Active Shooter Reported Near Planned Parenthood In Colorado


Booking photo

looks like a madman.

Looks like a white right-wing terrorist.
This is the fifth attack on PP since the release of the doctored sting tapes of PP. This is the fruit of the tree of poison that has been planted by the Right. They own it, but won't admit it. Big surprise.
The full interviews are available if you cared enough to do the research, odds zero, I suspect...:laugh:

Gotch, Lump. Since you believe that the tapes are real (and no state law enforcement authority does), then the five terrorists attacks on PP are justified.

The Justice Department is corrupt under this lawless Obama Presidency, State enforcement, prove with a link.... After you do the research and gain knowledge try again...

Lump, I am not going to prove a negative. Everything that was "revealed" in those tapes are ILLEGAL ACTIONS. Yet, not one single state has moved to prosecute PP, which they are duty bound to do, If they think they can prove that a crime has been committed. So, you do your fucking research, and quote for us some indictments.

Golly, you sure don't sound like a "Gotch" winner, now do Ya....:lol:

And you have no answer as to why nobody has indicted PP for illegal activities, do you?

And, since you get your news from AM radio, I thoughtfully provided the link that YOU demanded that the PP sting videos were doctored and falsified:

No, Planned Parenthood Isn’t Selling ‘Aborted Baby Parts’

Booking photo

looks like a madman.
Obviously he's crazy.

Looks like he cuts his hair with a weed-wacker.

It would suck if he just has a drug problem and wanted to hold up a bank....then ran into the nearest Planned Parenthood building because they had "This Is A Gun-Free Zone" signs all over the place.
This is the fifth attack on PP since the release of the doctored sting tapes of PP. This is the fruit of the tree of poison that has been planted by the Right. They own it, but won't admit it. Big surprise.
No the video's speak for themselves, so with you it's kill the messenger eh ?

I know that reading is not your forte', beagle, but find someone to read this to you:

No, Planned Parenthood Isn’t Selling ‘Aborted Baby Parts’
I find it amusing they say Obama was briefed. Really? On a shooting in a Western town? Why? So he can make sure the crisis doesn’t go to waste?

Uh... because Americans are (were) under attack? Ya think?
50-75 will be gunned down in Chicago this weekend. So you're saying Obama will be briefed on each of those shootings?

You must live in the middle of Kansas, since you don't know the difference between gang related urban violence and terrorists attacks.
This is the fifth attack on PP since the release of the doctored sting tapes of PP. This is the fruit of the tree of poison that has been planted by the Right. They own it, but won't admit it. Big surprise.
No the video's speak for themselves, so with you it's kill the messenger eh ?

I know that reading is not your forte', beagle, but find someone to read this to you:

No, Planned Parenthood Isn’t Selling ‘Aborted Baby Parts’

And it's true because Think Progress told you it was LOL
Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, have responded to calls of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood.

The Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that there are reports of an active shooter near the facility, but could not say whether the incident is taking place inside or outside the building.

Brigitte Wolfe, who works at a restaurant next door, told the Denver Post she saw at least a dozen police cars.

"We were looking out the window and we had an officer wave us back inside," Wolfe said.

The situation is unfolding less than a month after a shooting rampage left four people dead in Colorado Springs, including the gunman.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Active Shooter Reported In Colorado Springs Near Planned Parenthood

Is this another self-righteous homegrown terrorist anti-abortion nut? We shall see...

At this point, there is no reason to think that PP was the target. Of course, libs assume things. Some witnesses saw the guy near Chase Bank before he ran to PP. Some think he may have been planning to rob the bank.

Typical that I've seen so many FB posts from lib friends assuming that it was an attack on PP and one demanded that every pro-life person speak up and denounce this, as if everyone who holds a certain view has an obligation to atone for the actions of one nut. Not like pro-lifers are out there calling for killing of police and whites (BML) or getting together with large groups to chant 'death to America' (numerous Muslims).

This guy acted on his own, for whatever reason, but most likely a robber and not making a political statement. Why do libs get more upset about the random and rare shootings instead of the daily murders in Chicago and the countless terror attacks? Clearly, you guys think some nut was going after one of your darling liberal organizations.

I wonder if BLM are cheering over the deaths of a couple cops tonight.

Are you totally disconnected to reality, or just have one foot out the door?
Reading for the ignorant:

When and Why Did the Parties Switch Places?

Now go hijack some other thread, Gummo.

Partisan hacks .... SMFH
It must be true, I read it on the Internet!
So if the parties switched in the 1920's why did Democrats try to block the Civil Rights Act in 1964?

You are obviously too young to remember that the dixiecrats, headed by Strom Thurmond, rebelled against the mainstream democratic party, and deserted to the republicans. Perhaps you should confine your posts to things that happened since the rolling stones began to make hit records.
I find it amusing they say Obama was briefed. Really? On a shooting in a Western town? Why? So he can make sure the crisis doesn’t go to waste?

Uh... because Americans are (were) under attack? Ya think?
50-75 will be gunned down in Chicago this weekend. So you're saying Obama will be briefed on each of those shootings?

You must live in the middle of Kansas, since you don't know the difference between gang related urban violence and terrorists attacks.
Gangs in our city ARE terrorists. They love to create fear and intimidation for millions of innocent civilians.
Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, have responded to calls of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood.

The Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that there are reports of an active shooter near the facility, but could not say whether the incident is taking place inside or outside the building.

Brigitte Wolfe, who works at a restaurant next door, told the Denver Post she saw at least a dozen police cars.

"We were looking out the window and we had an officer wave us back inside," Wolfe said.

The situation is unfolding less than a month after a shooting rampage left four people dead in Colorado Springs, including the gunman.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Active Shooter Reported In Colorado Springs Near Planned Parenthood

Is this another self-righteous homegrown terrorist anti-abortion nut? We shall see...

It wasn't near the clinic it was IN the clinic.

And yes it's another far right wing conservative terrorist.

I guess the conservatives don't believe that killing innocent lives is murder.

Look I LIVE HERE. I know this area well. We do not know what this shooter's intent was. He was shooting at people in the King Sooper's parking lot area, which wasn't even close to Planned Parenthood. He was shooting from BEHIND the Planned Parenthood building.

Then he went into the building, and there WERE No injuries or deaths in the Planned Parenthood building. So if it was a hit on Planned Parenthood, he sure wasn't acting like it was.

1. Why was he shooting at people in the King Sooper's parking lot?
2. Why didn't he shoot anyone inside the Planned Parenthood building?

We'll know more tomorrow.

I am sure that he was just walking around with a load of LP tanks, got tired, and left them in PP for a while for safekeeping....
I find it amusing they say Obama was briefed. Really? On a shooting in a Western town? Why? So he can make sure the crisis doesn’t go to waste?

Uh... because Americans are (were) under attack? Ya think?
50-75 will be gunned down in Chicago this weekend. So you're saying Obama will be briefed on each of those shootings?

You must live in the middle of Kansas, since you don't know the difference between gang related urban violence and terrorists attacks.
Gangs in our city ARE terrorists. They love to create fear and intimidation for millions of innocent civilians.

Yep. just like I said. You don't know the difference between 16 year old ghetto gangsters shooting each other on Saturday night, and a terrorist attack.

You are pissed off with gangsters? Recall your city police chief.
Uganda gays to Colorado Springs abortion clinic: global manhunt for christians: celebrated by pope Francis in Central African Republic while still setting the stage in Uganda

Uganda gays to Colorado Springs abortion clinic:
Agenda "set stage for manhunt for christians other than in countries ruled by puppets playing islamists".

Hoax "shooting at Planned Parenthood": WHY staged during the satanic celebration "pope visits Kenya, Uganda and Central African Republic"
Cast of shooting at the abortion clinic, same as all other fake shootings staged on an almost weekly basis since 2011, serves specific agendas other than the general "disarm US citizens".
The main one is the same as pope Francis alias nazi agent Jonathan Pryce's visit to Uganda, to "praise the Uganda goverment", one of two main actors in the cast of "Kill the Gays bill 2013".
As for the visit to the Central African Republic, the agenda is the celebration of the ongoing manhunt for christians pushed to new limits.

Published first Dec 2013
Christian Uganda persecuting gays - "Kill the Gays bill" for dummies
- the illuminti puppet government, playing "christians persecuting gays" while sending UN peacekeepers to take part in the genocide of christians, from South Sudan to Central African Republic.
- "Pastors of Hate" Scott Lively, Matt Barber and Martin "Poo Poo Pastor" Ssempa.

ChristoFascist Pastors of Hate designed and did all they could to implement the infamous Kill the Gays bill in Uganda.
Lively, Barber and Ssempa riled up the psychotic, blood-thirsty fellow Christians to place tires filled with oil, kerosene and gas around people they declared gay or lesbian and set them on fire.
Christian freaks are going around proclaiming people "witches" and executing them.
Conclusion: Sounds like these Christians need to be persecuted. Sounds like these Christians should have done unto them, as they are doing to others.

The Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 (previously called the "Kill the Gays bill" in the western mainstream media due to death penalty clauses proposed in the original version) was passed by the Parliament of Uganda on 20 December 2013 with life in prison substituted for the death penalty.
The bill was signed into law by the President of Uganda on 24 February 2014. On 1 August 2014, however, the Constitutional Court of Uganda ruled the Act invalid on procedural grounds
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Kenya: "genocide of christians" agenda extended to countries with christian majority.
Christian Genocide: Are there no longer any TRUE christian countries to hail? HORRIBLE TRUTH from Ivory Coast to South Sudan

To get Kenya puppet government all you need is Uganda:
UGANDA treasonous puppet gov - for dummies
Illuminati media uses a "massive corruption scandal " to justify Brazil's economy collapsing.
This is a smoke curtain to divert from the fact that what happens in Brazil is the same as in Portugal, Greece, South Sudan or Uganda.
Uganda gov, an iilluminazi puppet, has two main roles:
- transfer national assets to illuminati safes
- supply mercenaries dressed as UN peacekeepers and AU militairy to ensure that the same happens elsewhere.
Example: 4,000 of them in South Sudan to prevent the fall of puppet Kir.
See: South Sudan war for dummies
Global Slavery, Global Genocide: Role of "UN peacekeepers": South Sudan for a start:
Global Slavery - Transition to Illuminati's Ultimate Goal: South Sudan war for dummies: the TWO basic facts

Original article
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work: Uganda Kill the Gays bill for dummies - Global manhunt for christians

Mind control for dummies blogspot...oh, the irony. lol
Last edited:
I find it amusing they say Obama was briefed. Really? On a shooting in a Western town? Why? So he can make sure the crisis doesn’t go to waste?

Uh... because Americans are (were) under attack? Ya think?
50-75 will be gunned down in Chicago this weekend. So you're saying Obama will be briefed on each of those shootings?

You must live in the middle of Kansas, since you don't know the difference between gang related urban violence and terrorists attacks.
Gangs in our city ARE terrorists. They love to create fear and intimidation for millions of innocent civilians.

Yep. just like I said. You don't know the difference between 16 year old ghetto gangsters shooting each other on Saturday night, and a terrorist attack.

You are pissed off with gangsters? Recall your city police chief.
Now you know the motive of the shooting? Did the murderer tell you before or after the shootings? I heard it was work place violence like Ft Hood or just a random act of violence like LAX at the El Al gate.

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