Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Rep. Ronny Jackson: It’s ‘Unfortunate’ Guns Are Being Blamed For Violence When Video Games and Rap Are the Real Cause
Gun violence is just like COVID with Republicans…if it didn’t happen to them or anyone related to them then they don’t care
Oh....I see you are a "stop the steal" nut. You are a little crazy with guns. Nice....

Are you one of the "civil war" nuts that trump is raving about?
Name the urban city that each weekend has multiple shootings
and death that each election cycle vote for Republicans.
That urban city does not exist.No Trump city is anywhere like
Chicago or Los Angeles.Or Detroit.Baltimore,Trenton or,Boston,Philly.Just to name a handfull.
Gun violence is just like COVID with Republicans…if it didn’t happen to them or anyone related to them then they don’t care
I get it.So President Trump dint care about Blacks and Hispanics.
That is how he acheived The Lowest Unemployment rate for
Blacks and Hispanics since Unemployment numbers have been
tracked and reported.
Chalk it up to the luck of the draw.
Quick Draw Donald the rescue.
How do you know he was a right winger....nothing about the vegas shooter pointed out any political moron.

Meanwhile, keep denying that the Buffalo shooter was a left wing, eco-fascist.....

Because he jeered common rightwinger complaints about Ruby Ridge, Waco, FEMA camps and feared the government was gonna confiscate citizens' guns. Sane shit many rightwingnuts on this site espouse.

So where'd they drudge up that silly little snotrag.
Wasn't he slated for big things.Like being in Congress.
Have his own talk radio program.Assistant to the assistant to the
head janitor in some Florida high school.I mean, it was coolio to
watch the little Hogg turn sideways.And vanish.Like Puff the magic
You Dims say people should be able to identify how they want. Except when it doesn't fit your narrative. So the ugly dude in the Biden administration should be called a dude even if he wants to believe he is a woman?

Get your fucking story straight hypocrites.

Who says the shooter didn't identify as a white hispanic? You're up to your eyeballs in shrill.
And there you go, the 2nd Amendment on display in it's full glory. 2aguy will have to botch his list to squirm out of this, M14 Shooter will want something demonstrated but here's some more gun demonstration for him and westwall will just go around giving the thumbs down to anything said negatively about a gun. And the rest of the gun nuts.........the mouth frothing will start.

Thank goodness my kids and I live in the UK, idiots with guns are rare over here.

And 19 kids lose their lives so you can keep your 2nd Amendment in arming nutters. Well America, when it comes to guns, the world can't fix stoopid.

Way to go gun nuts, way to go, hats off to you :clap2:

No, the scumbag was a leftist freak. Coddled by assholes like you, and even after multiple police contacts yet another nut job allowed to "slip through the cracks".
Because he jeered common rightwinger complaints about Ruby Ridge, Waco, FEMA camps and feared the government was gonna confiscate citizens' guns. Sane shit many rightwingnuts on this site espouse.
Name the rightwinger who espoused Ruby Ridge or Waco.
You surely must meanie those on the right who took to task
the duplicity of unwarranted Big Brother trampling on our
Bill of Rights.Each citizen should have the right to travel and live
as they choose as long as they don't infringe any laws or
tresspass.If I choose to sit on my porch and pick my nose all
afternoon,I should have that freedom.I mean,Oprah did just that.
She'd sit on her Front porch and look for passerby's to start
shit with.The same Woman who Swore ...
" I'm going to be Very,Very,Very Wealthy " Kitty Kelley bio
on Oprah.
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We should try locking the doors at schools and not letting anyone is who has no reason to be there

Yep, locking these doors would have made all the difference in the way anyone could get past them if they are locked.

This emotional distress and childhood trauma is preventable
No, not totally, but immediately after Parkland in 2018 there was a drive to harden security at schools. Politicians bailed out on it because of the costs. Significant restriction of 2A is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN without a fight so why not spend whatever is necessary to stop these freaks from getting into schools? What good excuse is there for not even TRYING to find a solution that all can support?

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