Adamantine is He


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or Unbreakable.He be.Not just in daily life but also in
fun and leisure.Particularly Golf or merely talking about
himself.Possibly when others talk of him.Like yesterday and
MTG and her getting a real kick out of the way this He gave
CNN a definable case of the heebie-jeebies and on Live TV
with viewership just past 3 Million.But word got around as
fast as Joe Biden going back into seclusion as if an uninterested
woodchuck who lost interest in chucking around during daylight
hours.Not so with Mr. He. The man of the hour,no matter day or night
or cable outlet. The difference between Woodchuck Joe and
Clark Trump { version of Superman in the mode of reporter Clark
Kent }.Because If anything Trump is fast of mouth,no matter
on his feet or in front of Live TV where he manages to stand
proud and erect as if a Prize fighter getting weighed-in
for a big Prize fight.I mean,one can't make this stuff up.
I dint.No need to.
Because Trump ain't no Dictator.Just a rather big mouth
Proud American.Who prides himself on We the People.
Because he looks good even when being shamed.Many
Saints have been known for being shamed.
A near changeless Man of outspokenness defending what
need be defended. Because ... He ain't no Dictator.
" Dictators always look good until the last minutes. "
Tomas Masaryk { Liberator of Czechoslovakia }
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Or Unbreakable.He be.Not just in daily life but also in
fun and leisure.Particularly Golf or merely talking about
himself.Possibly when others talk of him.Like yesterday and
MTG and her getting a real kick out of the way this He gave
CNN a definable case of the heebie-jeebies and on Live TV
with viewership just past 3 Million.But word got around as
fast as Joe Biden going back into seclusion as if an uninterested
woodchuck who lost interest in chucking around during daylight
hours.Not so with Mr. He. The man of the hour,no matter day or night
or cable outlet. The difference between Woodchuck Joe and
Clark Trump { version of Superman in the mode of reporter Clark
Kent }.Because If anything Trump is fast of mouth,no matter
on his feet or in front of Live TV where he manages to stand
proud and erect as if a Prize fighter getting weighed-in
for a big Prize fight.I mean,one can't make this stuff up.
I dint.No need to.
Because Trump ain't no Dictator.Just a rather big mouth
Proud American.Who prides himself on We the People.
Because he looks good even when being shamed.Many
Saints have been known for being shamed.
A near changeless Man of outspokenness defending what
need be defended. Because ... He ain't no Dictator.
" Dictators always look good until the last minutes. "
Tomas Masaryk { Liberator of Czechoslovakia }
Why man? Why make a thread about nonsensical rantings and mashed up words in the most unreadable format possible? I have no idea what youre even talking about. :dunno:
" Because you're Not Allowed to Like Trump.
Because you can't say anything,anything at all that
isn't condemning of Trump "
Hugh Hewitt on Todays Legacy Media
Unless one uses ... " Sources & Methods ".
yeah Right ... ya pack of " scumbags ". Everything I've
posted seriously has been spot -on about this Deep
State.Except ... the worst fact.It's gotten Worse.
Durhams report { 300 pgs. } proves it.
Mark Levin was also spot-on.Donald Trump has
ended up becoming the most Hounded,spied-upon and
Framed President in our History.Which also explains why
the Scumbag legacy Media is Ignoring the Durham report or
applying some short shrift.
When our vaunted and precious Constitution was drafted
there was No Agency like the F.B.I.
There is no constitutional requirement regarding this
" sources & methods " load of bull.
How much more bull can Joe American Patriot be expected
to tolerate.I guess until and whenever the Cows don't come home.
Because Livestock is also under attack.We are expected to
Eat Bugs and Like it says the new World Order Goldfinger.
Or Klaus Schwab.I wonder what Herr Schwab thinks of
Santa Klaus.Germans used to appreciate Christmas.
Now more than ever in our storied history we need a
Superman.A man of unflinching character and energy.
I mean,there is no dispute over that.Trump contracted Covid,
went to Walter Reed and within a week was back in form looking to
rally round the Flag and his supporters.
Where was Biden at that time.Don't even ask { or Ass }.

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