Activists jump Pelosi's mansion wall and demand entry!

Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home

Typical leftist hypocrite. Has walls to protect her home but won't protect the country with walls. Let them in Nancy!

There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
That she has a wall,Obama has a wall,Soros has a wall,Maxine Waters has a wall,Schumer has a wall to protect themselves but hate America so much they don't want a wall to protect America.

Pelosi said walls are immoral.

Trumps wall is .

Or are you going to be a jackass and pretend she means all walls everywhere.
Why isn't hers?Obama's? Soros? Waters? Schumer? You are a pathetic hypocrite!

Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home

Typical leftist hypocrite. Has walls to protect her home but won't protect the country with walls. Let them in Nancy!

There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Pelosi said walls are immoral.

Trumps wall is .

Or are you going to be a jackass and pretend she means all walls everywhere.
Why isn't hers?Obama's? Soros? Waters? Schumer? You are a pathetic hypocrite!

Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:
I thought Pelosi wants open border. That hypocrisy, though.

She doesn’t want a open border . You make shit up .

Then let's open the government back up to work on border security building the wall.

Tell it to Trump . It’s his shut down . He literally said that on national TV.

Democrat leaders are the ones vacationing while holding the shutdown hostage, dum dum. Now go eat a big mac to figure out why they don't care about border security.
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

And until that time, they can participate in the US Census because they don't have to disclose they're illegal. We use the Census to determine the amount of representatives each area has, and most of these illegals are hiding out in Democrat areas, particularly sanctuary cities and states.

It's the legal way to cheat elections.
Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home

Typical leftist hypocrite. Has walls to protect her home but won't protect the country with walls. Let them in Nancy!

There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Trumps wall is .

Or are you going to be a jackass and pretend she means all walls everywhere.
Why isn't hers?Obama's? Soros? Waters? Schumer? You are a pathetic hypocrite!

Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

You prove my point .
We ain’t being invaded by an army .
These people arent out to do harm, they want to work or find a better life .
They aren’t looking to take possession.
You would think she'd have her doors open for migrants to live in her big mansion. With lots and lots of acres all hustled by the tax payer dollar.
Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home

Typical leftist hypocrite. Has walls to protect her home but won't protect the country with walls. Let them in Nancy!

There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Why isn't hers?Obama's? Soros? Waters? Schumer? You are a pathetic hypocrite!

Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

You prove my point .
We ain’t being invaded by an army .
These people arent out to do harm, they want to work or find a better life .
They aren’t looking to take possession. large is an army?
Division (military) - Wikipedia
How many came here illegally?
So walls don't work.

Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

You prove my point .
We ain’t being invaded by an army .
These people arent out to do harm, they want to work or find a better life .
They aren’t looking to take possession. large is an army?
Division (military) - Wikipedia
How many came here illegally?

It’s not an invading army . And what’s the link for that graph?
Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

You prove my point .
We ain’t being invaded by an army .
These people arent out to do harm, they want to work or find a better life .
They aren’t looking to take possession. large is an army?
Division (military) - Wikipedia
How many came here illegally?

It’s not an invading army . And what’s the link for that graph?

I see, so what is your definition of invading?


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