Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

And you want this to be a gun issue

No I do not. I have not made it a gun issue at all.

You don't give a damn about the kids. Their corpses are still on the floor while you and others are engaging in this sick political gamesmanship about 'illegal' this, 'gun control' that.

Spare me your false outrage.

Fuck off an die.

I do not do "gun control", I do not blame guns for the actions of the people holding them.

I am a gun owner have been since I was 14 years old

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about
If you cared about the kids you'd have stopped hiding behind your guns and done something. This doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control...

Curious, you would have hidden behind the kids, not protected them.

But then there are the leftist views on abortion, so there's that very telling aspect of people like yourself.
The FOX reporter lied. He was a US citizen and he was enrolled in the local high school. He WAS NOT running from border patrol.
The Fox reporter didn't lie. He said it was a rumor and it is a rumor.

American teens are routinely recruited by cartels to smuggle illegals so it's not out of the question.
Sure thing, moron.

At Least 80 Dead in Norway Shooting​

A single shooting 11 years ago.

Is that really the best you can do?
Funny I don't ever remember you posting in my Black Deaths Matters thread lamenting the weekly deaths of innocent Black people by drug/gang shootings. Doesn't fit your politics I guess.
Our homicide rate is 3-4 times higher than countries with strong gun control. Our problem shows up in many, many ways.
No I do not. I have not made it a gun issue at all.

Fuck off an die.

I do not do "gun control", I do not blame guns for the actions of the people holding them.

I am a gun owner have been since I was 14 years old

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about

"Fuck off and die"

Oh my. You're like a rich liberal whining about wealth inequality. It doesn't matter if you're a gun owner or not.
Black Ops operations are....

Then you should have no problem sharing lots of recent news article. Go for it.

What would be a point? Many of those threads DO have recent news articles in them but I guess you haven't the brains to read any of them. You just want to blame guns to evade the real cause of progressive liberalism. If you already don't know of all the gun crime around the world in your "gun free zones," I'm not going to waste my time on something you obviously don't care to understand.
If initial reports are accurate and this mass murderer of children was an illegal alien who was being chased by the Border Patrol, Democrats should never again be allowed to hold an elected office in the United States.

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