Adam Schiff sinks to name calling

Yes. Rich is good. Feel free to be be poor if you think poverty is a virtue. I see a nice sprawling ranch style tent in your future.
I've been able to manage quite a bit more than a tent, but I did it through my own efforts instead of someone doing it for me.
They'll pay almost $100.00 for a fuckin pillow, and donate enough money to make a homophobic baker rich. Those ignorant right wing fuckers just love to throw money at scam artists.
And LWNJ's have eagerly given me 99% of the money I used to buy those $100 pillows, which have never actually been priced any higher than about $60. Hyperbole much?

And my actual charitable donations go to local food banks and Disabled American Veterans.
And LWNJ's have eagerly given me 99% of the money I used to buy those $100 pillows, which have never actually been priced any higher than about $60. Hyperbole much?

And my actual charitable donations go to local food banks and Disabled American Veterans.
Regular price $89.98 - That's damn near $100.00
You're joking, right? Please tell me you are not that astronomically hypocritical. Tell me you are just kidding around.
Yep. People like this, saying something like that. You can't make this up. You have to read it twice to make sure you're seeing what you're seeing.

This is the alternate universe. Zero critical thinking, no self-awareness, no mirrors. Just attack.
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Regular price $89.98 - That's damn near $100.00
View attachment 562410
Wow! You proved some anonymous poster in some anonymous internet board wrong. You must feel SOOOOOOOO good about what a great person you are!

That "$100" pillow looks like a new and improved version and it looks sweet! I didn't know it existed. I'll have to run and give Mike Lindell another "$100" of my money right now! He ought to thank you for pointing out a new product to me.
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The Russia Collusion is not fake. Tramp and Russians worked together.

View attachment 562405

He even looks one of them.
Jesus, Penny...have you not been paying attention? The whole "Russia Collusion" narrative was a dirty trick paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC! They flat out lied to the American people. The only REAL collusion that took place in that election was by Hillary Clinton and the sleazy cast of characters that she paid to pull off that scam!
Elected officials are supposed to be better than this REGARDLESS of political party. Rep Schiffs comments are unhelpful…
Schiff should have been kicked out of office for making a mockery of the Presidential Impeachment process. It just shows what a threat Trump is to the establishment politicians of both parties.

Schiff also obstructed justice. He publicly claimed on multiple occasions that he had personally seen "irrefutable" proof that Trump colluded with Russia to effect the outcome of the 2016 election, but he never presented that evidence to the investigation. If we take him at his word, he broke the law to protect Trump. Either that, or he's just a lying piece of shit.
Ironically, illegal aliens who get $450K from the American taxpayers will be among the few who can afford full price.
So how much would it be worth to take one of your kids, and not know where you put them?
Wow! You proved some anonymous poster in some anonymous internet board wrong. You must feel SOOOOOOOO good about what a great person you are!

That "$100" pillow looks like a new and improved version and it looks sweet! I didn't know it existed. I'll have to run and give Mike Lindell another "$100" of my money right now! He ought to thank you for pointing out a new product to me.
Don't send him all your money. Trump will be jealous.

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