Active Shooter Reported Near Planned Parenthood In Colorado

He is a southern hick from the mountains of NC

Dear's cabin was a half-mile up a curvy dirt road about 15 miles west of Asheville NC. A cross made of twigs was nailed to the wall of the pale yellow shack on Saturday.

I'm surprised that he didn't just throw some rattlesnakes into PP that were left over from Sunday services from back home.

The mountains of NC are infested with these extremist christians , same place as the other christian terrorist eric rudolph dwelled and the people keep him hidden there

That's right down the road from me. Although the record I looked up last night said he's originally from South Carolina. But these mountains certainly lend themselves to isolation, which may have a lot to do with his fucked-upness.

As opposed to living in what this board tells us are all those "Democrat-run cities"...
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons defend a white Christian anti-abortion terrorist at Planned Parenthood as "crazy". Imagine if it had been a black guy.
Actually he has been living in the mountains of Colorado for at least the last 2 years...
An old white guy shooting innocent people is as much terrorism as Daesh in Paris. What is the difference?
But if it's some Muslim guy screaming "Allah Ackbar".....we have to wait to see if he has any direct ties to al Qaeda or ISIS before we can make a judgement call on it.

Does it matter? They are both terrorist that killed innocent people.

I propose that all white people be given ID badges to wear and be presented upon demand. I am a Christian, but maybe we need to start monitoring Churches, just like Trump wants to monitor Mosques. Wait, this is beginning to resemble Nazi Germany, huh?

My guess is this nutjob hasn't been anywhere near a church in quite some time.

he lived in a hot bed of fundy christers in the hills of NC, 245 fundy churches near him and he had a cross on the outside wall of his shack
An old white guy shooting innocent people is as much terrorism as Daesh in Paris. What is the difference?
But if it's some Muslim guy screaming "Allah Ackbar".....we have to wait to see if he has any direct ties to al Qaeda or ISIS before we can make a judgement call on it.

Does it matter? They are both terrorist that killed innocent people.

I propose that all white people be given ID badges to wear and be presented upon demand. I am a Christian, but maybe we need to start monitoring Churches, just like Trump wants to monitor Mosques. Wait, this is beginning to resemble Nazi Germany, huh?

My guess is this nutjob hasn't been anywhere near a church in quite some time.

he lived in a hot bed of fundy christers in the hills of NC, 245 fundy churches near him and he had a cross on the outside wall of his shack
Yep....and he attended church twice a week for 20 years, but can't remember a single sermon.

Oh....shit.....that's Obama.
Christianity stopped being the reason for violence a couple of hundred years ago....and back then, it was exclusively Catholicism......which is sort of a cult religion....that has very little to do with Jesus.

More complete horseshit. Catholicism is the inventor of Christianism.

Religion is a passive player in all this. Anyone who cares to can claim to be taking orders from his Christianity, his Islam, his Flying Spaghetti Monster, or his neighbor's dog. Just as posters on this board can claim their adversary is following orders from Saul Belinsky even though they've never heard of him. That doesn't make any of those claims legitimate.

it does open up a window to bizarre human psychology that as soon as some deviant declares "we kill for Allah" or "we kill for Jesus" or "we are national socialists", suddenly their word becomes gospel simply because it's what serves your agenda.
You really need serious help. You don't care about facts. You live in a fantasy world of your own doing, facts be damned. How many threads have you started with your fantasies, rather than reporting what is actually known? Too many to count. Your reputation precedes you, and most know you can't be trusted, as in this case.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons defend a white Christian anti-abortion terrorist at Planned Parenthood as "crazy". Imagine if it had been a black guy.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons defend a white Christian anti-abortion terrorist at Planned Parenthood as "crazy". Imagine if it had been a black guy.
Nobody's defending this nutjob.

We're just trying to show you idiots how much you're jumping to false conclusions. That is not a defense of the perpetrator.
AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.
Its' ugly head. Learn English.

actually that's a FAIL. an apostrophe like you just wrote is to show possession for words already ending in an 's' which is NOT the case that the inbreeder had written.

The only thing [its'] could possibly mean is "that which belongs to multiple iterations (i.e. the plural) of the word 'it'". Which of course raises the question of what the plural of 'it' is. And that does not exist, therefore [its'] cannot exist.

It's kind of a signpost to the poster's thinking skills that he could actually post that without thinking it through.
Quote the posts where one damn person has defended him! Just one, or shut the heck up. It is one of your wild fantasies, again.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons defend a white Christian anti-abortion terrorist at Planned Parenthood as "crazy". Imagine if it had been a black guy.
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Fact not in yet but so many claim to know. So far it appears to be a Transgender wacko who saw Winter coming on (global warming), realized he can't pay BHO jacked up heating bills (necc. skyrocket), decided he could get FREE full time room food heat and medical under the lifer program (share the wealth).
So he decides to go shoot up something.

get Confession or Video, tie scum to pole and fire away. next loon? step up.
I fully support the white Christian male at the know..the police officer....the white Christian male who gave his life trying to stop the shooter.......
I fully support the white Christian male at the know..the police officer....the white Christian male who gave his life trying to stop the shooter.......

How do you know he's not a Muslim?
this white Christian male with a gun...I completely support his actions at planned parenthood/murder....

3 dead, 9 injured in shooting at Colorado Planned Parenthood, gunman identified

Swasey was described by his fellow church members and friends as a courageous man and loving father who drew strength and inspiration from his Christian faith, The New York Times reported Saturday.

He was married, with two young children and was a co-pastor for seven years at Hope Chapel in Colorado Springs. “Here’s a guy who worked full time as a police officer, and then gave a great amount of time to his local church and didn’t get a dime for it,” co-pastor Scott Dontanville told the paper. “He did it because it was the thing that he felt he needed to do.”
this white Christian male with a gun...I completely support his actions at planned parenthood/murder....

3 dead, 9 injured in shooting at Colorado Planned Parenthood, gunman identified
“If we truly care about this -- if we're going to offer up our thoughts and prayers again, for God knows how many times, with a truly clean conscience -- then we have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them,” Obama said."

Good new, Mr. President, they like it this way. They just love their deadly toys...

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