Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?


Strange then that the serpent became the emblem on not only the staff Of Moses but for the priestly class as well.

Christianity tried to instill hate in the serpent because of all the serpent respecting and worshiping Mystery Schools. They were everywhere.

The serpent is most notable as an emblem of medicine, which rejects revelation, and relies on experimentation instead.

Blind Men and an Elephant

Snake is cognate with sneak. The Greek, ophis, may have to do with its eyes. The Russian, zmeya, is related to zemlya, "ground." The Latin, serpens, means "creeping" and is related to herpes. The German, schlange, is related to schlong.
Blind Men and an Elephant

Snake is cognate with sneak. The Greek, ophis, may have to do with its eyes. The Russian, zmeya, is related to zemlya, "ground." The Latin, serpens, means "creeping" and is related to herpes. The German, schlange, is related to schlong.
Given that so much of Christianity was plagiarized from Egypt, best to assume the goodness of the serpent.

We are to be Ophiuchus, the serpent handler, and control both heads of the serpent.

Remember that the iniquity found in Satan is also from God's character.

Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

What does it mean that Adam was made from the dust of the ground? I take it that Adam had a mother and father. The mother ate from the garden food or the dust of the ground and bore Adam. Then Adam's physical parents returned to their world somewhere in the vast space of the Universe. Eve as well was born in the garden and her parents left to their world. I'm sure there is much more involved. Or, perhaps God took the DNA and cells of Adam and created Eve. All speculation on how the process happened to have Adam and Eve in the garden together.
They were commanded not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But, they were also commanded to multiply and fill the earth with humans. What isn't often spoke about is that God did all this spiritually first, including creating spirit children that would inhabit the physical bodies of humans on earth starting with Adam and Eve. Adam rejected Satan's attempts to eat of the fruit of that tree. But, Eve also being a woman knew that it was her position in life to be a co-creator of humans with God. That, the way to receive the knowledge to do so would only come by eating of the fruit of the tree. So, she kept one of the commandments by eating the fruit. Adam, knew that he would be left a lone man in the garden and had to partake so that mankind would become a reality.
So, they kept one commandment and transgressed the other commandment. They did not do this out of evil intent. That is the difference between transgressed the commandment and sinning against the commandment. As a fallen man and woman, at that point, they had the knowledge of good and evil with the right to choose with consequences. This was the plan of Salvation for all of those children of God who were created spiritually or spirit children. Our spirits were there in the pre-mortal life waiting for the time in which we could come to the earth to receive a body and start a possible progression to come back into the presence of our Father in Heaven. Currently, we have suffered a spiritual death or separation from Father in Heaven. If we progress in the knowledge of good and evil and have our ordinances performed for us, we can over come this spiritual death and return to Heaven and live with our Father in Heaven through the resurrection that Jesus Christ lead with in His atoning sacrifice.
Eve was not innocent. But, she had not sinned yet either. Once they were subject to the earth, then they could reject good and sin. Lucifer and a third of the spirit children of Heavenly Father rebelled and were banished from heaven to the earth never to receive a body and therefore will not be able to progress and return to Father in Heaven. Lucifer is Satan and he and his devils are here to try and test us to see if we will choose good over evil. And, when we sin, a Savior was provided for us so if we repent we can have those sins washed away and continue to progress.
What does it mean that Adam was made from the dust of the ground? I take it that Adam had a mother and father. The mother ate from the garden food or the dust of the ground and bore Adam. Then Adam's physical parents returned to their world somewhere in the vast space of the Universe. Eve as well was born in the garden and her parents left to their world. I'm sure there is much more involved. Or, perhaps God took the DNA and cells of Adam and created Eve. All speculation on how the process happened to have Adam and Eve in the garden together.
They were commanded not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But, they were also commanded to multiply and fill the earth with humans. What isn't often spoke about is that God did all this spiritually first, including creating spirit children that would inhabit the physical bodies of humans on earth starting with Adam and Eve. Adam rejected Satan's attempts to eat of the fruit of that tree. But, Eve also being a woman knew that it was her position in life to be a co-creator of humans with God. That, the way to receive the knowledge to do so would only come by eating of the fruit of the tree. So, she kept one of the commandments by eating the fruit. Adam, knew that he would be left a lone man in the garden and had to partake so that mankind would become a reality.
So, they kept one commandment and transgressed the other commandment. They did not do this out of evil intent. That is the difference between transgressed the commandment and sinning against the commandment. As a fallen man and woman, at that point, they had the knowledge of good and evil with the right to choose with consequences. This was the plan of Salvation for all of those children of God who were created spiritually or spirit children. Our spirits were there in the pre-mortal life waiting for the time in which we could come to the earth to receive a body and start a possible progression to come back into the presence of our Father in Heaven. Currently, we have suffered a spiritual death or separation from Father in Heaven. If we progress in the knowledge of good and evil and have our ordinances performed for us, we can over come this spiritual death and return to Heaven and live with our Father in Heaven through the resurrection that Jesus Christ lead with in His atoning sacrifice.
Eve was not innocent. But, she had not sinned yet either. Once they were subject to the earth, then they could reject good and sin. Lucifer and a third of the spirit children of Heavenly Father rebelled and were banished from heaven to the earth never to receive a body and therefore will not be able to progress and return to Father in Heaven. Lucifer is Satan and he and his devils are here to try and test us to see if we will choose good over evil. And, when we sin, a Savior was provided for us so if we repent we can have those sins washed away and continue to progress.
Why are you choosing to sin to be saved instead of doing the moral and proper thing?

On Jesus dying for Christians. Try to think in a moral way.

It takes quite an inflated ego to think a god would actually die for us, after condemning us unjustly in the first place.

Christians have swallowed a lie and don’t care how evil they make Jesus to keep their feel good get out of hell free card.

It is a lie, first and foremost, because, like it or not, having another innocent person suffer or die for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

To abdicate your personal responsibility for your actions or use a scapegoat is immoral.

Christians also have to ignore what Jesus, as a Jewish Rabbi, would have taught his people.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Psa 49;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

There is no way that Christians would teach their children to use a scapegoat to escape their just punishments and here you are promoting doing just that.
Jesus is just a smidge less immoral than his demiurge genocidal father, and here you are trying to put him as low in moral fiber as Yahweh. Tsk tsk.

Eve was the recipient of the consequences of her behavior...
I see it as her not getting her due thanks to poor Christian apologetics.

Without her, a really stupid Adam might not have eaten and as scriptures say, not gained the morality of the Gods.

Morality is what religions are supposed to teach. Right?

Where did your moral sense go when judging the goings on in Eden?

I see it as her not getting her due thanks to poor Christian apologetics.

Without her, a really stupid Adam might not have eaten and as scriptures say, not gained the morality of the Gods.

Morality is what religions are supposed to teach. Right?

Where did your moral sense go when judging the goings on in Eden?

The account of the fall of man is about failure to take accountability. That’s the original “sin.”
The account of the fall of man is about failure to take accountability. That’s the original “sin.”
Regardless of the sin, let us all rejoice in that we all share and use the sin trait.

It is indeed the happy fault and necessary to God and nature that Christians sing and preach of.

If you weren't such a *****, you would know this.

If you had the attention span, I would show you the logic.

The Christian apologists are too stupid to understand their own theology.

The account of the fall of man is about failure to take accountability. That’s the original “sin.”

were there a sin, that would be the initial breach of accountability - not its denial ... as the original transgression. if, whatever that may have been in an allegory.

that account is a scurrilous attempt to initiate a religion of servitude recorded history proves to be meritless and the cause of far greater acts of evil than the curiosity of eating a fruit.
Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

Eve was not "innocent".........before she ate of the tree of knowledge she had already sinned in her heart when she considered the lies told by Satan ".....if you eat of the tree of knowledge you will not surely die you will be gods" (Genesis 3:2-6). It was the fact that Eve freely decided to challenge the Word (Law) of God in her heart in the hope that Satan's lies were somehow true and she lusted in her heart to be a god. When she listened to Satan and his lies......she in essence turned from worshiping God to serving the lust in her heart.

Jesus explains that sin originates in the heart........(5:28) and most sin is based upon the LUST of the human condition.....when man lusts for something he/she freely comprehends they should not have.

Adam and Eve both knew and comprehended God's only Law ".....thou shall not eat of the tree of knowledge....." Neither Adam nor Eve were actually decieved.......they knew the law as it was explained in detail by God, if they ate of the tree of knowledge they would surely die. Did Eve ever say she was deceived? She Lied. If Adam knew what he was doing was wrong, why did he do it? Did Adam declare that the Woman gave the fruit to him and he was sinless? He lied. Both were attempting to deflect away from the originial sin found in their hearts, ............the consuming desire/lust to be God's rival.

And the scriptures verify this very act by Adam and Eve. As explained.......Satan told Eve only "half a truth", and she believed the whole lie. To be as God in a literal sense........they would also have a requirement to eat from the tree of life in order to become immortal. "And the Lord God said, Behold......the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, least he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever......." -- Genesis 3:22

God banned Adam and Eve from the perfect garden He had created for them........He could not have beings that were not omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent physically living forever with the ability to make evil decisions. (Genesis 3:22-24)

Can anyone imagine........someone like Hilter being immortal?
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were there a sin, that would be the initial breach of accountability - not its denial ... as the original transgression. if, whatever that may have been in an allegory.

that account is a scurrilous attempt to initiate a religion of servitude recorded history proves to be meritless and the cause of far greater acts of evil than the curiosity of eating a fruit.
Your original sin is being an idiot and areligious fanatic.
Regardless of the sin, let us all rejoice in that we all share and use the sin trait.

It is indeed the happy fault and necessary to God and nature that Christians sing and preach of.

If you weren't such a *****, you would know this.

If you had the attention span, I would show you the logic.

The Christian apologists are too stupid to understand their own theology.

That was a textbook example of the dunning effect. :clap:

Your original sin is being an idiot and areligious fanatic.
What I find amusing? :abgg2q.jpg:

When someone who professes to be an atheist and then charges those of faith of being more evil than the atheist, when EVIL does not exist in nature, as there is no cognitive relation as to what constitutes GOOD or "EVIL" in nature. According to the naturalist ....i.e., the atheist, all acts in nature are based upon the superior animalistic evolved development........i.e., SURVIAL of Fittest, Might makes right, etc., yada, yada, yada The idiot atheist attempts use the Word of God to prove the Word of God and God himself does not exist, and that non-existent authority is MORE EVIL than that which is natural (when evil does not exit in nature).

I require Dramamine to even attempt to follow such circular logic.

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