Adios, Liz Cheney

If she had principles she would have been fighting against the Democrat filth that stole an election from the American and installed a dumbass Potatohead as President, who is destroying this country.
Liz Cheney is the real deal.. a true Republican.
The winner of the Republican secretary of state nomination in Wyoming, Chuck Gray, calls the 2020 election “fraudulent” and Biden’s victory “illegitimate,” says he “absolutely” believes Trump won, and urged Wyoming to join the 2020 lawsuit trying to overturn the result.

In her concession speech, Liz Cheney hinted that she might run for president in 2024, if it could stop Trump from winning. But sources say although her application as a Cheyenne Walmart greeter was declined, she remains hopeful that Uber will reconsider
Well done, over done, done in, as in....done. Done, done. She is a piece of shit that belongs in the Democrat sewer...
oh don't think for a moment she is going to disappear. First off she's got 5 months to do her dirty work and i believe she will double down in her role on this J6 sham committee. She also may take revenge on voters in Wyoming. What does she care about them? Wyoming was a means, not her concern. After November...she will be free to do more dirty work. She will do what she thinks is dogging president trump and she will come to find how much MORE she is hated. Democrats for all their kind words for her will never vote for her. i hear they did in Wyoming to save her but they couldn't do it. The Repub base was out in such force that they were unconquerable. She will be on that stage...dems will see to it to take down Trump...and she will fail. miserably. She and her husband fit right in with democrats....doing work for the chinese, for other dubious characters, raking in the money, making themselves richer just like the bushes, the clintoons, the obamaos, the bidens, at our expense. Conservatives have opened their eyes...waiting for democrat voters to do the same.
You don't think that Ms. Cheney will campaign for the Democrat nominee in Wyoming this fall?
No, because unlike you morons......Policies matter.......just because she didn't suck Trump's dick as passionately as you do -- doesn't mean she is suddenly going to support policies she tried to destroy her whole life.....

Morons like you on the other hand don't give a fuck about would gladly support Medicare for All if your orange God told you to......
No, because unlike you morons......Policies matter.......just because she didn't suck Trump's dick as passionately as you do -- doesn't mean she is suddenly going to support policies she tried to destroy her whole life.....

Morons like you on the other hand don't give a fuck about would gladly support Medicare for All if your orange God told you to......

If Rep. Cheney agreed with Republican policies, why would she be working so diligently on a select committee dedicated to destroying the Republican Party's chances in 2024 of actually enacting those policies, Biff?

That's illogical.
If Rep. Cheney agreed with Republican policies, why would she be working so diligently on a select committee dedicated to destroying the Republican Party's chances in 2024 of actually enacting those policies, Biff?

That's illogical.

Because she knows what most Republicans deny -- that Trump tried to steal the election he lost. Like any good American, she wants to get to the bottom of it.
No, because unlike you morons......Policies matter.......just because she didn't suck Trump's dick as passionately as you do -- doesn't mean she is suddenly going to support policies she tried to destroy her whole life.....

Morons like you on the other hand don't give a fuck about would gladly support Medicare for All if your orange God told you to......
Donald Trump has effectively ended the Bush, Clinton, Cheney political dynasties.


An end to the RINO DEATH GRIP On this nation of the past SIX DECADES!!

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