Active Shooter Reported Near Planned Parenthood In Colorado

well you see.............. if they killed a bunch of people b4 coming here.... they wouldn't have been let in. killing a bunch of people after the fact kinda reflects our exceptional American Constitution... you know that little blurb the RW nutters find so inCONveeeeeeenient?

that would be

innocent until proven guilty.

yaaaaaaa.... that's the ticket. you finally admit there is no way to vet all the "immigrants" obozo is letting in the country with any accuracy.

actually you should go back to school & brush up on your reading comp. cause you sure are failing today.

You might want to brush up on capital letters and where they should be used.

LOL. yet, what I wrote is perfectly understandable whether they contain capital letters or not.

so what's your excuse? inbreeding?

And the typical liberal style of debate rears it's ugly head.

<pssst> there's no apostrophe in its ugly head

but anyhoo....what is that? stating a fact? I know they are pesky little things to deal with but every word was legible & coherent.

not if you mean by me asking you if you are an inbred ape... you do realize you threw that gauntlet down first... how convenient for you to forget & start wagging your finger....

AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.
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ummm ya.......... I have no problems with cops & security detail being trained & armed. I have a problem with every citizen packing to shoot... but not in high stress situations.

should every driver & bike rider should carry a concealed weapon?
If they want. The problem is it isn't your decision. Lots of people have guns, very few commit murder with them. Many many more people died in the abortion mill though, so a little perspective helps.

no shit... we have several firearms in our home. & we never committed murder either- GASP! however, in a high stressed situation- you are not going to have rational thinking. & when the law shows up- you think they will discern who is the criminal & who is the good guy?
Depends what you are doing. If cops show up and cover the scene you lay your arms down and hold your hands up. As far as stress goes, I'd be a hell of a lot more stressed out if someone was shooting at me and I was unarmed.

not every situation is going to be like that. you are talking about daylight in an apparently open area. you finally admit there is no way to vet all the "immigrants" obozo is letting in the country with any accuracy.

actually you should go back to school & brush up on your reading comp. cause you sure are failing today.

You might want to brush up on capital letters and where they should be used.

LOL. yet, what I wrote is perfectly understandable whether they contain capital letters or not.

so what's your excuse? inbreeding?

And the typical liberal style of debate rears it's ugly head.

<pssst> there's no apostrophe in its ugly head

but anyhoo....what is that? stating a fact? I know they are pesky little things to deal with but every word was legible & coherent.

no if you mean by me asking you if you are an inbred ape... you do realize yu threw that gauntlet down first... how convenient for you to forget & start wagging your finger....

AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.

And you continue with the typical tactics of the loser...
Think how thats worked out with Trump.
ummm ya.......... I have no problems with cops & security detail being trained & armed. I have a problem with every citizen packing to shoot... but not in high stress situations.

should every driver & bike rider should carry a concealed weapon?
If they want. The problem is it isn't your decision. Lots of people have guns, very few commit murder with them. Many many more people died in the abortion mill though, so a little perspective helps.

no shit... we have several firearms in our home. & we never committed murder either- GASP! however, in a high stressed situation- you are not going to have rational thinking. & when the law shows up- you think they will discern who is the criminal & who is the good guy?
Depends what you are doing. If cops show up and cover the scene you lay your arms down and hold your hands up. As far as stress goes, I'd be a hell of a lot more stressed out if someone was shooting at me and I was unarmed.

not every situation is going to be like that. you are talking about daylight in an apparently open area.
I'm not the one envisioning blanket scenarios. I would rather be armed and have a chance to live. With or without your approval.
Uganda gays to Colorado Springs abortion clinic: global manhunt for christians: celebrated by pope Francis in Central African Republic while still setting the stage in Uganda

Uganda gays to Colorado Springs abortion clinic:
Agenda "set stage for manhunt for christians other than in countries ruled by puppets playing islamists".

Hoax "shooting at Planned Parenthood": WHY staged during the satanic celebration "pope visits Kenya, Uganda and Central African Republic"
Cast of shooting at the abortion clinic, same as all other fake shootings staged on an almost weekly basis since 2011, serves specific agendas other than the general "disarm US citizens".
The main one is the same as pope Francis alias nazi agent Jonathan Pryce's visit to Uganda, to "praise the Uganda goverment", one of two main actors in the cast of "Kill the Gays bill 2013".
As for the visit to the Central African Republic, the agenda is the celebration of the ongoing manhunt for christians pushed to new limits.

Published first Dec 2013
Christian Uganda persecuting gays - "Kill the Gays bill" for dummies
- the illuminti puppet government, playing "christians persecuting gays" while sending UN peacekeepers to take part in the genocide of christians, from South Sudan to Central African Republic.
- "Pastors of Hate" Scott Lively, Matt Barber and Martin "Poo Poo Pastor" Ssempa.

ChristoFascist Pastors of Hate designed and did all they could to implement the infamous Kill the Gays bill in Uganda.
Lively, Barber and Ssempa riled up the psychotic, blood-thirsty fellow Christians to place tires filled with oil, kerosene and gas around people they declared gay or lesbian and set them on fire.
Christian freaks are going around proclaiming people "witches" and executing them.
Conclusion: Sounds like these Christians need to be persecuted. Sounds like these Christians should have done unto them, as they are doing to others.

The Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 (previously called the "Kill the Gays bill" in the western mainstream media due to death penalty clauses proposed in the original version) was passed by the Parliament of Uganda on 20 December 2013 with life in prison substituted for the death penalty.
The bill was signed into law by the President of Uganda on 24 February 2014. On 1 August 2014, however, the Constitutional Court of Uganda ruled the Act invalid on procedural grounds
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Kenya: "genocide of christians" agenda extended to countries with christian majority.
Christian Genocide: Are there no longer any TRUE christian countries to hail? HORRIBLE TRUTH from Ivory Coast to South Sudan

To get Kenya puppet government all you need is Uganda:
UGANDA treasonous puppet gov - for dummies
Illuminati media uses a "massive corruption scandal " to justify Brazil's economy collapsing.
This is a smoke curtain to divert from the fact that what happens in Brazil is the same as in Portugal, Greece, South Sudan or Uganda.
Uganda gov, an iilluminazi puppet, has two main roles:
- transfer national assets to illuminati safes
- supply mercenaries dressed as UN peacekeepers and AU militairy to ensure that the same happens elsewhere.
Example: 4,000 of them in South Sudan to prevent the fall of puppet Kir.
See: South Sudan war for dummies
Global Slavery, Global Genocide: Role of "UN peacekeepers": South Sudan for a start:
Global Slavery - Transition to Illuminati's Ultimate Goal: South Sudan war for dummies: the TWO basic facts

Original article
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work: Uganda Kill the Gays bill for dummies - Global manhunt for christians
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A police officer was murdered in the line of duty and you guys are making the usual political partisan rimshots with it?

Better cross the street if we're ever coming towards each other down the sidewalk.
actually you should go back to school & brush up on your reading comp. cause you sure are failing today.

You might want to brush up on capital letters and where they should be used.

LOL. yet, what I wrote is perfectly understandable whether they contain capital letters or not.

so what's your excuse? inbreeding?

And the typical liberal style of debate rears it's ugly head.

<pssst> there's no apostrophe in its ugly head

but anyhoo....what is that? stating a fact? I know they are pesky little things to deal with but every word was legible & coherent.

no if you mean by me asking you if you are an inbred ape... you do realize yu threw that gauntlet down first... how convenient for you to forget & start wagging your finger....

AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.

And you continue with the typical tactics of the loser...
Think how thats worked out with Trump.

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... that's all you got?
ummm ya.......... I have no problems with cops & security detail being trained & armed. I have a problem with every citizen packing to shoot... but not in high stress situations.

should every driver & bike rider should carry a concealed weapon?
If they want. The problem is it isn't your decision. Lots of people have guns, very few commit murder with them. Many many more people died in the abortion mill though, so a little perspective helps.

no shit... we have several firearms in our home. & we never committed murder either- GASP! however, in a high stressed situation- you are not going to have rational thinking. & when the law shows up- you think they will discern who is the criminal & who is the good guy?
Depends what you are doing. If cops show up and cover the scene you lay your arms down and hold your hands up. As far as stress goes, I'd be a hell of a lot more stressed out if someone was shooting at me and I was unarmed.

not every situation is going to be like that. you are talking about daylight in an apparently open area.
I'm not the one envisioning blanket scenarios. I would rather be armed and have a chance to live. With or without your approval.

nobody said my approval was needed.

you go boy.
You might want to brush up on capital letters and where they should be used.

LOL. yet, what I wrote is perfectly understandable whether they contain capital letters or not.

so what's your excuse? inbreeding?

And the typical liberal style of debate rears it's ugly head.

<pssst> there's no apostrophe in its ugly head

but anyhoo....what is that? stating a fact? I know they are pesky little things to deal with but every word was legible & coherent.

no if you mean by me asking you if you are an inbred ape... you do realize yu threw that gauntlet down first... how convenient for you to forget & start wagging your finger....

AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.

And you continue with the typical tactics of the loser...
Think how thats worked out with Trump.

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... that's all you got?

Apparently I have enough to make you resort to name calling instead of addressing my point.
Clear cut victory.
Or maybe the security guard should have been...if he wasn't.

From the facts that are coming forth, he didn't first target the planned parenthood, but those in cars near the grocery store. It would appear the back lot was a perfect cover to be able ,to shoot toward them without being seen easily, if you see the layout.-
A gunman who killed three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado started firing in the parking lot -- unleashing a barrage of bullets with a "cold stone face," a witness said...
Preliminary reports indicated the clinic's staff was safe.

"I believe no one of our staff was severely injured. I also believe at this time that none of our patients were injured," said Vicki Cowart, president of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.
Now, we know officers were shot at from outside the building, and others, so witnesses report. In all 6 civilians were hit, but 6 officers were also hit. None were patients, some were staff. Seeing as the seige lasted for over 5 hours, and at least 4 inside the clinic, he could have shot many in that clinic, if that was his target, or so it would seem.
We will have to wait to see if there was a motive and what it was. For all we know, it could have been the officers.

Do remember they had a guy less than a month ago shooting at people on bikes, walking, in cars, in the very same city. He killed 3.
Why did planned parenthoods security not respond, other than remaining in their locked safe room, when he stormed the building? Alot of good that extra expense did, to try to make the place safer. Or were they not allowed to be armed? If so, then it was just for a false sense of security and show only. Sad.
Actually, it was good guys with guns that prevented anymore injured or dead. How many did they rescue?

too bad it wasn't a darkened clinic & everyone was armed 'eh?

I can't answer that... maybe they are like mall cops. perhaps all the doctors and ancillary staff should be packing & all the clients coming in shoulda been too....

i suspect that's a fantasy unsupported by reality. he didn't shoot at the cars. he killed people in the clinic.
Maybe check the news. Yes, it has been reported and even had a 911 call supporting such, from what I heard.

From the facts that are coming forth, he didn't first target the planned parenthood, but those in cars near the grocery store. It would appear the back lot was a perfect cover to be able ,to shoot toward them without being seen easily, if you see the layout.-
A gunman who killed three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado started firing in the parking lot -- unleashing a barrage of bullets with a "cold stone face," a witness said...
Preliminary reports indicated the clinic's staff was safe.

"I believe no one of our staff was severely injured. I also believe at this time that none of our patients were injured," said Vicki Cowart, president of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.

Now, we know officers were shot at from outside the building, and others, so witnesses report. In all 6 civilians were hit, but 6 officers were also hit. None were patients, some were staff. Seeing as the seige lasted for over 5 hours, and at least 4 inside the clinic, he could have shot many in that clinic, if that was his target, or so it would seem.
We will have to wait to see if there was a motive and what it was. For all we know, it could have been the officers.

Do remember they had a guy less than a month ago shooting at people on bikes, walking, in cars, in the very same city. He killed 3.
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Ongoing proof that liberals are idiots.
Ongoing proof that people jump to conclusions based on what they want to believe...... regardless of political affiliation......

who is jumping to inappropriate conclusions besides the storefront pretender o/p and his buddies.
Did I say any different? If so show me where...... otherwise reserve judgement until you have the facts......... as I would expect reasonable people to do.......
Now they're reporting the shooter is in the Planned Parenthood building and there's an active firefight between the police and the shooter in the building.

3 people dead. six wounded. shooter from north carolina.

i'm still going to put money on the terrorist being a religious zealot.
And I'm still going to take an impartial, rational wait and see attitude. You should try it counselor.......... :eusa_whistle:
History for Democrats in a way they might understand...

View attachment 55771

The republicans of the 1860s look nothing like the republicans of today. Nothing. In fact, you could say the Dems and Repubs have swapped places.
How about the 1960's when it was the Democrats blocking the Civil Rights Act?

Spin, boy, spin.

How about the 1960's when it was the Democrats conservatives blocking the Civil Rights Act?

Spin, boy, spin

That's right. Spin away.
The same conservatives that are crying about civil rights today. The same conservatives that turned the southern states red.
History for Democrats in a way they might understand...

View attachment 55771

The republicans of the 1860s look nothing like the republicans of today. Nothing. In fact, you could say the Dems and Repubs have swapped places.

Very much so. The RP when it was new was both the home of Liberalism (from the Abolitionists) and of doing big things with federal gummint (from the Whigs), while the DP was the home of "smaller gummint" and "states' rights", a concept passed down from George Wallace and Strom Thurmond to Ronald Reagan. Much has morphed since then but partisan hacks thrive on the ignorant meme that "Democrat" and "Republican" are some kind of static definition that never changes with the political winds. :lol:

Ah to be young and stoopid.... (/offtopic)

Maybe if you studied up on the truth as opposed to the revisionist history you feed on, you could make reasonable sense.

Sure, quite unlikely but still.

Maybe if you studied up on the truth as opposed to the revisionist history you feed on, you could make reasonable sense.

Sure, quite unlikely but still.

Yours is the revision and either you don't know that or deliberately continue the retarded narrative.

How is the south predominately red state conservative today if party ideology hadn't shifted? Do you suppose it was the southern blacks who resisted the civil rights changes of the 50's and 60's?
An old white guy shooting innocent people is as much terrorism as Daesh in Paris. What is the difference?
ok. *shakes head*

i'm sure you'd be saying the same thing is the shooter had been black or arab.

No doubt. This shooter kills and injures several, including police, holds police at bay for hours and walks out and is taken into custody uninjured.

A 17 yr old black kid injured no one, and is shot 16 times from 20 feet away with 8 officers on the scene.

I wonder if they stopped at the drive- thru for the CS Perp?

Booking photo

looks like a madman.

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