Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

The current prevailing Judaic view is the same as the ancient prevailing view:

They chose Eretz... to raise their spiritual levels knowingly.
The reality of good coming from bad.

So was the fall of man a literal description of the event or an allegorical description of the event?
There is sense in the myth if one reads it intelligently.

It actually shows a naturalistic religion. The supernatural thinking is what screws most up.

I agree that faith and belief will have the foolish believing in stupidities, like talking serpents and donkeys.

Well, look at you. You're talking. All things are possible with God.
I didn't say God did. I said according to your logic he could. According to my logic God is truth and truth is never wrong. So it would be against God's nature to destroy what he created.

I think this proves my point. The material world has every extant attribute of reality because God is those realities not because God has those realities.
When did God destroy His creation?
The reality of good coming from bad.
Exactly. And who wants to live in perfection where there is nothing broke… nothing to fix? And with little change in eons…
So was the fall of man a literal description of the event or an allegorical description of the event?

My personal opinion? We are made in the image.

I say ‘both’ if it was served to us as both. And G-d made it clear that this thousand years is the time of man where faith is in G-d and the next thousand years is the time of G-d and faith will be unnecessary as it once was… since everyone believed.

We are in the year 5783…. leaving us ~217 years. and many believe that we are off by 200 years and that the time left us to repair the world (Tikkun Olam) is 6000 - 5983… leaving mankind ~17 years.

When G-d returns, then we will know for sure.

Apocalypse by definition means ‘The Unveiling’.

Therefore we are divided from the knowing… :dunno: on purpose… for what is the use of choice if all is known and nothing is derived from faith?

No man’s lack of faith can disturb my belief.
Exactly. And who wants to live in perfection where there is nothing broke… nothing to fix? And with little change in eons…
It's the defeats which make the victories taste sweeter. Plus the defeat are excellent teachers. Nothing beats experience. God is wise beyond compare.
My personal opinion? We are made in the image.

I say ‘both’ if it was served to us as both. And G-d made it clear that this thousand years is the time of man where faith is in G-d and the next thousand years is the time of G-d and faith will be unnecessary as it once was… since everyone believed.

We are in the year 5783…. leaving us ~217 years. and many believe that we are off by 200 years and that the time left us to repair the world (Tikkun Olam) is 6000 - 5983… leaving mankind ~17 years.

When G-d returns, then we will know for sure.

Apocalypse by definition means ‘The Unveiling’.

Therefore we are divided from the knowing… :dunno: on purpose… for what is the use of choice if all is known and nothing is derived from faith?

No man’s lack of faith can disturb my belief.
My personal opinion is that good comes from bad. We are all being pruned by life. And that is God's plan for us.
My personal opinion is that good comes from bad. We are all being pruned by life. And that is God's plan for us.

To each, their own opinion.

That being said?

The deep (Tahom) was here before the light and it came from a formless, void. The earth (Eretz) had to be 'brought up' out of the deep and it was formless before the raising as well.
To each, their own opinion.

That being said?

The deep (Tahom) was here before the light and it came from a formless, void.
Technically light was not created. It appeared after the universe cooled enough that radiation decoupled from matter. The phrase "let there be light" is technically accurate. And so was the sequencing in Genesis which is remarkable. The only created thing was the universe (aka the heavens and the earth). Everything else was "let there be." Remarkably accurate that was.
Technically light was not created. It appeared after the universe cooled enough that radiation decoupled from matter. The phrase "let there be light" is technically accurate. And so was the sequencing in Genesis which is remarkable. The only created thing was the universe (aka the heavens and the earth). Everything else was "let there be." Remarkably accurate that was.

Technically it will all become known at the time of G-d's divulging. :thup:

This is why faith is a necessary component. :eusa_think:

Technically it will all become known at the time of G-d's divulging. :thup:

This is why faith is a necessary component. :eusa_think:
I do have faith. I have faith that good comes from bad.
No man’s lack of faith can disturb my belief.
Which belief do you have on Jesus?

The Jewish one, or the Christian reversal of Jewish thinking?

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Are you going to die for your sins or abdicate your responsibility for them?

IOW, sin to be saved.

Which belief do you have on Jesus?

The Jewish one, or the Christian reversal of Jewish thinking?

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Are you going to die for your sins or abdicate your responsibility for them?

IOW, sin to be saved.

I have no beliefs based on Jesus and will not compare the word of G-d to the world of Jesus. The gospels of Matthew and Luke could not possibly have been written by an eye-witness to the tales told.

Paul was born hundreds of years after the death of Jesus and Jesus said that he was not changing word one of the Torah and that the father is the same.



My opinion, not based on belief?

Those who believe in Jesus, will be connected to Jesus and live in the mansions of Jesus.

Those who believe in no higher power will be connected to no higher power. They will but float as souls, bereft of the connected comfort of G-d's spirit.

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