Activist judges in NM say homosexual marriage legal.

Waiting for polygamy to come down the legal ladder as constitutional. The legal justification for gay marriage and polygamy are identical.
Haha you guys are loosing the war.
Well we can see the war on grammar is still being fought.:lol:

New Mexico's Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Keep the filth in the west and north anywhere but my beloved south and I really do not care. I know 4 fag couples in Tn filed suit earlier this year hope its done with by the time we move in June because I refuse to live in a state that allows fags to marry.

Just curious, but where will you go when the entire country has legalized it as is unavoidable?
Not sure...I don't think that will happen for a long long time. I HOPE to move to Europe somewhere in the future...I know a lot of Europe is allowing fag marriage as well but I don't expect Eastern Europe to do so.
Waiting for polygamy to come down the legal ladder as constitutional. The legal justification for gay marriage and polygamy are identical.

Yep and its already started.
New Mexico's Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Keep the filth in the west and north anywhere but my beloved south and I really do not care. I know 4 fag couples in Tn filed suit earlier this year hope its done with by the time we move in June because I refuse to live in a state that allows fags to marry.

This sort of overreaction always makes me laugh.

Exactly what is different for people living in a state that allows gay marriage, as opposed to living in one that does not?

Do you think there will be more gay people?

Whether they are married or not has absolutely no effect on you. But if you want to move to a backwards country to avoid KNOWING that gays around you can marry, feel free.
It just seems like people are content with the system just kind of legalizing gay marriage, regardless what the people say. Which is strange considering all the poll-flogging and "you're on the wrong side of history" prognosticating by those in favor of gay marriage.
New Mexico's Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Keep the filth in the west and north anywhere but my beloved south and I really do not care. I know 4 fag couples in Tn filed suit earlier this year hope its done with by the time we move in June because I refuse to live in a state that allows fags to marry.

You're going to love living in Iran.

They're on the same page with you about homos.
I bet I would seeing how I don't believe the zionist run news networks lies about what Iran is truly like. I can get on youtube and see a much better picture of TRUE Iran

New Mexico's Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Keep the filth in the west and north anywhere but my beloved south and I really do not care. I know 4 fag couples in Tn filed suit earlier this year hope its done with by the time we move in June because I refuse to live in a state that allows fags to marry.

This sort of overreaction always makes me laugh.

Exactly what is different for people living in a state that allows gay marriage, as opposed to living in one that does not?

Do you think there will be more gay people?

Whether they are married or not has absolutely no effect on you. But if you want to move to a backwards country to avoid KNOWING that gays around you can marry, feel free.

No over reaction involved. Faggots deserve nothing more than death. Aids cures them mighty fast though. Legalizing their filth gives them the false impression that we approve of their garbage and that we approve of them being apart of our society and teaching our kids etc.
New Mexico's Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Keep the filth in the west and north anywhere but my beloved south and I really do not care. I know 4 fag couples in Tn filed suit earlier this year hope its done with by the time we move in June because I refuse to live in a state that allows fags to marry.

You're going to love living in Iran.

They're on the same page with you about homos.
I bet I would seeing how I don't believe the zionist run news networks lies about what Iran is truly like. I can get on youtube and see a much better picture of TRUE Iran

New Mexico's Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Keep the filth in the west and north anywhere but my beloved south and I really do not care. I know 4 fag couples in Tn filed suit earlier this year hope its done with by the time we move in June because I refuse to live in a state that allows fags to marry.

This sort of overreaction always makes me laugh.

Exactly what is different for people living in a state that allows gay marriage, as opposed to living in one that does not?

Do you think there will be more gay people?

Whether they are married or not has absolutely no effect on you. But if you want to move to a backwards country to avoid KNOWING that gays around you can marry, feel free.

No over reaction involved. Faggots deserve nothing more than death. Aids cures them mighty fast though. Legalizing their filth gives them the false impression that we approve of their garbage and that we approve of them being apart of our society and teaching our kids etc.

Far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Glad to see you enjoying losing this "war". Go ahead and make plans to move.
You're going to love living in Iran.

They're on the same page with you about homos.
I bet I would seeing how I don't believe the zionist run news networks lies about what Iran is truly like. I can get on youtube and see a much better picture of TRUE Iran

This sort of overreaction always makes me laugh.

Exactly what is different for people living in a state that allows gay marriage, as opposed to living in one that does not?

Do you think there will be more gay people?

Whether they are married or not has absolutely no effect on you. But if you want to move to a backwards country to avoid KNOWING that gays around you can marry, feel free.

No over reaction involved. Faggots deserve nothing more than death. Aids cures them mighty fast though. Legalizing their filth gives them the false impression that we approve of their garbage and that we approve of them being apart of our society and teaching our kids etc.

Far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Glad to see you enjoying losing this "war". Go ahead and make plans to move.

Highly doubt it. If more approved of this filth then it would be put on ballots and approved...they did that in California arguably the most liberal left leaning state in the country and it failed. It took a liberal commie activist judge to give faggots the right to marry. So no we don't approve such as it usually is with disgusting degenerate crap the minority gets its way and then the backlash begins.
I bet I would seeing how I don't believe the zionist run news networks lies about what Iran is truly like. I can get on youtube and see a much better picture of TRUE Iran

No over reaction involved. Faggots deserve nothing more than death. Aids cures them mighty fast though. Legalizing their filth gives them the false impression that we approve of their garbage and that we approve of them being apart of our society and teaching our kids etc.

Far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Glad to see you enjoying losing this "war". Go ahead and make plans to move.

Highly doubt it. If more approved of this filth then it would be put on ballots and approved...they did that in California arguably the most liberal left leaning state in the country and it failed. It took a liberal commie activist judge to give faggots the right to marry. So no we don't approve such as it usually is with disgusting degenerate crap the minority gets its way and then the backlash begins.

Most polls show more than half the country approves of gay marriage.

But approval of gay marriage is not what I said. I said that far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Since you have said "Faggots deserve nothing more than death", my statement holds true. Only the most degenerate homophobe assholes hold your view. And those are becoming less and less common. I look forward to their extinction.
Far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Glad to see you enjoying losing this "war". Go ahead and make plans to move.

Highly doubt it. If more approved of this filth then it would be put on ballots and approved...they did that in California arguably the most liberal left leaning state in the country and it failed. It took a liberal commie activist judge to give faggots the right to marry. So no we don't approve such as it usually is with disgusting degenerate crap the minority gets its way and then the backlash begins.

Most polls show more than half the country approves of gay marriage.

But approval of gay marriage is not what I said. I said that far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Since you have said "Faggots deserve nothing more than death", my statement holds true. Only the most degenerate homophobe assholes hold your view. And those are becoming less and less common. I look forward to their extinction.

You think a poll of 1k people shows how the entire country feels? What a douche.I could take 1k people from California and they would feel totally different about a subject say from people in Alabama. If half the country approved of it then why is it taking activist liberal judges to jam it down people's throats ? Oh I am sure I am in the minority with my view of death for faggots but I guarantee you I am not in the minority in that I don't think they deserve to marry. Homophobe nope.Just don't like degenerates and their supporters. What is there to fear from guys fucking each other in the ass? Nothing far as I know...give them aids faster is fine with me,now I do fear them teaching their filth and practices in schools which is why I will make sure that never happens on top of staying EXTREMELY involved in my kids education to know what is being taught fortunately that's one good thing about living in the bible belt I really don't have to worry about that shit here. Yeah we been hearing the extinct crap for MANY decades now yet shockingly we are still here and I am relatively young. 29. So I grew up in the decade that faggots were being allowed to marry. I was a teen back then. Still I am against it,you idiots say the same thing for "racism" course that's only when its white's being "racist" never non whites. We ain't going any where. Traditional values will continue to move forward and we will win. Rome was destroyed because of degeneracy America is on that same path fortunately.
I bet I would seeing how I don't believe the zionist run news networks lies about what Iran is truly like. I can get on youtube and see a much better picture of TRUE Iran

No over reaction involved. Faggots deserve nothing more than death. Aids cures them mighty fast though. Legalizing their filth gives them the false impression that we approve of their garbage and that we approve of them being apart of our society and teaching our kids etc.

Far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Glad to see you enjoying losing this "war". Go ahead and make plans to move.

Highly doubt it. If more approved of this filth then it would be put on ballots and approved...they did that in California arguably the most liberal left leaning state in the country and it failed. It took a liberal commie activist judge to give faggots the right to marry. So no we don't approve such as it usually is with disgusting degenerate crap the minority gets its way and then the backlash begins.

27. You shall not curse a judge, neither shall you curse a prince among your people.
- Exodus 22
Highly doubt it. If more approved of this filth then it would be put on ballots and approved...they did that in California arguably the most liberal left leaning state in the country and it failed. It took a liberal commie activist judge to give faggots the right to marry. So no we don't approve such as it usually is with disgusting degenerate crap the minority gets its way and then the backlash begins.

Most polls show more than half the country approves of gay marriage.

But approval of gay marriage is not what I said. I said that far more approve of them than feel the way you do. Since you have said "Faggots deserve nothing more than death", my statement holds true. Only the most degenerate homophobe assholes hold your view. And those are becoming less and less common. I look forward to their extinction.

You think a poll of 1k people shows how the entire country feels? What a douche.I could take 1k people from California and they would feel totally different about a subject say from people in Alabama. If half the country approved of it then why is it taking activist liberal judges to jam it down people's throats ? Oh I am sure I am in the minority with my view of death for faggots but I guarantee you I am not in the minority in that I don't think they deserve to marry. Homophobe nope.Just don't like degenerates and their supporters. What is there to fear from guys fucking each other in the ass? Nothing far as I know...give them aids faster is fine with me,now I do fear them teaching their filth and practices in schools which is why I will make sure that never happens on top of staying EXTREMELY involved in my kids education to know what is being taught fortunately that's one good thing about living in the bible belt I really don't have to worry about that shit here. Yeah we been hearing the extinct crap for MANY decades now yet shockingly we are still here and I am relatively young. 29. So I grew up in the decade that faggots were being allowed to marry. I was a teen back then. Still I am against it,you idiots say the same thing for "racism" course that's only when its white's being "racist" never non whites. We ain't going any where. Traditional values will continue to move forward and we will win. Rome was destroyed because of degeneracy America is on that same path fortunately.

10 years ago there was not one state in the US that recognized gay marriages. Today there are 17 states. That is going from 0 to 34% in just one decade.

The polls show clear numbers. A Gallup poll tracking approval of gay relations between 1977 and 2008 asked whether they thought gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should be legal or should not be legal. In '77 only 43% said it should be legal. In 2008, that had changed to 64%. That is a huge shift away from what you want.

There may be occasional backlash against individual actions. But it will never go back to the days in which gays stayed in the closet out of fear of violence.
Again 1000k people do not represent what MILLIONS think. Especially when political views change drastically depending on the location you go to. "my kind" traditionalists will never go away we have kids,in my case 3 and want more and am working on that :) that will carry on traditional views and ways of doing things. Degeneracy will destroy this nation and good riddance to it.

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