Additional folly of Covid hoax

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My pleasure, Golfer Groupie Girl.

Backatcha sweetcheeks.

Do you have a secret shrine to Hitler in your basement?

Hitler golfing?

Your stupidity/desperate need for attention are a tragedy for society, and if this forum had basic competency requirements, you'd be barred.


Swastika guy asking me about Hitler! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Is that your way of hitting on me? Are you looking for a roommate my little Nazi buddy? Sorry, I do not swing that way
1.5 people dead per day per state for last two year=hoax. More die from a deer tick daily
Swastika guy asking me about Hitler! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Is that your way of hitting on me? Are you looking for a roommate my little Nazi buddy? Sorry, I do not swing that way
^ Too incompetent/toxic to do anything but troll and derail.

Your idiocy was exposed by me in Post 17, but feel free to continue flailing.
^ Too incompetent/toxic to do anything but troll and derail.

Your idiocy was exposed by me in Post 17, but feel free to continue flailing.

whatever you say little Swastika guy.
Jumping in to defend the Swastika guy, why am I not surprised.

Defend? No, I APPLAUD him. He is pointing out a fact. The democraps are the new nazis.

And here you are defending fascists.

You is stoooooopid.
Defend? No, I APPLAUD him. He is pointing out a fact. The democraps are the new nazis.

And here you are defending fascists.

You is stoooooopid.

Of course you applaud someone proudly displaying the Swastika.

No doubt you have a Swastika flag hanging in your basement.

This stupid excuse of trying to say something about the Dems just does not work, it is a lame excuse.

Anyone that does not approve of Nazis would never have the Swastika associated with them.

That is like a Christian displaying a pentagram to make some "message" about some group. It just would not happen.
Of course you applaud someone proudly displaying the Swastika.

No doubt you have a Swastika flag hanging in your basement.

This stupid excuse of trying to say something about the Dems just does not work, it is a lame excuse.

Anyone that does not approve of Nazis would never have the Swastika associated with them.

That is like a Christian displaying a pentagram to make some "message" about some group. It just would not happen.

Yeah, I do. He is pointing out that YOU, are a fascist. In a fast, accurate way.

Sucks to be you.
Yeah, I do. He is pointing out that YOU, are a fascist. In a fast, accurate way.

Sucks to be you.

Not at all, I am not the Nazi proudly displaying their symbol. It is great to be me!

All he is doing is painting himself as a Nazi, his avatar can never point out a thing about me, only about himself.

How can you not understand this?
CDC now brought it down to 50k otherwise fully healthy people deceased from Covid and Covid alone.
So in a 700 day period that is 72 per day or 1.5 per state per day.
Never has there been such a hoax over something that harms so very very few and punishes everyone
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