUCH of ANYTHING to do with guns, or lack of guns.

There's holes in both theories all over the World, which would call such theories BS.

Mass shootings were very common in Northern Ireland, at a time when they had far less guns than the USA.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
I don't care what Poland or any of those other shitholes do

This is America baby...

When you are ready, I recommend the Glock-19 for your personal protection

The Democrats blame Conservatives for this shooting & the Holocaust & then Republicans blame Socialists for this shooting & the Holocaust.

So why doesn't Poland which is infact both way more Socialist & way more Conservative have these shootings, or genocides?

Valid point, indeed.

Poland, Czechs & Hungarians have tried many government types with great results & a lack of violence.

Anglo-Saxons have also tried many government types each with terrible results & lots of violence.

It is NOT government or guns.

Some people are just genetic trash.

This Rob Bowers did what he did because of his DNA & blah, blah NOT government type or the environment,guns, or lack of guns.

People can be very violent & insane.

This Robert Bowers is one of them.

Anglo-Saxons AKA English & Germans do in fact have a monopoly on European genocides, serial killers & mass shooters

My guess is approx 80% of all European violence is by these Anglos & Saxons
Poland has a very low gun ownership rate. 2.5
Estimated number of civilian guns per capita by country - Wikipedia

This particular shooter AKA Rob Bowers would probably just use a car, a bomb, or something else like a machette to cause mayhem otherwise, without guns.

So, I don't think guns are much of the culprit, in fact the BIGGEST USA massacres like Wounded Knee were caused by the GUN CONTROL.

As for your comment.
Lithuania right next to Poland has even far less guns per capita than Poland, and about 8 X more murders, and about 3 X more suicide?

What happened there? Lithuanians are racially a bit different than Poles having Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes at higher rates & Slavic genes at much lower rates, now we're getting somewhere.

Because Russians despite being Slavic speakers, also have a lot of Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes much like Lithuanians do in comparison to Poles.

Yes, Russia has nearly identical murder rates as Lithuania.

I don't think it has MUCH of ANYTHING to do with guns, or lack of guns.

There's holes in both theories all over the World, which would call such theories BS.

Mass shootings were very common in Northern Ireland, at a time when they had far less guns than the USA.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.
No they don't.

You're ignorant to the max

All our mass shootings and cop killings disagree with you.
Acceptable risk to live in America

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

All our mass shootings and cop killings disagree with you.
Acceptable risk to live in America

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Wong, the Nazi's were not socialist. They used the term "Socialist" to attract the working class, but in the end,,,,,:
"Hitler crushed the Nazi Party’s left, or socialist-oriented, wing in 1934, executing Ernst Röhm and other rebellious SA leaders on what would become known as the “Night of the Long Knives.”
Nazi Party | Definition, Meaning, History, & Facts
And again, 2aguy shows his ignorance.

Yes...they were socialists.....lying about it won't change that truth....

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

By Friedrich August von Hayek Spring 1933

Hoover Institution, F. A. Hayek Papers, Box/Folder 105 : 10.

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National “Socialism” is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to “socialism of the chair” and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capitali

To you read what you post?
"A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capital"

And then there's this:
The Coining of “Privatization” and Germany’s National Socialist Party
An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda

Yes...the tired argument that because the national socialists fought and defeated the international socialists, that means they aren' socialists....then explain to us how the MS-13 drug gang isn't really a drug gang because they fight and kill other members of the other drug gangs....please...we will wait right here for your answer.....

Rob Bowers, Hitler & Stalin are all Right Wing Conservatives.

The scales should be as followed.

Libertarian vs Authoritarian. AKA less vs more government.

Egalitarian vs Hierarchy. Meaning classless vs class.

Collectivist vs Individualist

Natiobalism vs Globalist.

Conservative vs Liberal. Meaning preservation of traditional values vs more rights.

Authoritarianism, Nationalism, Collectivism & Conservative values all tend to go hand & hand.

That's what Nazis did.

This shooter Robert Bowers is in fact a Right winger.

You are a misguided individual.

BS, just because Robert Bowers, Stalin, and Hitler are all RIGHT WING doesn't mean YOU ARE, Republicans are in fact Liberal leftists by Classical definitions.

Americans have flipped politics upside down, you DO NOT have proper, or firm grasp of POLITICS AT ALL.

Europeans actually get it more correct, yes Fascism is far- Right-Wing, yes Stalinism is pretty Right-Wing

Let's review.

A.) Stalin outlawed Abortion, criminalized Gays, & deported "Minorities" out of Russian, Ukrainian & Polish living space.

That's ALL Right wing values.

B.) Capitalism & Tax cuts, ARE Liberal, and Leftist by Classical definitions.

Liberalism of the market means to LOOSEN up regulations AKA deregulations.

Also the FIRST Leftists were in fact Capitalists for more rights & freedoms, while the FIRST Right-Wingers were in fact Monarchists, for Authoritarian Traditional values.

This therefor by CLASSICAL definitions puts Stalin, and even more so Hitler, and also "Rob Bowers" firmly into the Right-Wing sphere.

This particular shooter AKA Rob Bowers would probably just use a car, a bomb, or something else like a machette to cause mayhem otherwise, without guns.

So, I don't think guns are much of the culprit, in fact the BIGGEST USA massacres like Wounded Knee were caused by the GUN CONTROL.

As for your comment.
Lithuania right next to Poland has even far less guns per capita than Poland, and about 8 X more murders, and about 3 X more suicide?

What happened there? Lithuanians are racially a bit different than Poles having Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes at higher rates & Slavic genes at much lower rates, now we're getting somewhere.

Because Russians despite being Slavic speakers, also have a lot of Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes much like Lithuanians do in comparison to Poles.

Yes, Russia has nearly identical murder rates as Lithuania.

I don't think it has MUCH of ANYTHING to do with guns, or lack of guns.

There's holes in both theories all over the World, which would call such theories BS.

Mass shootings were very common in Northern Ireland, at a time when they had far less guns than the USA.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Acceptable risk to live in America

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Riddle me this ..... you have never heard of a mother naming her baby in the womb?

It's called DNA.

I know it's a foreign concept for Brainwashed, and idiotic "Westerners"

But, DNA is there for a reason, to make us, who we are.

That's not to say that culture, environment, and government don't have impacts.

I tend to think Rob Bowers is like 90% the product of BAD GENES, you don't have any government, any environment, or any culture that causes even close to a majority to kill like this.

But, we do have documented genes that do in fact cause mental illnesses, or violence.

I know it might be crazy that Crazy people are crazy because of their DNA, and Violent people are violent because of their DNA.

I know it might be crazy that Bushman & Pygmies are short because of their DNA.

Who f*cking knew? Hahaha.
This particular shooter AKA Rob Bowers would probably just use a car, a bomb, or something else like a machette to cause mayhem otherwise, without guns.

So, I don't think guns are much of the culprit, in fact the BIGGEST USA massacres like Wounded Knee were caused by the GUN CONTROL.

As for your comment.
Lithuania right next to Poland has even far less guns per capita than Poland, and about 8 X more murders, and about 3 X more suicide?

What happened there? Lithuanians are racially a bit different than Poles having Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes at higher rates & Slavic genes at much lower rates, now we're getting somewhere.

Because Russians despite being Slavic speakers, also have a lot of Baltic & Finno-Ugric genes much like Lithuanians do in comparison to Poles.

Yes, Russia has nearly identical murder rates as Lithuania.

I don't think it has MUCH of ANYTHING to do with guns, or lack of guns.

There's holes in both theories all over the World, which would call such theories BS.

Mass shootings were very common in Northern Ireland, at a time when they had far less guns than the USA.
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.
Acceptable to you, not to me. I value the right to life.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Riddle me this ..... you have never heard of a mother naming her baby in the womb?

Beats me. The parents must have names. Tell me about some grieving parents.
That's fine... do you support abortion there sparky?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Riddle me this ..... you have never heard of a mother naming her baby in the womb?

Beats me. The parents must have names. Tell me about some grieving parents.
So your answer is no....

That's odd... are you gay/homo or something?

I've never known anyone who was aborted. Can you name a victim?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Riddle me this ..... you have never heard of a mother naming her baby in the womb?

Beats me. The parents must have names. Tell me about some grieving parents.
So your answer is no....

That's odd... are you gay/homo or something?

So you can't even name grieving parents? No victim and no grieving parents. And I should care why?
The reason why Poland doesn't have this problem is quite obvious though now isn't it? There are certainly other factors like political and economic instability. But when you look at similarly stable countries, those with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Hey Pinky

Guess what?

Poland can go fuck themselves


Guess what?

Rob Bowers the violent shooting predator & also Tennessee can go f*ck themselves, you have nearly 10X the murder rate as Poland.

Although, I don't necessarily blame this on guns, either.

Lithuania & Russia both have far, far, far, far less guns than Tennesee & still have similar murder rates to that of Tennessee.

Just some people have more aggressive, or otherwise violent individuals, according to their DNA.

If MOST of this society is NOT MURDERING people, and even less than that are like Bowers mass-shooters, then what becomes the problem?

It's obvious, the problem is DNA influencing Mental Illnesses which cause violent snapping fits, well like Bowers here.
Russia is pretty much under a dictator. That's leads to political instability. They don't exactly have a great economy either.

Do you think gun control would've stopped Bowers from killing? I don't really think so...

I thought they said similar about Poland becoming UNDEMOCRATIC, because of the so called Tribunal Court crisis?

Actually, by your logic, presumably Lithuania's a better Democracy, more Liberal, less guns, rather than Poland, so why does Lithuania have Europe's #2 murder rate & #1 suicide rate?

Gee, seems Lithuanians are violent regardless of "Government", how come??????????????
Well they are certainly behind most of Europe because they were in the Soviet Union. By country standards they are quite new, making them inherently less stable. Looks like their homicide rate is still under the US. They also have a gun ownership rate of 13.6, much higher than Poland.

The USA might NOW be the mass shootings capital thanks to people here like Bowers, Paddock, Roof & "others"

However, this wasn't the case until recently.

The biggest mass shootings capital of the 20th century WAS called Northern Ireland, it had a ton of mass shootings between Ulster Protestants & Irish Catholics.

Ever hear of Bloody Sunday? It was carried out by Irish Ulster Protestants against Irish Catholics.

The USA is NO WHERE as close as Northern Ireland had been in mass shootings, DESPITE LESS GUNS.

Now, to raise an interesting point, Irish Americans make up about 11% of Americans, and about 2/3rds of them are Ulster Protestants.

So, is it really a coincidence, that they have brought their mass shootings to the USA?????

Now, enough of my point.
Onto your point.
So, Lithuania has less guns & more murder & more suicide than the rest of Eastern Europeans because of the Soviet Union?
As if that makes sense.

YES, it seems that actually ethnic Russians probably are at the same rate, if not slightly lower than Lithuania in murder, BECAUSE Russia's Siberia & also Russia's Muslim migrants up the murder rates signfiicantly.

Austria & Switzerland have Europe's lowest murder rates & also some of the highest gun ownership rates on the continent.

Scotland has the highest murder rates in Western Europe & also the lowest gun ownership rates on the Western part of the continent.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Are you going to suggest that Scotland is somehow far different in any aspect vs Austria, or Switzerland?
Just as I thought..... You're a nut job

Carry on

I guess you can't name one. Just as I thought.
Riddle me this ..... you have never heard of a mother naming her baby in the womb?

Beats me. The parents must have names. Tell me about some grieving parents.
So your answer is no....

That's odd... are you gay/homo or something?

So you can't even name grieving parents? No victim and no grieving parents. And I should care why?
Care? IDK, you said earlier you cared about human life


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