Adam Schiff sinks to name calling

Schiff protected Trump (and obstructed justice) by withholding the "irrefutable" evidence of Trump-Russia collusion he claimed (multiple times) to have seen with his own eyes. Why would he do that?
But did he call ol'Trumpybear names back then, that's why the Trumpyrtards are in freak-out mode here ya know.
But did he call ol'Trumpybear names back then, that's why the Trumpyrtards are in freak-out mode here ya know.

Obviously those names were a smokescreen to hide the fact that Schiff was protecting Trump. Schiff has been in Trump's pocket all along, and you and the rest of the retards were hanging on his every word waiting for the big score. LOL
Obviously those names were a smokescreen to hide the fact that Schiff was protecting Trump. Schiff has been in Trump's pocket all along, and you and the rest of the retards were hanging on his every word waiting for the big score. LOL
What names? You're lying about the whole thing, nice try comrade. Trumpybear was never impeached over Russia's aid to his campaign or his campaigns obvious willingness to accept the poison fruit Puutybear offered.
Oh. Only $60 for a shitty pillow. What a bargain
You really have a hardon for Mike Lindell. I wish I could figure out why.

Well, it's good for him because every time one of you butt monkeys rips into him, I go and buy something from him and donate it to a Veterans' Resource charity. WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean he's acting like tRump, Cruz, Hawley, Boebert, MTG, and any number of other republican kook and crank?
And they are still outnumbered 10 thousand to 1 with all of the Prog propaganda bad actor shills in the media and entertainment industries. Trump and anyone else who gives it back to those slugs is admired because we never see it.
And they are still outnumbered 10 thousand to 1 with all of the Prog propaganda bad actor shills in the media and entertainment industries. Trump and anyone else who gives it back to those slugs is admired because we never see it.
You can't just make shit up, you know. That's what we call a lie.
At least he is an entrepreneur and not a government parasite, like you bulldyke. BTW, that gov't money that you are so fond of is "somebody else's" moron.
Trump milked the taxpayer's for plenty to fly his ass practically every weekend down to Mar A Lago. He even had the balls to charge the Secret Service to use golf carts to watch over his worthless ass.
Adam Shifty will always be remembered as the man that sunk to the lowest of lows and abused his office and the Constitution to use parody to impeach…and the fact that he was a useless idiot of the russians using their misinformation to try and undermine the Executive branch and our country
What names? You're lying about the whole thing, nice try comrade. Trumpybear was never impeached over Russia's aid to his campaign or his campaigns obvious willingness to accept the poison fruit Puutybear offered.

Exactly, because Schiff withheld the "irrefutable evidence" he saw with his own eyes. Why do you and Schiff want Trump to get away with his Russian collusion?
You'd think we could do better than this in DC.

---Schiff: GOP Congressional Caucus Filled with ‘Kooks and Dangerous Cranks’---

A member of the Trump Cult is complaining about name calling in Washington, by Shifty Schiff? Did Fat Jerry agree with him? What about Pocahontas? Or Sleepy Joe?
Exactly, because Schiff withheld the "irrefutable evidence" he saw with his own eyes. Why do you and Schiff want Trump to get away with his Russian collusion?
It was clear the Neo-GOP would have white washed the whole affair as they support the Trumpycorruption.

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