Adios, Liz Cheney

So I assume you are starting to fear not only Trump, but Cheney now too? Or, now that she got her butt kicked
you're throwing her under the bus?
Where do you get these delusions that I've ever supported Liz Cheney? Because she's against treason, and Fascism? All good Americans are against treason and Fascism whether I agree with their political positions on policy or not.

You should try to grow up.
Where do you get these delusions that I've ever supported Liz Cheney? Because she's against treason, and Fascism? All good Americans are against treason and Fascism whether I agree with their political positions on policy or not.

You should try to grow up.
Oh, I think she was the shining trophy of the Democrats Jan 6 Committee
If you think Cheney is finished, you aren't paying attention. She will be back. And when she does, it will be bad news for anyone associated with Trump.

Trump humpers will be disassociating with him as fast as they did with Bush. Rightwingers are creatures of convenience. No backbone, and no character.

I love seeing the lefties sucking off the Cheney family. This is glorious!
Where do you get these delusions that I've ever supported Liz Cheney? Because she's against treason, and Fascism? All good Americans are against treason and Fascism whether I agree with their political positions on policy or not.

You should try to grow up.
There is every reason to want to support her. You do remember how the media and entertainment industries treated her father like shit. Movies, TV dramas and comedies, Talk shows, and so much more. At that time most Repub voters kept supporting this family. To our own detriment. Talking patriotic without backing it up is traitorous. You see, the Founding Fathers were right about foreign entanglements. And the Cheney family is front and center in having profited immensely by living with those entanglements. Old Dick will give a speech at graveyards of patriotic Americans who died for nothing but cost trillions because of people like him. Anyway, you represent propaganda that changes official views based on the time and the event for the real cult. Biden sacrificed 13 people and Hillary several people for the demonic cause. The numbers are just a number minimal to the calamity of our war excursions but a line to advance from.
DogMod Alert. Lets avoid any pictures/illustrations showing assassination of government officials. Thanks bunches!
Donald Trump has effectively ended the Bush, Clinton, Cheney political dynasties.


An end to the RINO DEATH GRIP On this nation of the past SIX DECADES!!
That's cuz Trump's goal, as a lifelong democrat, was to destroy the republican party! And he did a fine job of it! Given credit, where it is due! :)
she did this to herself, and she deserves it. Liz Cheney's political over!

Remember when Stacey Abrams career was over with when she lost the Georgia Governor's election to a Republican who cheated?????? She ended up costing the Republican Party the State of Georgia in the General Election for President, and the ultimately the Senate.

Then there's Merrick Garland, who McConnell refused to even interview for the Supreme Court. His career was over too when he wasn't seated, or even considered by the Republican Senate. How's that turning out for Republicans?

You also wrote off and laughed at Joe Biden and yet "Poopy Pants Joe" has achieved more legislatively, in his first 18 months as President, than any US President in history. On the world stage, he got OPEC to open up the taps, re-united, strengthened and enlarged NATO, and provided real fire power to the Ukrainians to held them drive back the Russians.

Donald Trump isn't being taken down by Democrats. He's being taken down by the Republicans who worked with him and for him. They're the ones testifying in front of the January 6th Committee. They're the ones accusing the President of conspiring to overthrow the government. One of his most trusted employees informed the FBI about the boxes in the basement of Mar-a-lago, and that Trump's lawyers lied when they said all Classified and above documents had been returned.

Christopher Wray, the guy who Trump appointed, lead the serving of a search warrant obtained on information provided by a current Trump employee, that Trump was in violation of the Espionage Act, and had deceived the DOJ as to what documents were in his possession, and refused to return them in accordance with the law, and a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Trump is now having problems finding lawyers. Since so many of those lawyers, who assisted Trump in his business dealings have ended up under federal or state investigation, disbarred, arrested, convicted, and/or jailed, it would seem to be a bad career move to hire on, especially given that before he became a "target" of an investigation in Georgia, Rudy Guilliani was complaining Trump hadn't paid him.

Cheney's career is just beginning. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine". Cheney is transferring all of her campaign donations into a PAC with the stated goal of keeping Donald Trump from ever holding public office again.
Donald Trump has effectively ended the Bush, Clinton, Cheney political dynasties.


An end to the RINO DEATH GRIP On this nation of the past SIX DECADES!!

And replaced it with what??? White nationalism authoritarianism???? The American people had four years of Trump and they overwhelmingly rejected another 4 years of his disease, death, racial unrest, incompetence, lies, and petty political vendettas.

Trump isn't offering anything for the American people other than a revenge tour, if re-elected. It's impossible to get ahead when you spend all of your time getting even.
The January 6th Committee is run by Republicans, and all of the witnesses have been Republicans.

What else do you want to be wrong about today?
Many different endings. The ones where the deplorables do not care about anything is a dead ending for most issues. This is a real event. Let the Progs die...Help no Prog...Any aggravation is met with even less concern until the agita is reduced. Just a few answers.
Remember when Stacey Abrams career was over with when she lost the Georgia Governor's election to a Republican who cheated?????? She ended up costing the Republican Party the State of Georgia in the General Election for President, and the ultimately the Senate.

Then there's Merrick Garland, who McConnell refused to even interview for the Supreme Court. His career was over too when he wasn't seated, or even considered by the Republican Senate. How's that turning out for Republicans?

You also wrote off and laughed at Joe Biden and yet "Poopy Pants Joe" has achieved more legislatively, in his first 18 months as President, than any US President in history. On the world stage, he got OPEC to open up the taps, re-united, strengthened and enlarged NATO, and provided real fire power to the Ukrainians to held them drive back the Russians.

Donald Trump isn't being taken down by Democrats. He's being taken down by the Republicans who worked with him and for him. They're the ones testifying in front of the January 6th Committee. They're the ones accusing the President of conspiring to overthrow the government. One of his most trusted employees informed the FBI about the boxes in the basement of Mar-a-lago, and that Trump's lawyers lied when they said all Classified and above documents had been returned.

Christopher Wray, the guy who Trump appointed, lead the serving of a search warrant obtained on information provided by a current Trump employee, that Trump was in violation of the Espionage Act, and had deceived the DOJ as to what documents were in his possession, and refused to return them in accordance with the law, and a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Trump is now having problems finding lawyers. Since so many of those lawyers, who assisted Trump in his business dealings have ended up under federal or state investigation, disbarred, arrested, convicted, and/or jailed, it would seem to be a bad career move to hire on, especially given that before he became a "target" of an investigation in Georgia, Rudy Guilliani was complaining Trump hadn't paid him.

Cheney's career is just beginning. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine". Cheney is transferring all of her campaign donations into a PAC with the stated goal of keeping Donald Trump from ever holding public office again.

Good luck with Hillary Jr.!
Your irrational hatred of Hillary Clinton is only shared by your fellow nutcases. She wasn't my pick, but she would have been a very good, very effective president. And she would have won if not for the Trump Campaign's collusion with Russian spies, now totally admitted to by the Trump Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort.
If Biden agreed with that, the Democrats wouldn't be spending all of their political capital with a jihad against the 74 million Little Trumpsters.

I guess you might be right, but that isn't what the political operatives in Washington think.

Even Biden knows it. He only says he's running again to avoid being a lame-duck president. He's too old, too frail, and too mentally incompacitated to go on much longer.
Liz is dead with republicans and is too conservative for democrats.

May have a city government future as a dog catcher. :dunno:

Depending on who she were to run against, should she run, I would vote for her. She demonstrated character most Republicans lack by sacrificing her seat in order to get to the bottom of Sedition Day.
They just reported what he did and the lies he told. I realize that Trumpers equate that with treating like shit.
I do not believe many of what I vote for anymore. There is no question of anything. They have to prove it to me for what that is worth. With Trump he tried to keep his promises. Trying to build wealth with a nation of borders and bringing back manufacturing as he could.

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