Adam Schiff sinks to name calling

You also said “You'd think we could do better than this in DC.”
Thanks for confirming that you’re completely hypocritical. We already knew it, but thanks for confirming.
After watching what Dems in DC do, I'm not going to criticize someone who uses the bully pulpit to put them in their place.
The half that promoted the theft of the election, you mean?

Yes. I finally see something redeeming in a post of yours. The age of miracles.
Oh, for fucks sake.

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”…“There’s no way I lost Georgia,” Trump said
Too bad security videos from All State Arena in Atlanta show what happened when a non existent
"plumbing emergency" rationalized sending all election workers home while a small handful stayed behind
anyway and continued processing votes, without any election observers present, as they retrieved ballots from a stashed source and fed them through Dominion machines for an extended period of time.

Give it a rest, leftist swine. Security camera footage from Atlanta, GA allegedly shows ballots being counted overnight -
Schiff should have been kicked out of office for making a mockery of the Presidential Impeachment process. It just shows what a threat Trump is to the establishment politicians of both parties.
that is the story. it was the threat to the swamp

Post 3 before ORANGE MAN BAD gets played by some Dimtard nutbag.
Give it a rest? That's not even a reply. It's a white flag being waived around.
How pathetic can you be?

Stay out of the pool if you can't swim.
The AP carries the water for leftist plotters as they drop their "journalist" hats to become "fact checker" fabricators that rationalize and cover for the Georgia Secretary of State.

There is nothing that can explain away an imaginary plumbing issue used as a pretext to clear the building, a lack of neutral observers (as required by law) who had all left the building, and the few workers that continued to tabulate votes for hours after everyone had gone home that pulled ballots exclusively from cases hidden away under tables with long table cloths hiding their presence.

NONE of this is typical or easily explained away at all.

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