Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response

Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?

Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
I'm as far to the right as you can get. I'm an anarcho capitalist. I think government should be abolished entirely.

Schiffler is incapable of being non-partisan. He's as partisan as anyone could possibly get.
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.
Adam Schiff Vows to Investigate Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Response
04/01/2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the man who led the impeachment crusade against President Trump and lost, is vowing to launch yet another investigation into the administration. This time, he's going after Trump's response to Wuhan coronavirus.
After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes.​
Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.​
I’m working on a bill to do that.— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 1, 2020
Keep in mind while the disease was invading the country in December and January, Schiff was laser focused on impeachment. Additionally, the entire Senate became completely bogged down with Schiff's impeachment trial. In his best performance art, Schiff was calling President Trump a "national security threat."
Earlier this week Speaker Nancy Pelosi also hinted at opening another investigation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the President downplaying the severity of coronavirus is “deadly."​
“As the President fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution.” #CNNSOTU— CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2020
There is no question a fair commission should be assembled to analyze how the United States responded to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. This should be done in order to better prepare the country for when China undoubtably unleashes another plague on the world. What we do not need is another partisan, divisive, political witch hunt from one of the most dishonest men in Washington D.C.

Suddenly we see why several days ago the LSM began talking points claiming that Trump was too slow acting against the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Plainly, both the obsessive, hate filled, despicable Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have been planning their next impeachment fiasco.
Hmm...., Senator Tom Cotton had tried repeatedly to warn us against the Wuhan Flu virus in December and January. What was the House doing in December? Impeaching Trump. What was the Senate doing in January? Trial on the Impeachment of Trump! President Trump spoke about the Wuhan Flu Virus in his SOTU address, and how we would fight it. What was Nancy Pelosi doing? TEARING UP the speech.
You must admire how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists can sanctimoniously lie, issue denials and attempt to alter history
We are back to this nonsense? Unbelievable. Democratic Party has the maturity level of a 9 year old.

Right. We need to get back to the important tasks. Like investigating Clinton’s email server again.
yes that was way overdone. i will forever feel she got away with some serious bullshit no other american NOT named clinton would get away with. but people need to move on.

HOWEVER - in that instance we knew what we felt she did wrong and knew what we were going after her for. right now schiff is just saying LETS GO LOOK FOR SOMETHING!!!!!

unless he knows what was wrong and needs to understand how it happened, he needs to shut the fuck up and stop this search for something to bitch about.

now this also BEGS the question - is this "revenge" from the left or are they really thinking something was done wrong? if they feel something was done "wrong" be specific, what? slow response ain't shit.
Bullshit. Clinton’s email server was uncovered during a Benghazi investigation.

The ninth Benghazi investigation. You didn’t know what you were looking for when you made the select committee on Benghazi. It was just LETS GO FIND SOMETHING!!!
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.

Then we may be stuck with Hillary(Biden's potential running mate) as President and Pelosi as VP. My God, talk about the end of the world as we know it.
Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
I'm as far to the right as you can get. I'm an anarcho capitalist. I think government should be abolished entirely.

Schiffler is incapable of being non-partisan. He's as partisan as anyone could possibly get.

Your political belief is let people die who don't have enough money. You want not Government.

Mad Max to you is a documentary.

So you can comment on Schiff being partisan, can you be taken seriously... Everything he does as far as you think is far left...
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.

So you are happy with Trump looking for a bribe and refuse to investigate it...
Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
I'm as far to the right as you can get. I'm an anarcho capitalist. I think government should be abolished entirely.

Schiffler is incapable of being non-partisan. He's as partisan as anyone could possibly get.

Your political belief is let people die who don't have enough money. You want not Government.

Mad Max to you is a documentary.

So you can comment on Schiff being partisan, can you be taken seriously... Everything he does as far as you think is far left...
yea and Corky is your hero.
Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
I'm as far to the right as you can get. I'm an anarcho capitalist. I think government should be abolished entirely.

Schiffler is incapable of being non-partisan. He's as partisan as anyone could possibly get.

Your political belief is let people die who don't have enough money. You want not Government.

Mad Max to you is a documentary.

So you can comment on Schiff being partisan, can you be taken seriously... Everything he does as far as you think is far left...
No one is stopping you from using your own money to keep people from dying. Obviously, you would let people starve if the government didn't pay their bills. You just admitted as much.

Schiffler is obviously a leftist, but I haven't commented on how far left he is. I doubt he is as much of a Cukoo bird as AOC. However, of one thing there is no doubt: he is as partisan as a politician can get. Everything he does is designed to get Trump. Everything. And he lies constantly and abuses his office. He's one of the most corrupt politicians in Congress.
Last edited:
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.

The Mueller investigation was a DOJ investigation. Not a special counsel investigation by Congress.

That would be just SOP for them. But they'll have to win back the House first.
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.

So you are happy with Trump looking for a bribe and refuse to investigate it...
Whatever you loons accuse of him of. It's a lie, like russia, Kavanaugh, Ukraine, and now this. Please have another impeachment over it, please!
Funny how none of you morons complained about Congress holding emergency hearings and investigating the response to the H1N1 virus...

And then conducted an investigation into the federal response of it after the outbreak was over....

By the way....when there was a swine flu outbreak in 1976 -- they held congressional hearings on that one too....they do this to find out how they can improve things for the next outbreak....

this isn't some attack agaisnt your fucking cult leader...calm your goofy ass down....
Oh, bull. That is exactly what it is. You know, I know and the rest of America knows it.
If your dumb ass thinks he did everything right -- why would a hearing about it trigger you so much??

Do you think Obama was ranting and raving about hearings being held in the aftermath of H1N1?

The more yall defend the bitch ass behavior of Trump -- the more you resemble being a bitch yourself...

If I was confident I did everything right and that I wasn't responsible for anything -- as your cult leader said -- I wouldn't be worried
Does your dumb ass think that Obama did everything right with the H1N1?

Despite calls from many US lawmakers for tightening controls over the Mexico-US border, administration officials ruled out that option.
"Closing our nation's borders is not merited here," said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano at a mid-afternoon briefing. She said closing borders or US ports would have enormous adverse economic consequences and would have "no impact or very little" to help stop the spread of the virus.

Officials in the United States conceded that some mistakes were made.
For example, they could have spotted the new virus earlier if there had been better cooperation with Mexico. In late April, the United States isolated it in samples from Texas and California just as Canadian officials were testing Mexican ones. The outbreak probably began in rural Mexico in January, but was spotted only when thousands fell ill in late March or early April in Mexico City.
The C.D.C. tests viruses in Southeast Asia, where new flus are usually born. “This time,” said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the C.D.C. director, “one happened to emerge in a place where we don’t have a surveillance system.”
Also, the government predicted in early summer that it would have 160 million vaccine doses by late October. It ended up with less than 30 million, leading to a public outcry and Congressional investigations.

Another controversial decision sending a few early vaccine doses to Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs and Citibank was more of a bad public relations move than a bad public health one, experts said. That choice was made by the New York City Health Department, “and we made the decision not to second-guess local health authorities,” Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services, said in an interview.

Ms. Sebelius has said she was relying on estimates from manufacturers, who reported in July that 120 million doses of vaccine would be available by the end of this month a figure that was later lowered to 40 million doses, and then lowered again. She said Wednesday that 23.2 million doses had become available, including 9 million in the last week alone.
Accepting the manufacturers’ assurances may have been “naïve on our part,” Ms. Sebelius said in an interview. But she said Mr. Obama recognized that the matter was beyond the government’s control. “If we could wave a magic wand or have the tools in our government shop to fix this,” she said, “I think there would be a different expectation.”
For a president whose aides regard him as the best communicator in the administration, Mr. Obama has been relatively low profile during the pandemic. When he declared a national emergency over the weekend, he used a written proclamation. His Rose Garden appearance lasted just five minutes. His last public reference to H1N1 came on Sept. 23 one line in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he promised to contribute vaccine to the World Health Organization.

Distribution of the vaccine could have been focused more precisely, experts said, directing it to hospitals first, or to doctors treating children and pregnant women, or to cities with big outbreaks.
“I still think sending it out on a per capita basis was the fairest and most equitable way,” Ms. Sebelius said.
The early combination of fears about the vaccine and anger over shortages, said Dr. Paul Offit, chief of infectious diseases at Children Hospital of Philadelphia, reminded him of an old Borscht Belt joke: “The food at this resort is so terrible,” one patron complains. “Yes,” agrees her companion. “And such small portions!”

Obama didn’t declare H1N1 a national emergency until four months after WHO declared it a pandemic. A thousand Americans had died by that point. But, according to the New York Times, all was well because Obama could still play golf.....
April 27
  • WHO Director-General raised the level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 3 to phase 4, based on data showing person-to-person spread and the ability of the virus to cause community-level outbreaks.
July 22
Clinical trials testing the 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine began.
(4 months after first cases here)

(Trials already started for covid19 on vaccines here 2 months after first cases here)

The (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from H1N1 viruses that were circulating at the time of the pandemic. Few young people had any existing immunity (as detected by antibody response) to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus, but nearly one-third of people over 60 years old had antibodies against this virus, likely from exposure to an older H1N1 virus earlier in their lives. Since the (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from circulating H1N1 viruses, vaccination with seasonal flu vaccines offered little cross-protection against (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. While a monovalent (H1N1)pdm09 vaccine was produced, it was not available in large quantities until late November—after the peak of illness during the second wave had come and gone in the United States. From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

Infection with this new influenza A virus (then referred to as ‘swine origin influenza A virus’) was first detected in a 10-year-old patient in California on April 15, 2009, who was tested for influenza as part of a clinical study. Laboratory testing at CDC confirmed that this virus was new to humans. Two days later, CDC laboratory testing confirmed a second infection with this virus in another patient, an 8-year-old living in California about 130 miles away from the first patient who was tested as part of an influenza surveillance project. There was no known connection between the two patients. Laboratory analysis at CDC determined that the viruses obtained from these two patients were very similar to each other, and different from any other influenza viruses previously seen either in humans or animals. Testing showed that these two viruses were resistant to the two antiviral drugs amantadine and rimantadine, but susceptible to the antiviral drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir. (Thank God for that) CDC began an immediate investigation into the situation in coordination with state and local animal and human health officials in California.
In March and early April 2009, Mexico experienced outbreaks of respiratory illness subsequently confirmed by CDC and Canada to be caused by the novel virus.

Yet Obama didn’t declare an emergency for months.
Funny how none of you morons complained about Congress holding emergency hearings and investigating the response to the H1N1 virus...

And then conducted an investigation into the federal response of it after the outbreak was over....

By the way....when there was a swine flu outbreak in 1976 -- they held congressional hearings on that one too....they do this to find out how they can improve things for the next outbreak....

this isn't some attack agaisnt your fucking cult leader...calm your goofy ass down....
Oh, bull. That is exactly what it is. You know, I know and the rest of America knows it.
If your dumb ass thinks he did everything right -- why would a hearing about it trigger you so much??

Do you think Obama was ranting and raving about hearings being held in the aftermath of H1N1?

The more yall defend the bitch ass behavior of Trump -- the more you resemble being a bitch yourself...

If I was confident I did everything right and that I wasn't responsible for anything -- as your cult leader said -- I wouldn't be worried
Does your dumb ass think that Obama did everything right with the H1N1?

Despite calls from many US lawmakers for tightening controls over the Mexico-US border, administration officials ruled out that option.
"Closing our nation's borders is not merited here," said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano at a mid-afternoon briefing. She said closing borders or US ports would have enormous adverse economic consequences and would have "no impact or very little" to help stop the spread of the virus.

Officials in the United States conceded that some mistakes were made.
For example, they could have spotted the new virus earlier if there had been better cooperation with Mexico. In late April, the United States isolated it in samples from Texas and California just as Canadian officials were testing Mexican ones. The outbreak probably began in rural Mexico in January, but was spotted only when thousands fell ill in late March or early April in Mexico City.
The C.D.C. tests viruses in Southeast Asia, where new flus are usually born. “This time,” said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the C.D.C. director, “one happened to emerge in a place where we don’t have a surveillance system.”
Also, the government predicted in early summer that it would have 160 million vaccine doses by late October. It ended up with less than 30 million, leading to a public outcry and Congressional investigations.

Another controversial decision sending a few early vaccine doses to Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs and Citibank was more of a bad public relations move than a bad public health one, experts said. That choice was made by the New York City Health Department, “and we made the decision not to second-guess local health authorities,” Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services, said in an interview.

Ms. Sebelius has said she was relying on estimates from manufacturers, who reported in July that 120 million doses of vaccine would be available by the end of this month a figure that was later lowered to 40 million doses, and then lowered again. She said Wednesday that 23.2 million doses had become available, including 9 million in the last week alone.
Accepting the manufacturers’ assurances may have been “naïve on our part,” Ms. Sebelius said in an interview. But she said Mr. Obama recognized that the matter was beyond the government’s control. “If we could wave a magic wand or have the tools in our government shop to fix this,” she said, “I think there would be a different expectation.”
For a president whose aides regard him as the best communicator in the administration, Mr. Obama has been relatively low profile during the pandemic. When he declared a national emergency over the weekend, he used a written proclamation. His Rose Garden appearance lasted just five minutes. His last public reference to H1N1 came on Sept. 23 one line in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he promised to contribute vaccine to the World Health Organization.

Distribution of the vaccine could have been focused more precisely, experts said, directing it to hospitals first, or to doctors treating children and pregnant women, or to cities with big outbreaks.
“I still think sending it out on a per capita basis was the fairest and most equitable way,” Ms. Sebelius said.
The early combination of fears about the vaccine and anger over shortages, said Dr. Paul Offit, chief of infectious diseases at Children Hospital of Philadelphia, reminded him of an old Borscht Belt joke: “The food at this resort is so terrible,” one patron complains. “Yes,” agrees her companion. “And such small portions!”

Obama didn’t declare H1N1 a national emergency until four months after WHO declared it a pandemic. A thousand Americans had died by that point. But, according to the New York Times, all was well because Obama could still play golf.....
April 27
  • WHO Director-General raised the level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 3 to phase 4, based on data showing person-to-person spread and the ability of the virus to cause community-level outbreaks.
July 22
Clinical trials testing the 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine began.
(4 months after first cases here)

(Trials already started for covid19 on vaccines here 2 months after first cases here)

The (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from H1N1 viruses that were circulating at the time of the pandemic. Few young people had any existing immunity (as detected by antibody response) to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus, but nearly one-third of people over 60 years old had antibodies against this virus, likely from exposure to an older H1N1 virus earlier in their lives. Since the (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from circulating H1N1 viruses, vaccination with seasonal flu vaccines offered little cross-protection against (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. While a monovalent (H1N1)pdm09 vaccine was produced, it was not available in large quantities until late November—after the peak of illness during the second wave had come and gone in the United States. From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

Infection with this new influenza A virus (then referred to as ‘swine origin influenza A virus’) was first detected in a 10-year-old patient in California on April 15, 2009, who was tested for influenza as part of a clinical study. Laboratory testing at CDC confirmed that this virus was new to humans. Two days later, CDC laboratory testing confirmed a second infection with this virus in another patient, an 8-year-old living in California about 130 miles away from the first patient who was tested as part of an influenza surveillance project. There was no known connection between the two patients. Laboratory analysis at CDC determined that the viruses obtained from these two patients were very similar to each other, and different from any other influenza viruses previously seen either in humans or animals. Testing showed that these two viruses were resistant to the two antiviral drugs amantadine and rimantadine, but susceptible to the antiviral drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir. (Thank God for that) CDC began an immediate investigation into the situation in coordination with state and local animal and human health officials in California.
In March and early April 2009, Mexico experienced outbreaks of respiratory illness subsequently confirmed by CDC and Canada to be caused by the novel virus.

Yet Obama didn’t declare an emergency for months.

A National Health Emergency was declared 11 days after the discovery of the new H1N1 virus. To be fair the Trump administration also declare a National Health Emergency within 2 week of the new corona viruses discovery as well. The National Emergency declaration your propaganda is based on was declared in the fall, when problems with the vaccine they developed wasn't being produced in sufficient quantities and the new cases of the virus were beginning to skyrocket.
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.

The Mueller investigation was a DOJ investigation. Not a special counsel investigation by Congress.

That would be just SOP for them. But they'll have to win back the House first.
The Mueller investigation was a witch hunt conducted by a gang of Trump hating Democrats.
Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
I'm as far to the right as you can get. I'm an anarcho capitalist. I think government should be abolished entirely.

Schiffler is incapable of being non-partisan. He's as partisan as anyone could possibly get.

Your political belief is let people die who don't have enough money. You want not Government.

Mad Max to you is a documentary.

So you can comment on Schiff being partisan, can you be taken seriously... Everything he does as far as you think is far left...
yea and Corky is your hero.
Who is corky?
Amazing how wanting to review the administrations actions taken during a crisis is somehow able to trigger so many of his supporters.

I mean, who can honestly argue against this?

review them.

when did trump do xyz and how was that good or bad according to you and what would you have done?

you don't want to review trumps actions - you want to go after him for any reason you can yank out of your ass. this REVIEW EVERY ACTION shit has to stop all around or no one will be able to do anything at all because it will be "reviewed" and told they are wrong regardless of what they did.

stop trying to build a world of shit cause you're a hopeless angry fuck.

I would love to review the actions of the Trump administration, but it’s going to take a thorough investigation after talking to everyone involved and reviewing all the data after this is all said and done.

This has nothing to do with politics. In medicine we have a thing called morbidity and mortality. We thoroughly present a case with a bad outcome. Go forward each step in front of a crowd of our peers who pick apart your mistakes. Publicly. It can be humiliating, but it’s how we get better.

There’s zero reason that we shouldn’t investigate our response to this. It’s the right thing to do. In fact, it’s how we’ve been governing for a long time now. Benghazi. The 9/11 commission.

Your reason to not investigate is really lame. People in power should expect that their actions are subject to review. It’s called accountability Think about what you’re saying for a minute before you fly off the handle with personal attacks and profanity.
So in short you have no idea if what he did was right or wrong.

No, I don’t. That’s what the investigation is for dumbass.

Good lord, do you ever use your head for anything other than shoving up your ass?
Yet so many whine he got it wrong. What you are advocating is fishing. Period.

If he did something wrong, you look into it. You don't look into it hopes of finding something.

NONE OF US want that type of gov. Do you really want that? Know it will come back at you n the left and THEN suddenly, it's wrong.

And if we don't have a DO THIS IN GLOBAL PANDEMICS guide, who gets to decide right or wrong moves when it's over?

Use your own fucking head for a change.

Some day you may leave the bunker you’ve created and see how stupid this sounds. Until then you won’t be able to see common sense.
Nope, the next democrat president will be impeached because we don't like him. You better not complain, because you set it up that way.
I am already on record calling to Impeach 46. I don't care who he/she is.
And he will not be able to wipe his butt, without congressional approval.

The Executive can just proclaim it's a partisan witch hunt and choose to not honor any Congressional subpoena's. The DOJ and especially the AG is there to protect the president from unwarranted and intrusive investigations by Congress.
Is that why they stopped Mueller from illegally raided his lawyers office. You loons opened a pandoras box you are going to regret. If biden becomes president, republicans should demand all of Biden's calls to Ukraine, and start impeachment. Because they don't like him.

So you are happy with Trump looking for a bribe and refuse to investigate it...
Obviously you're happy with the government wiping its ass on the Constitution.
Listen everyone the response is going to be investigated, is anyone here suggesting we just move on and learn nothing?

From the the OP pretty partisan article the on sound bites from Schiff was for a non partisan investigation. is there anyone here want a partisan investigation?

This is all normal stuff, can I point out that the partisan politics racketed up today again. Let us get one thing clear, I wish Trump has the game of his life for the next two weeks, I hope he stops blaming people and takes up a real leadership role and put in a command structure which clear and responsive.
I have in the past been critical of some of the things Trump has done but I hope I won't be critical on this one. I am offering advise when I say the command structure has to be clearer, we don't really know who is running this.

This will be investigated and I am sure that will be a mudslinging battle then but for now lets get our shit together and work together.
Adolph Schiffler, non partisan?



In the past you have called Hitler left wing. Where do you think you are on the spectrum?

Almost everyone is a (extreme, far,...) left wing to you.
I'm as far to the right as you can get. I'm an anarcho capitalist. I think government should be abolished entirely.

Schiffler is incapable of being non-partisan. He's as partisan as anyone could possibly get.

Your political belief is let people die who don't have enough money. You want not Government.

Mad Max to you is a documentary.

So you can comment on Schiff being partisan, can you be taken seriously... Everything he does as far as you think is far left...
yea and Corky is your hero.
Who is corky?
character from the 80s show life goes on.

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