Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

The opposite…
Every attribute of reality is a manifestation of God’s relationship to His creation.
God Himself states He is not definable.
Is evil an attribute of reality?

God's nature is unknown. Not the same thing as saying God is every extant attribute of reality. That in and of itself is a mystery and remains so.
Is evil an attribute of reality?

God's nature is unknown. Not the same thing as saying God is every extant attribute of reality. That in and of itself is a mystery and remains so.
Define evil.
The Hebrew word Rah means “not viable”.
“not viable”
Not viable means it can't stand, that it's an error. Which is the opposite of truth. Which I agree with because God is truth. God doesn't manifest truth. God is truth. Which is exactly why error can't stand or isn't viable. Your view requires God to actively and constantly manifest reality. My view doesn't. God doesn't have to project reality. Reality emanates from God because he is reality. The extant attributes don't have to be provided by God because God is those extant realities which is why they exist in the material world.
Not viable means it can't stand, that it's an error. Which is the opposite of truth. Which I agree with because God is truth. God doesn't manifest truth. God is truth. Which is exactly why error can't stand or isn't viable. Your view requires God to actively and constantly manifest reality. My view doesn't. God doesn't have to project reality. Reality emanates from God because he is reality. The extant attributes don't have to be provided by God because God is those extant realities which is why they exist in the material world.
Your error is assuming “evil” must be blatant.
For instance, not being polite is “evil”.
Not thanking God before eating is “evil”.
Evil is not being Red and having Horns.
Your error is assuming “evil” must be blatant.
For instance, not being polite is “evil”.
Not thanking God before eating is “evil”.
Evil is not being Red and having Horns.
No my belief hinges on the word extant. Evil doesn't exist. Evil is the absence of good.

Your error is that everything is a manifestation of God's relationship to his creation. According to my belief that is not possible because that is not the nature of God.
God’s relationship to His creation
According to you everything hinges on the whim of God; his relationship to creation. According to you if God chooses he could destroy what he created because his relationship to what he created changed. According to me, he couldn't because everything he created is good. Furthermore, if God destroyed what he created because his relationship to his creation changed, that would mean God was wrong. That God's creation wasn't viable. God is never wrong. Because God IS reality and reality is truth.
According to you everything hinges on the whim of God; his relationship to creation. According to you if God chooses he could destroy what he created because his relationship to what he created changed. According to me, he couldn't because everything he created is good. Furthermore, if God destroyed what he created because his relationship to his creation changed, that would mean God was wrong. That God's creation wasn't viable. God is never wrong. Because God IS reality and reality is truth.
When did God destroy His creation?

Define Tove (Supposedly Good).
Tove means established.
Overcomers put the Creator's Law 1st and their personal desires 2nd,
That would work if his law did not promote evils, like homophobia and misogyny.

Have you not noted how immoral Yahweh is?

God had to get them away from the of Life or they would have lived forever in their fallen condition if they ate from the tree of life, with no chance of redemption in the world.
IOW, they did the right think in telling Yahweh where to go.

You're assuming any of it makes sense. The whole Bible is riddled with contradictions. Once they've got you believing, it's very difficult to admit that you are wrong.
There is sense in the myth if one reads it intelligently.

It actually shows a naturalistic religion. The supernatural thinking is what screws most up.

I agree that faith and belief will have the foolish believing in stupidities, like talking serpents and donkeys.

There is sense in the myth if one reads it intelligently.

It actually shows a naturalistic religion. The supernatural thinking is what screws most up.

I agree that faith and belief will have the foolish believing in stupidities, like talking serpents and donkeys.

And yet you vote for DIms.
When did God destroy His creation?
I didn't say God did. I said according to your logic he could. According to my logic God is truth and truth is never wrong. So it would be against God's nature to destroy what he created.

Define Tove (Supposedly Good).
Tove means established.
I think this proves my point. The material world has every extant attribute of reality because God is those realities not because God has those realities.
You're assuming any of it makes sense. The whole Bible is riddled with contradictions. Once they've got you believing, it's very difficult to admit that you are wrong.
That's a simplistic view of a very complex and deep collection of books. Have you ever considered it's your interpretation that is flawed? What makes more sense? That a collection of books which has withstood the test of time being riddled with contradictions or your interpretation of them is wrong?

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