Actor Jussie Smollett assaulted in racist, homophobic attack, police say, rumor that he shouted MAGA

What he did wasn't "lying". He committed a hate crime. This was a political attack to brainwash people into believing something that isn't true in order to push his own agenda because he couldn't come up with anything real to push it.

Considering the default treatment of other people wrongly/over exaggeratedly accused of even tiny quasi-infractions is social exile and life ruination, I'd say this deranged black faggot deserves to actually be lynched just to prove it doesn't happen anymore. And whoever owns the phone numbers in his redacted call logs should face conspiracy charges since that's what this all is and there's hard evidence. This is an attempt at tricking the public and influencing elections but what else is new from the left?

The sources say there were red flags from the get-go. Cops were extremely suspiciouswhen Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera.

And, there's this. We're told investigators didn't believe the 2 alleged attackers screamed, "This is MAGA country," because, "Not a single Trump supporter watches 'Empire.'"

Jussie Smollett Case to Go to Grand Jury

Bub, but but hist story was CREDIBLE.

I mean it clearly was not but that seems to be the new buzzword.

what the fk was that chick saying? fk, all double talk nonsense.

She is saying facts be damned, it does not matter that their poster boy is as fake as hands up don't shoot. Their narrative is real because that does not require facts - just blind faith.
What kind of a f-ed up name is "Jussie"?

Its a gay name, very popular with guys who are light in the proverbial loafers.
Probably pronounced "Juicy".

Most of what I know about gay, black guys I learned from "In Living Color" on TV back in the day.

Most of what I know I learned in prison. Really funny what liars they are. Like the one guy I pepper sprayed to keep him from hanging himself, but forgot about the ten other convicts statements that he was hanging himself.
each piece of evidence is like a piece of the puzzle which when completed forms a piece of the past
The Prog-Dems are devastated over The Hoax:

The nation’s liberals were struck by a devastating blow this week after finding out a hate crime, reported by Empire actor Jussie Smollet, didn’t actually happen.

“I needed this to be true,” said liberal columnist Hanna Spalding. “When I first heard the news of this attack, I was filled with so much hope. I felt so validated. Then that was taken away. Now I just want to cry into my pillow.”

The attack had been called “a modern-day lynching” by democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker but after Chicago police reported that the “trajectory of the investigation” into Smollet’s story had shifted, Smollet was stripped of his victim status. Booker became irate, phoning the Chicago police chief and shouting repeatedly, “Check it again! CHECK IT AGAIN!”

After some deep breathing exercises, Booker spoke with reporters. “How are we supposed to intentionally turn the nation against each other and exploit these divisions for political power if people won’t commit a simple hate crime once in a while?”

Nation's Liberals Devastated After Learning Hate Crime Didn't Actually Happen

Couple of new details emerges. Connect the dots.

Chicago Tribune Twitter


Who is Kim Foxx and who are the witnesses in the case she's familiar with?

Kim Foxx Twitter


That leads us to the Cook County State's Attorney Transition Report

Upon her election as Cook County State’s Attorney, Kim Foxx appointed a team of leaders from community and nonprofit organizations, criminal justice system stakeholders, and the legal community to develop recommendations on key policy priorities to address challenges and opportunities faced by the Office.

Transition Team Members:
Kamala Harris, Attorney General and Senator-elect, State of California
Ron Sullivan, Director, Criminal Justice Institute, Harvard University

The modern-day-lynching, Jussie's hoax, Jussie's phone records, it's all connected. I wouldn't be surprised if Kamala planned the whole thing to push her legislation and launch her campaign.

In other news... Don Lemon hasn't tweeted in 6 days. :D
Don't matter if he's gay, black, or a mediocre actor. He's a fucking idiot. This story reeked from the git.
The actor suspected of faking a hate crime against himself has a criminal record — for providing false information to authorities.

NBC News reported Tuesday that “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett pleaded no contest to several charges in 2007 in Los Angeles, one of which was providing false information to authorities.

Citing a Los Angeles City Attorney spokesman, NBC reported that Mr. Smollett was sentenced to two years probation in the case, which also included a DUI count and a charge of driving without a license.

The city attorney’s office confirmed the convictions to NBC News, though there was no immediate elaboration on what the false information was.

But, citing “multiple law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation,” NBC News reported that the Chicago Police Department has requested the details from their counterparts in Los Angeles.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Smoleett is scared shitless and it’s great. Do the crime, you’re gonna do the time!

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