Actor Jason Alexander slams President Trump as "subhuman"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Jason Alexander: Those who support Trumpā€™s behavior ā€˜have something fundamentally wrong with themā€™

Actor Jason Alexander called Mr. Trump a ā€œdisgraceful, ignorant, corrupt, soulless, liar, coward,ā€ and said there arenā€™t any ā€œrespectable, responsibleā€ Republicans left who could run against him. He also declared that Jesus Christ would be ā€œbroken hearted at how Trump/GOP have acted.ā€

Mr. Alexander said the President is a disgraceful sub-human. Those who support his behavior, his words have something fundamentally wrong with them. No excuse for Trump.

Mr. Trump on Wednesday called the acts ā€œabhorrentā€ and said political violence has ā€œno place in America.ā€ He said the ā€œfull-weightā€ of the federal government would be dedicated to investigating the case.

Most of these angry Left Wing Bigots are culturally isolated from mainstream society. They just canā€™t understand why the people who they hate will not vote Democrat. They believe that average middle class Americans should just work and pay their taxes and not have any opinions. I liked the TV show Seinfeld even though it had a lot of derogatory anti-wasp characters. The truth is that Liberals are all of the things that they profess to abhor> racist bigots, religious bigots, regional bigots, class bigotsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. yooooog credibility gap
Jason Alexander: Those who support Trumpā€™s behavior ā€˜have something fundamentally wrong with themā€™

Actor Jason Alexander called Mr. Trump a ā€œdisgraceful, ignorant, corrupt, soulless, liar, coward,ā€ and said there arenā€™t any ā€œrespectable, responsibleā€ Republicans left who could run against him. He also declared that Jesus Christ would be ā€œbroken hearted at how Trump/GOP have acted.ā€

Mr. Alexander said the President is a disgraceful sub-human. Those who support his behavior, his words have something fundamentally wrong with them. No excuse for Trump.

Mr. Trump on Wednesday called the acts ā€œabhorrentā€ and said political violence has ā€œno place in America.ā€ He said the ā€œfull-weightā€ of the federal government would be dedicated to investigating the case.

Most of these angry Left Wing Bigots are culturally isolated from mainstream society. They just canā€™t understand why the people who they hate will not vote Democrat. They believe that average middle class Americans should just work and pay their taxes and not have any opinions. I liked the TV show Seinfeld even though it had a lot of derogatory anti-wasp characters. The truth is that Liberals are all of the things that they profess to abhor> racist bigots, religious bigots, regional bigots, class bigotsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. yooooog credibility gap

So....does Jason accept any blame for the anti-Trump, anti-Israel/jewish shooter that attacked that Synagogue? With hateful rhetoric like that, you would think the shooter was a fan of Seinfeld....
Who cares what Jason Alexander has to say. But for your thread who would even had known what he said. But of course, Conservatives seem to have a fascination with celebrity culture that they so regularly condemn.
The left is seeing their disgraceful behavior bearing fruit. You know they will ratchet up the violence. This is how they intend to win the midterms.
Who cares what Jason Alexander has to say. But for your thread who would even had known what he sais. But of course, it is only Conservatives who seem to have a fascination with celebrity culture.

These ā€œwho caresā€ posts are fascinating to me.

If you donā€™t care, why post in the thread.

It seems like only liberal cvnts do this....but I am sure some conservatives do it.

Now, I am off to the ARTS AND CRAFTS board on this website to tell those posters how much I donā€™t care about ARTS AND CRAFTS.
Jason Alexander: Those who support Trumpā€™s behavior ā€˜have something fundamentally wrong with themā€™

Actor Jason Alexander called Mr. Trump a ā€œdisgraceful, ignorant, corrupt, soulless, liar, coward,ā€ and said there arenā€™t any ā€œrespectable, responsibleā€ Republicans left who could run against him. He also declared that Jesus Christ would be ā€œbroken hearted at how Trump/GOP have acted.ā€

Mr. Alexander said the President is a disgraceful sub-human. Those who support his behavior, his words have something fundamentally wrong with them. No excuse for Trump.

Mr. Trump on Wednesday called the acts ā€œabhorrentā€ and said political violence has ā€œno place in America.ā€ He said the ā€œfull-weightā€ of the federal government would be dedicated to investigating the case.

Most of these angry Left Wing Bigots are culturally isolated from mainstream society. They just canā€™t understand why the people who they hate will not vote Democrat. They believe that average middle class Americans should just work and pay their taxes and not have any opinions. I liked the TV show Seinfeld even though it had a lot of derogatory anti-wasp characters. The truth is that Liberals are all of the things that they profess to abhor> racist bigots, religious bigots, regional bigots, class bigotsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. yooooog credibility gap
Sounds about right.
Who cares what Jason Alexander has to say. But for your thread who would even had known what he said. But of course, Conservatives seem to have a fascination with celebrity culture that they so regularly condemn.

They're your heroes.

There's no wonder your opponents play "Whack-A-Mole" with them.
Jason Alexander: Those who support Trumpā€™s behavior ā€˜have something fundamentally wrong with themā€™

Actor Jason Alexander called Mr. Trump a ā€œdisgraceful, ignorant, corrupt, soulless, liar, coward,ā€ and said there arenā€™t any ā€œrespectable, responsibleā€ Republicans left who could run against him. He also declared that Jesus Christ would be ā€œbroken hearted at how Trump/GOP have acted.ā€

Mr. Alexander said the President is a disgraceful sub-human. Those who support his behavior, his words have something fundamentally wrong with them. No excuse for Trump.

Mr. Trump on Wednesday called the acts ā€œabhorrentā€ and said political violence has ā€œno place in America.ā€ He said the ā€œfull-weightā€ of the federal government would be dedicated to investigating the case.

Most of these angry Left Wing Bigots are culturally isolated from mainstream society. They just canā€™t understand why the people who they hate will not vote Democrat. They believe that average middle class Americans should just work and pay their taxes and not have any opinions. I liked the TV show Seinfeld even though it had a lot of derogatory anti-wasp characters. The truth is that Liberals are all of the things that they profess to abhor> racist bigots, religious bigots, regional bigots, class bigotsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. yooooog credibility gap

Another elite Liberal telling us how Jesus Christ would feel when it is always a Liberal that shits himself and on everyone else too at the mere mention of Jesus Christ in the public school classroom, courtroom, or public square? Liberals really need to think that if they hold Jesus Christ in such high esteem and claim to be experts on Him, why do they ban Him?
Jason Alexander is brilliant and his assessment of our doofus evil immature President is spot on.
he and the other are expert jackasses--so they would know
what morons
they unwittingly reveal how they are jackasses/hypocrites/bigots/etc
Well that changes everything, if George Castanza doesnā€™t approve of him. Happy Festivas.

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you could throw a dart out the window, and hit a better potus.....

So, when are these Trump-haters ever going to divulge these ā€œabhorrent actsā€ by the President are?

So far he has kept us out of any new wars, heā€™s brought back jobs, lowered unemployment to historic lows, got us out of terrible trade deals, and appointed judges that will uphold the constitution.
This is a post on social media from the Murderer of the Jews in Pittsburgh.

ā€œFor the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a MAGA hat,ā€

And dimocrap FILTH in here not only won't condemn it, they encourage it.

Then a nutcase gets it in his head that the 'monsters' have to be extinguished.

Just look at it. In here.

Places like this is where it's most visible.

Maxi-Pad Waters, Ubercunt, Biden, the ENTIRE Hollywood/Media complex is calling for dimocrap SCUM to be violent in their #resist bullshit.

They've burnt Cities, rioted, murdered people, put good people in Intensive Care and ruined their lives, then some nutcase in SE Florida decides he's being persecuted and acts out.

It's all this talk that's causing this kind of shit.

Even the leftist moderators in here tolerate it and encourage it to an extent.

They're all the same, people.

dimocrap scum MUST be sttripped of power before this whole thing gets out of control.

Ask yourselves this -- When did Government get so powerful, when did it become so important that people are willing to murder their fellow citizens to get control it?

This is one VERY important reason why our Founding Faters wanted the smallest possible government.

And one reason why we're entering a new age of poliotics.

Believe me when I tell you, if Conservatives get pissed and take up arms. It will end very badly for leftists. Very, very badly. So badly, you cannot possibly imagine.

This shit needs to stop. Right now.

And dimocrap scum need to start taking some responsibility
Mr. Trump on Wednesday called the acts ā€œabhorrentā€ and said political violence has ā€œno place in America.ā€ He said the ā€œfull-weightā€ of the federal government would be dedicated to investigating the case.

The left is seeing their disgraceful behavior bearing fruit. You know they will ratchet up the violence. This is how they intend to win the midterms.
Windy Toxin: You continue to post as if you are just so much more clever than everyone! Those citizens of the United States who like the President are all just stupid according to boring arrogant elites like you. Just think about the violent Bernie fan lefty shooter and the violent terrorist anti- semitic shooter who caused real harm compared to one sad inefficient "bomber" mentally ill man.
Jason Alexander: Those who support Trumpā€™s behavior ā€˜have something fundamentally wrong with themā€™

Actor Jason Alexander called Mr. Trump a ā€œdisgraceful, ignorant, corrupt, soulless, liar, coward,ā€ and said there arenā€™t any ā€œrespectable, responsibleā€ Republicans left who could run against him. He also declared that Jesus Christ would be ā€œbroken hearted at how Trump/GOP have acted.ā€

Mr. Alexander said the President is a disgraceful sub-human. Those who support his behavior, his words have something fundamentally wrong with them. No excuse for Trump.

Mr. Trump on Wednesday called the acts ā€œabhorrentā€ and said political violence has ā€œno place in America.ā€ He said the ā€œfull-weightā€ of the federal government would be dedicated to investigating the case.

Most of these angry Left Wing Bigots are culturally isolated from mainstream society. They just canā€™t understand why the people who they hate will not vote Democrat. They believe that average middle class Americans should just work and pay their taxes and not have any opinions. I liked the TV show Seinfeld even though it had a lot of derogatory anti-wasp characters. The truth is that Liberals are all of the things that they profess to abhor> racist bigots, religious bigots, regional bigots, class bigotsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. yooooog credibility gap

Interesting OP. It satisfies the site rules about containing a personal viewpoint, yet the viewpoint doesn't address the topic at all. OP seems to have come with his own derailment.

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