Adam SHIT proof read the whistleblowers report days before it was turned in!!

If anyone's trying to deny Trump wasn't putting out aid for help on Biden, THEY are spinning. That's the elephant in the room, and why Pompano lied at least twice about not knowing the details of the call, and why, as skews notes, we're never going to get an accurate transcript. And the elephant in the room (pun intended) is a President may not act consistent with his oath to uphold the const if he conditions paying what congress authorizes directly to aid his political fortunes. High crimes and misdemeanors is not defined, but good luck spinning that is not included.

But in the bigger picture, neither Pompano nor RoyCohn/BillBarr are doing anything unusual in looking at the Bidens or the history of the Russian Probe. Did Holder hold up info on Fast and Furious? of course he did. Did Obama do everything he could to avoid knowing or saying why the Benghazi attack occurred? Damn straight. LOL

But all this swirling evidence and Schiff's committee is really about what steps Trump and Pompano were taking to remove barriers to Trump using US policy to influence for govts, including the UK and Aust, to put out a narrative on Russia/Ukraine useful to his political fortunes.
No. See it happened. He said the complaint was done correctly but not that it was true. There was no QPQ per Alan Dershowitz. When he says there was then I ll agree on impeachment.
here's the thing.... everyone knows Trump and his lawlessness, his mob boss mentality and how he operates.... and that so called transcript, is a steaming hot smoking gun, coupled with him putting a hold on the Ukraine;s defense money allotted by congress...

And everyone knows Trump is lying thru his lovely false teeth when he tried to claim he was interested in stopping Ukraine corruption and held the money back for that purpose, when the only 2 things he brought up with the president was two things that happened years ago that he believed would help him personally with his upcoming election, crowdstrike conspiracy and the Joe/Hunter Biden crap....

you know it, I know it, ALL Trumpsters know it, all other humans left on earth, know it....!

“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

It’s a regular call that all presidents make. There was no QPQ. In fact Trump ran on other countries putting in their $$ of monies. That was what the majority of the call was about. He also wants to make sure that the corruption is minimized. He mentioned the Bidens briefly and to me it was a test of the new President of Ukraine to see if he would look into the overt Biden corruption. But you see it differently so we need a 3rd party to opine. Alan Dershowitz is a Democrat, Clinton supporter and constitution and legal expert. So why not let him be the tie breaker? Why do you oppose that?
Alan D is NOT a third party and he has NOT been a third party since Trump was elected... he has been an open shill for the President, on everything and likely being paid by him, in some manner.

Find someone else.

Show proof that he is being paid by the President. He has openly stated multiple times that he is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter and didn't vote for Trump. If you can find he is being paid for Trump we can find someone else.
here's the thing.... everyone knows Trump and his lawlessness, his mob boss mentality and how he operates.... and that so called transcript, is a steaming hot smoking gun, coupled with him putting a hold on the Ukraine;s defense money allotted by congress...

And everyone knows Trump is lying thru his lovely false teeth when he tried to claim he was interested in stopping Ukraine corruption and held the money back for that purpose, when the only 2 things he brought up with the president was two things that happened years ago that he believed would help him personally with his upcoming election, crowdstrike conspiracy and the Joe/Hunter Biden crap....

you know it, I know it, ALL Trumpsters know it, all other humans left on earth, know it....!

“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.
Explain Rudy Giuliani being involved, please.

Rudy is an investigating attorney that DJT trusts. He is a former prosecutor and cleaned up NY.
here's the thing.... everyone knows Trump and his lawlessness, his mob boss mentality and how he operates.... and that so called transcript, is a steaming hot smoking gun, coupled with him putting a hold on the Ukraine;s defense money allotted by congress...

And everyone knows Trump is lying thru his lovely false teeth when he tried to claim he was interested in stopping Ukraine corruption and held the money back for that purpose, when the only 2 things he brought up with the president was two things that happened years ago that he believed would help him personally with his upcoming election, crowdstrike conspiracy and the Joe/Hunter Biden crap....

you know it, I know it, ALL Trumpsters know it, all other humans left on earth, know it....!

“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.
Explain Rudy Giuliani being involved, please.

Rudy prosecuted genuine MAFIA captains in NY. He's used to dealing with people who say, "Put my kid on your payroll if you know what's good for you"
“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.
Explain Rudy Giuliani being involved, please.

Rudy is an investigating attorney that DJT trusts. He is a former prosecutor and cleaned up NY.
Say goodbye to any credibility of nonpartisan spin. LOL
No. See it happened. He said the complaint was done correctly but not that it was true. There was no QPQ per Alan Dershowitz. When he says there was then I ll agree on impeachment.
here's the thing.... everyone knows Trump and his lawlessness, his mob boss mentality and how he operates.... and that so called transcript, is a steaming hot smoking gun, coupled with him putting a hold on the Ukraine;s defense money allotted by congress...

And everyone knows Trump is lying thru his lovely false teeth when he tried to claim he was interested in stopping Ukraine corruption and held the money back for that purpose, when the only 2 things he brought up with the president was two things that happened years ago that he believed would help him personally with his upcoming election, crowdstrike conspiracy and the Joe/Hunter Biden crap....

you know it, I know it, ALL Trumpsters know it, all other humans left on earth, know it....!

“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.

Ignore Care4all.
It's real easy. And comes with 100% surety. If something/someone is against Trump - then that person or situation is the Gods truth and is the only thing that matters. On the other hand someone/something has ever even once even SEEMED to be positive for Trump - then that person is a liar and the situation is totally unbelievable and should be dismissed forever.
There are no exceptions.
It's called Binary thinking.
here's the thing.... everyone knows Trump and his lawlessness, his mob boss mentality and how he operates.... and that so called transcript, is a steaming hot smoking gun, coupled with him putting a hold on the Ukraine;s defense money allotted by congress...

And everyone knows Trump is lying thru his lovely false teeth when he tried to claim he was interested in stopping Ukraine corruption and held the money back for that purpose, when the only 2 things he brought up with the president was two things that happened years ago that he believed would help him personally with his upcoming election, crowdstrike conspiracy and the Joe/Hunter Biden crap....

you know it, I know it, ALL Trumpsters know it, all other humans left on earth, know it....!

“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.

Ignore Care4all.
It's real easy. And comes with 100% surety. If something/someone is against Trump - then that person or situation is the Gods truth and is the only thing that matters. On the other hand someone/something has ever even once even SEEMED to be positive for Trump - then that person is a liar and the situation is totally unbelievable and should be dismissed forever.
There are no exceptions.
It's called Binary thinking.

I do not follow the poster's logic. Dershowitz is a Democrat and voted for Clinton. There are zero records of Trump paying him anything and Dershowitz is rich with a PNW of $25mil. He says there is not enough to impeach. Not even close. Why is this still a debate?
And trump will get the military ready !!!

Straight out of Putin's "Playbook for Two-Bit Dictators"?

If you think our military will follow illegal orders I have some Prime Real Estate in some basin in So. Louisiana for sale.....
Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction..... was stupid...but it wasn't over a blowjob.

Isn't that like saying the Civil War was over the Southern State's Secession from the Union, not over Slavery?
“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.

Ignore Care4all.
It's real easy. And comes with 100% surety. If something/someone is against Trump - then that person or situation is the Gods truth and is the only thing that matters. On the other hand someone/something has ever even once even SEEMED to be positive for Trump - then that person is a liar and the situation is totally unbelievable and should be dismissed forever.
There are no exceptions.
It's called Binary thinking.

I do not follow the poster's logic. Dershowitz is a Democrat and voted for Clinton. There are zero records of Trump paying him anything and Dershowitz is rich with a PNW of $25mil. He says there is not enough to impeach. Not even close. Why is this still a debate?
Because he is wrong.... the president is using USA tax dollars and Power of the presidency to involve foreign countries in our elections


I do not understand how any of you can give excuses for this and can so easily dismiss giving up our own Sovereignty in our own elections, by directly involving a foreign power in them?

Is that truly so hard to understand?

the president is breaking the Constitution and his Oath of Office.
Did Holder hold up info on Fast and Furious? of course he did. Did Obama do everything he could to avoid knowing or saying why the Benghazi attack occurred? Damn straight. LOL

Did Obama ever order a blanket freeze on all cooperation with the House? They turned over thousands of pages of documents related to F & F. But it was never enough because it was a dog and pony show from the beginning. Just like the multiple investigations into Benghazi. Just like Trumpsters wanting to start phony investigations in other countries based on debunked CT's. It's all for the show.
“Everyone knows”?

Link...because I and many others disagree. I ll compare resumes with anyone in terms of education, knowledge and professional experience and I disagree with you. Now what?
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.

Ignore Care4all.
It's real easy. And comes with 100% surety. If something/someone is against Trump - then that person or situation is the Gods truth and is the only thing that matters. On the other hand someone/something has ever even once even SEEMED to be positive for Trump - then that person is a liar and the situation is totally unbelievable and should be dismissed forever.
There are no exceptions.
It's called Binary thinking.

I do not follow the poster's logic. Dershowitz is a Democrat and voted for Clinton. There are zero records of Trump paying him anything and Dershowitz is rich with a PNW of $25mil. He says there is not enough to impeach. Not even close. Why is this still a debate?
Binary thinking.
Exactly like a computer thinks. Everything is 1 and 0's. It is 100% this or 100% that. There is no interpretation allowed.
With her, it is the same as almost everyone. If something doesn't fit exactly what the preferred narrative is - then it is a lie. TRUTH doesn't matter anymore. NARRATIVE is everything.
If Obama himself weighed in and said there is not enough to impeach...then he would instantly be thrown under the bus. There is NO ROOM for independent though, only 100% fits narrative - everything else is non existent.
So exactly what do you think Trump' s phone call was about.....? Explain it to me, with all the facts and transcripts known....

they know what it was about. They’re in full spin mode.

I answered the question. I never spin. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I do not belong to any political party.

Ignore Care4all.
It's real easy. And comes with 100% surety. If something/someone is against Trump - then that person or situation is the Gods truth and is the only thing that matters. On the other hand someone/something has ever even once even SEEMED to be positive for Trump - then that person is a liar and the situation is totally unbelievable and should be dismissed forever.
There are no exceptions.
It's called Binary thinking.

I do not follow the poster's logic. Dershowitz is a Democrat and voted for Clinton. There are zero records of Trump paying him anything and Dershowitz is rich with a PNW of $25mil. He says there is not enough to impeach. Not even close. Why is this still a debate?
Because he is wrong.... the president is using USA tax dollars and Power of the presidency to involve foreign countries in our elections


I do not understand how any of you can give excuses for this and can so easily dismiss giving up our own Sovereignty in our own elections, by directly involving a foreign power in them?

Is that truly so hard to understand?

the president is breaking the Constitution and his Oath of Office.

He is a well renowned attorney and constitutional expert and former professor at Harvard. But you are more of an expert on this than he is?

This would be equivalent to me stating I know more About being an NFL QB than Tom Brady. If I said that people would consider me insane.
Did Holder hold up info on Fast and Furious? of course he did. Did Obama do everything he could to avoid knowing or saying why the Benghazi attack occurred? Damn straight. LOL

Did Obama ever order a blanket freeze on all cooperation with the House? They turned over thousands of pages of documents related to F & F. But it was never enough because it was a dog and pony show from the beginning. Just like the multiple investigations into Benghazi. Just like Trumpsters wanting to start phony investigations in other countries based on debunked CT's. It's all for the show.
It is ironic that Pompano now heads the Trump effort to hide any information when he was one of the House members who complained of Hillary hiding emails, and he's STILL trying to harass and mess with security clearances of former govt employees over that mess.

Hillary used her office for personal interests, and now Trump follows suit. Who could ever have seen that coming (sarcasm)

This thread is a LIE - based on NYT article and whistleblower's lawyer who said Adam Schiff had NOTHING to do with writing the whistleblower complaint.
he wrote it. therefore, he is the whistle-blower wannabe.
The whistle blowers work in the white house... at least 6 of them are the ones who brought this to the guy/gal reporting it
and how do you know that?
If at the beginning of the Brett Kavanaugh hearing a top Republican read a fake version of testimony without saying it was fake???
It would be torches and pitchforks. The media would have lost their minds and this forum would self implode. I would go as far as to say Kavanaugh would probably lost the nomination because of the reaction.
But the chair person begins the Trump inquiry by doing just that - and the left's reaction is...meh...who cares?
And trump will get the military ready !!!

Straight out of Putin's "Playbook for Two-Bit Dictators"?

If you think our military will follow illegal orders I have some Prime Real Estate in some basin in So. Louisiana for sale.....

That is not illegal orders

Guess you don’t know American history

Andrew Jackson got orders from the congress he tore the orders up .. congress said no to Jackson

And he gave the orders to the military to take the Indians away on the trail of tears... they obeyed and followed Jackson easily and rounded up the Indians

Learn history and what happens when the men agrees with the commander in chief

You made a really foolish and wrong post

You lied !!
And he gave the orders to the military to take the Indians away on the trail of tears... they obeyed and followed Jackson easily and rounded up the Indians

Yes, Ethnic Cleanser in Chief got away with defying the Constitution by doing what would be consider a crime against humanity today. Not relevant today.

Obviously, you are clueless about what definition of “Treason” as described by the Constitution.
Article III
Ever think about starting a thread, about something you have actual knowledge about. But don’t feel bad, your President is just as clueless as you about what “Treason” is as factually described as intended, Constitutionally.
More trump derangement syndrome lol

Oh, another Little Trumpster whose is ignorant about about the Constitution, even though it is presented in it's true form in black and white. Why? Because he embraces Trump ignorance about the Constitution.
In real life, it is you who has TDS,you are so deranged you ignore a fact within the Constitution,all because of your inability to recognize the truth, because if your derangement compasses reality.
What a tiny mind you have,,,loser.

Obviously, you are clueless about what definition of “Treason” as described by the Constitution.
Article III
Ever think about starting a thread, about something you have actual knowledge about. But don’t feel bad, your President is just as clueless as you about what “Treason” is as factually described as intended, Constitutionally.
More trump derangement syndrome lol

Oh, another Little Trumpster whose is ignorant about about the Constitution, even though it is presented in it's true form in black and white. Why? Because he embraces Trump ignorance about the Constitution.
In real life, it is you who has TDS,you are so deranged you ignore a fact within the Constitution,all because of your inability to recognize the truth, because if your derangement compasses reality.
What a tiny mind you have,,,loser.
We aren’t ignoring it, we read it, it does it make the standards of impeachment .. now why won’t you talk about Biden? Why do we have to talk about Trump but you guys can never talk about Clinton or bite in or anybody else ?

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