Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

There are already enough "gun laws" on the books to prevent these thing from happening.
But they're not enforced.
So, given the unwillingness to expend the effort that would require let's go against the other common factor: Schools.
Shut 'em down.
Ban them entirely.
Then common sense might make a comeback when the liberal indoctrination ends!
If you want to solve most of the problems in America you need to get rid of all of the Democrats.
They're the cause of these problems.

This idiot wouldn't have even gotten inside the school if it weren't for Democrat preventing security measures from being used in our schools.
Don't sweat it, Skewy. It was only 14 kids. You kill 14 kids every weekend in lawless Chicago run by one of your famous democrats. You abort 14 kids a second at planned Parenthood! Far more die every day from the Fenynl you allow into the country from Mexico. And even more die every second from starvation, drowning or rape trying to get here in through one of your wide open borders from south america with Veggie Joe waving them in.

So don't sit their trying to feign concern over children as if you really care.

Because kids in schools are just like Chicago gang bangers, unwanted fetuses, and drug addicts. What other absurdities have your Groomers callously cast upon the Democrats?
I'm trying to watch The Five and this is the crap they're showing.
All wall to wall media coverage does is create copy-cats.
Any report on what type of gun was used? Was it one of those "black and scary Assault rifles" was it "fully automatic" ?
Thank God he was a white kid otherwise BLM might have to get involved denouncing another scene of racist police brutality! :smoke:
Are you nuts? That is what anyone is supposed to do. We really don't need to start a shooting gallery with multiple people shooting.
Maybe we do. If a dozen people drew on this Mexican teenager and put a dozen bullets in him, the entire community would have been better off. He was likely loaded with drugs and killed his grandmother for complaining.

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