Adam Schiff, Investigator Extraordinaire

Have you all read the emails the Schiff staffer, who is being paid 100K a year, sent and received from these russians?
The bitch was ready to jump on the first flight to fucking Iceland, if she had to to get the photos!
Mr Leaker Potato head is about to be exposed as having committed extremely serious crimes surrounding his own personal life.
Sorry you fucking MORON! If you hadn't wanted Trump to fail so badly no one would have decided to take a very close look at you.
Enjoy the cat food sandwiches for lunch everyday in federal prison! The prison authorities will have to keep you in isolation for your own protection.
Adam Schiff got punked by some Ukrainian comedians...but note his willingness to collude with Russians to "get Trump" and his reference to "our Russian Friends":

Check out the audio at the link (embedding this YT doesn't work for some reason).

The notorious Russian pranksters, who the Daily Mail’s Alana Goodman notes are “comedians nicknamed ‘Vovan’ and ‘Lexus’” who have become famous for “their phony calls to high-ranking American officials and celebrities, including UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Elton John,” posed as leading Ukrainian officials in their call to Schiff in early 2017.

“On an audio recording of the prank call posted online, Adam Schiff can be heard discussing the committee’s Russia investigation and increasingly bizarre allegations about Trump with a man who claimed to be Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament,” Goodman wrote in the Daily Mail.

Democrat Adam Schiff Fell for Russian Prankster Spoof Promising Compromising Dirt on Donald Trump - Breitbart
Honestly, none of what was said is that farfetched to believe coming from this mutant we have as President.
Take a look at what Adam Schiff said back in 2013, which is hilarious because it's completely the opposite of what he's saying today

Look What I Found!

It Gets Even Better! Adam Schiff gets fooled in this recorded phone call.

Adam Schiff got punked by some Ukrainian comedians...but note his willingness to collude with Russians to "get Trump" and his reference to "our Russian Friends":

There is no enemy of the US the Democrats wont work with to bring down a US president. Also note the Steele Dossier came from Russian sources.
Yep! It was that easy for the Russians. And they got paid for it! Hillary was willing to work with any KGB source to take down the man Americans were about to choose as president.
The Democrats have a long history f this type of treasonous activity. While we were locked in a cold war with the Soviets Ted Kennedy wrote a letter to Andropov offering help in undermining Ronald Reagan.

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit

Also remember the "Dear Comrade" letter the Democrats sent in support of Daniel Ortega who was trying to impose and expand communism in Central and South America.


Hollywood celebrities jumped on to the wagon to praise the communist insurrection. They were no more moral then than now it seems.

From actors to advocates, Americans are flocking to Nicaragua
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Honestly, none of what was said is that farfetched to believe coming from this mutant we have as President.

Considering how the Dems have hyperventilated over Trump's son meeting with a Russian lawyer who was colluding with Fusion GPS-DNC-hiLIARy, Schiff should recuse himself given his demonstration that he would collude with the Russians for real.
Bogus, you guys try so darn hard.
You have no valid counterarguments!! Face it, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and the rest of the pro-Hillary operatives at the DOJ-FBI gambled and lost. They're busted. The Strzok-Page texts are most revealing.

I love the new one about how they were working talking points for Comey to brief Obabble, who wanted to know EVERYTHING.

Obama directed this abuse of government power. Worse Than Watergate.
The fact remains, as the OP said, that the ONLY Russian collusion in evidence is Hillary Clinton paying for KGB disinformation. There is no doubt or even denial that the Hillary campaign worked hand in glove with the KGB to defeat President Trump.
Yes Congressman Schiff, I've called because I am a concerned citizen. I believe Donald Trump and his cronies are trying to turn the U.S. into one big Brighton Beach. What are you going to do about it?
Yes Congressman Schiff, I've called because I am a concerned citizen. I believe Donald Trump and his cronies are trying to turn the U.S. into one big Brighton Beach. What are you going to do about it?

"You have reached the office of Pencilneck (((Shiff))). Oy Vey!
Press One if you are a Russian and want to give me information to take down the American President
Press two to leave your account number for payment"

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