Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

And you want this to be a gun issue, like most of the far-leftists on this board do.

You don't give a damn about the kids. Their corpses are still on the floor while you and others are engaging in this sick political gamesmanship about 'illegal' this, 'gun control' that.

Spare me your false outrage.
If you cared about the kids you'd have stopped hiding behind your guns and done something. This doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control...
Suspected shooter Salvador Ramos

The shooter has been identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, has also been killed. According to reports from ABC, he unleashed the killing spree after shooting and killing his grandmother. He is a student at Uvaldi high school and is a US citizen.

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Sure thing, moron.

At Least 80 Dead in Norway Shooting​

And that was how many years ago and how many other times has it happened? If only it happened here once every many, many years.
"A school official clarified to ABC News that the shooting took place off campus, but Robb Elementary School was under lockdown."
I'm sure ya all haters of the 2nd amendment are saddened that the shooter didn't shoot any kids so you could all immediately start attacking the 2nd amendment.
Leave it to the reprehensible right to attempt to make this tragedy about politics.
With guns, yes. We have quite a high homicide rate relative to countries with strong gun control. And it's getting worse with weaker gun laws. So much for more concealed carry eh?
It is going to get much worse. The ghetto rats can't afford food or utilities because of Brandon. This is not going to be the "Summer of Love" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Do not fret, gun-lover. This massacre of children will not threaten your dear loved guns. Just another day in America. Moving the next massacre....and the next massacre...and the next massacre......
I guess those murders in Blue slums don't bother you nearly as much as a bunch of White kids being murdered.
If you cared about the kids you'd have stopped hiding behind your guns and done something. This doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control...
Funny I don't ever remember you posting in my Black Deaths Matters thread lamenting the weekly deaths of innocent Black people by drug/gang shootings. Doesn't fit your politics I guess.
20,000 laws pertaining to the regulation of guns are already on the books. Which one of them would have stopped this child killer?
I'll wait.
20,000 laws and it's easy for angry kids to regularly get guns and kill people. Hmmmm....seems we need much better laws then. This doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control.

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