Adios, Liz Cheney

Depending on who she were to run against, should she run, I would vote for her. She demonstrated character most Republicans lack by sacrificing her seat in order to get to the bottom of Sedition Day.

I'd vote for Sleepy Joe over Liz. Biden is a piece of doo-doo, but getting rid of the Never-Trumpers is a lot more urgent matter.

I'm really a never-nevertrumper, any Republican who sticks with the nevertrumper ideals should be kept out of office even at the cost of putting a marxist like Biden in there instead.

Didn't know Papadopoulus was this stupid. There are no 100 year dynasties in that list. Certainly NOT the Clintons or the McCains. MIGHT SEEM like a 100 years that they were "on stage", but this meme belongs in the "Can I take this back" file.

Politics is getting to the 3rd grade level. And all the party warriors care about is "winning". This is NOT gonna end well.
And replaced it with what??? White nationalism authoritarianism???? The American people had four years of Trump and they overwhelmingly rejected another 4 years of his disease, death, racial unrest, incompetence, lies, and petty political vendettas.

Trump isn't offering anything for the American people other than a revenge tour, if re-elected. It's impossible to get ahead when you spend all of your time getting even.

no they haven't rejected it. They were denied the results of their vote by democrat vote fraud. Perhaps you are not seeing the resulting primaries that President Trump is influencing. We are letting him do that...because american conservatives were going to do it anyway. HE is our legitimate spokesperson and we are fine with that. Dems attempted to thwart conservatives' desires last nite and they couldn't do it. it and those that think like you....are in the minority. Your side really should take a good long hard look at your own democraparty and DO SOMETHING SIMILAR. The dems have gone OFF THE RAILS.
the media loves the Cheneys again, they hated them recently

"Cheney chose martyrdom in her House race, and martyrdom she got" - NYT
Is there such a thing as a “Hate-Off” ? Like a dance off? A how much do you hate Trump contest sounds good to me.....but bots, magats, trolls, and the secret service would ruin it.

Liz would win that!
From backing Middle Eastern regime change to supporting an all-powerful presidency, Liz Cheney’s political career has been an endless affront to democratic values — the same values she now accuses Donald Trump, her former ally, of betraying.
Cheney’s own sister has described her as, ideologically, a carbon copy of her disastrous father, former vice-president Dick Cheney. “I think you’d be hard-pressed to find any daylight at all between Liz’s and my father’s views,” she famously said. And there’s no reason to doubt it. As far back as her college senior thesis, Cheney was arguing that the president has virtually unlimited power to start and wage wars regardless of what Congress thinks, and that “the president’s duty to protect national security sometimes comes before his responsibility to keep Congress informed.”
for the rest of her life, the younger Cheney joined her father in insisting the iraq war must go on. In a 2007 op-ed titled “Retreat Isn’t An Option,” she insisted that the only solution to Islamic terrorism was “to fight these terrorists to the death somewhere, sometime,” that withdrawing from Iraq would scare away US allies, and that “quitting helps the terrorists.” The latter proved a core feature of Cheney’s rhetorical style, proving herself even more shameless than her father in accusing critics of US wars of doing the bidding of, or even being in cahoots with, terrorists and other official enemies.
Remember when Stacey Abrams career was over with when she lost the Georgia Governor's election to a Republican who cheated?????? She ended up costing the Republican Party the State of Georgia in the General Election for President, and the ultimately the Senate.

Then there's Merrick Garland, who McConnell refused to even interview for the Supreme Court. His career was over too when he wasn't seated, or even considered by the Republican Senate. How's that turning out for Republicans?

You also wrote off and laughed at Joe Biden and yet "Poopy Pants Joe" has achieved more legislatively, in his first 18 months as President, than any US President in history. On the world stage, he got OPEC to open up the taps, re-united, strengthened and enlarged NATO, and provided real fire power to the Ukrainians to held them drive back the Russians.

Donald Trump isn't being taken down by Democrats. He's being taken down by the Republicans who worked with him and for him. They're the ones testifying in front of the January 6th Committee. They're the ones accusing the President of conspiring to overthrow the government. One of his most trusted employees informed the FBI about the boxes in the basement of Mar-a-lago, and that Trump's lawyers lied when they said all Classified and above documents had been returned.

Christopher Wray, the guy who Trump appointed, lead the serving of a search warrant obtained on information provided by a current Trump employee, that Trump was in violation of the Espionage Act, and had deceived the DOJ as to what documents were in his possession, and refused to return them in accordance with the law, and a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Trump is now having problems finding lawyers. Since so many of those lawyers, who assisted Trump in his business dealings have ended up under federal or state investigation, disbarred, arrested, convicted, and/or jailed, it would seem to be a bad career move to hire on, especially given that before he became a "target" of an investigation in Georgia, Rudy Guilliani was complaining Trump hadn't paid him.

Cheney's career is just beginning. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine". Cheney is transferring all of her campaign donations into a PAC with the stated goal of keeping Donald Trump from ever holding public office again.

You ruly believe Stacey was cheated out of the Governorship?
arguably Cheney’s lowest point came early on in 2009, when she refused to full-throatedly deny the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which charged Obama had no US birth certificate and so was not eligible to be president — a more bigoted prototype of the “Stop the Steal” delusion Cheney now grandstands on opposing. Twice, in a segment with the exceedingly non-confrontational Larry King, Cheney demurred on acknowledging the absurdity of the lie, instead pivoting to how it allegedly reflected public discomfort with “a president who seems so reluctant to defend the nation overseas.”
no they haven't rejected it. They were denied the results of their vote by democrat vote fraud. Perhaps you are not seeing the resulting primaries that President Trump is influencing. We are letting him do that...because american conservatives were going to do it anyway. HE is our legitimate spokesperson and we are fine with that. Dems attempted to thwart conservatives' desires last nite and they couldn't do it. it and those that think like you....are in the minority. Your side really should take a good long hard look at your own democraparty and DO SOMETHING SIMILAR. The dems have gone OFF THE RAILS.



81m to 74m is not a minority.

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