Actor Kevin Spacey returns after 1 year in hiding. Posts funny yet creepy message to fans


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Kevin Spacey posted this video after returning from a 1 year hiding

It already has 30,000 dislikes and countless hate comments and even death threats. The public have not forgotten nor forgiven

Spacey also has another court case in January
I don't mean to sound like I am defending him, but at the end of the day, the music has to be faced at some point and so a person can not be in hiding forever and until he is found guilty of whatever he has been accused of, the man does still have rights just like the rest of us.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've only seen two of his films: The Negotiator and The Life Of David Gale. The Negotiator is one of my favorites.
The video is of a man that is so narcissistic it's creepy. This is what you get when you live in the make believe world of hollyweird, when you do so much pretending it becomes your reality.

The guy is a nut case... and a pedophile.
He failed miserably if he was hoping to help his cause. It came across was creepy and odd. He clearly isn’t working with any good public relations firm.
It's shitty how he was banned from Hollywood based on accusations about being a 14yo Pedowood rent boy. Notice how nobody questioned the fact for even a moment that a 14yo boy was available for sex in Hollywood? They were only angry that Kevin didn't want to share, and allegedly took him home all for himself.

Why the FUCK isn't the most boring, overrated actor in Hollywood in prison yet for ADMITTING to being a pederast? See, folks, this is why I haven't seen the inside of a movie theater in almost four years. Hollywood is competing with Pisslam and Catholic*nts for being the most institutionalized child-fucking epidemic on this planet and I flat-out refuse to support something that no gaudy streams of my typically colorful profanity can do justice.

The very idea of an adult fucking a child is so OBSCENE to me that if a fellow adult were to admit that to me, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from killing that piece of pedophile filth....with my BARE HANDS....for the tactile pleasure of that molester's blood squirting between my fingers. Regardless of the prison consequences to me. Every person I know who's been to Thailand raves how it's the most wonderful, enjoyable tourist destination in the world....yet I hate pedophilia so much I wouldn't touch that culture of LEGAL PEDOPHILIA with a 1000 mile pole. It's utterly repellant to me.
The personal reason I have such a violent, utterly murderous hatred of pedophile-swine: my paternal 1-2 fifth of straight whiskey a day binge-drinking pedophile grandpa (who at 86, had the AUDACITY to outlive my other 3 grandparents - I swear his liver was made out of Kevlar fibers) molested my aunt and my female first cousin when they were little girls and over the decades I SAW the amounts of bizarre psychological pain and damage it did to these close female relatives I love and care about.

BTW, I had heard vague rumors about it when Grandpa was alive but nobody in my dad's family confirmed it until after he was dead. It's just as well. If I had known for sure - seeing the mental, chaotic dysfunctional destruction it did to my closest female relatives, that FUCKER would not have lived to be 86 and his death would have been quite a bit more interesting than an acute alcohol overdose. At my rather dextrous hands.
LOL....trying to use his acting skills to get out of his disgusting deeds.
What a fuken idiot.
LOL....trying to use his acting skills to get out of his disgusting deeds.
What a fuken idiot.

What acting skills? Every time I see that Spacey zombie in a movie the name "spacey" is correct because I think that A-lister is so dull and boring he makes me feel "spaced-out." If you want, I could give you a long list of of lesser-known character-actors that have approximately 31415926535 times more natural acting talent than that dull, sluggish, boring zombie of a movie star has. As a matter of fact, most of today's most famous movie stars are actual very lousy, overrated actors compared to the lesser-known ones you often see. Big A-listers simply play the same character in every movie.

For example, look at Alec Baldwin; he wonderfully plays pompous, didactic slimebags in every movie because he's simply being himself.

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