Admit it Republicans, aren’t you embarrassed by some of the stuff coming out of your party?

The only crisis at the border is the "crises" invented and whipped up by Republican hate-wing media. It's strictly in the heads of Republican voters.

We get one of these fake border crisis every time a Democrat becomes President.

Meanwhile, Obama had lower illegal immigration rates than Bush and Biden has the same rate as Trump
The party in power needs to justify it's ongoing actions on the world stage before they present lame charges about "embarrassment" in the GOP. The liberal media might suggest that dodging important political issues is the way to success but it ain't true.

You don't view Joe Biden's leaving 15,000 American citizens behind and telling them to "shelter in place" while they try to pull out Afghans?

How about letting a shit-ton of US military equipment get into the hands of the Taliban, you don't think that's a clusterfuck of biblical proportions?

You're a fuckin' dope, dude. How about Joe's border fuckup? Have you caught the Rona virus from one of those illegals, or been robbed yet?

How about the fact that he shut down the Keystone XL, while giving Russia the go-ahead to build their pipeline?

Or rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, which could destroy anywhere between 400,000 and 2.7 million jobs?

Or kowtowing to China and Russia so they cooperate with his environmental agenda?

Or blocking new oil and gas drilling on federal lands, which if kept in place threatens millions of jobs?

Or nominating an Interior Secretary that believes oil and gas extraction on public lands should be permanently banned?

Or his job-destroying $2 trillion tax hike to fund a Green New Deal-style “infrastructure” package, which studies say would threaten 159,000 American jobs and lower workers’ wages?

Or refusing to condemn anti-police and anti-Semitic comments from Democrat members of Congress?

Or every other fuckup that idiot was responsible for in this list. Trust me, Biden is not going to be remembered fondly, when the history is written...

Joe Biden's 100 Days Of Failure
Tell me about it when 15,000 Americans are left for good or die

The US always leaves equipment behind after a war. It costs more to ship back than it is worth. If it is so important, why didn’t Trump make arrangements to return it when he negotiated a deal a year and a half ago

The border “crisis” is something Republicans fabricate every time a Democrat becomes President

The $2 trillion infrastructure deal does not include Green New Deal funding. Republicans wouldn’t sign up for it.

We shouldn’t sell federal lands to the highest bidder
Do you have a link w/the facts on the number of these people coming in over the years?
Certainly, but I’m not going to play Go Fetch with you

if you dont know about what's going on at the border then you have been asleep for the last 20 years
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
Wait. When have you ever admitted you were uncomfortable about that stuff?

You always denied that stuff was happening.

I remember you having a crush on TransLivesMatter
There is no such thing as the “gravest foreign policy error” costing no lives and is simply getting out of an unpopular war. The story will be he got us out of Afghanistan. The footnote will be the first 24 hours were hectic.

Costing no lives Herr Himmler? America watched in horror as people fell to their deaths after clinging to the sides of C-17's to escape the hell that Quid Pro created/

You Nazis are beyond shameless in your lies.
You Post all this crap but all that comes through is "blah blah blah, dribble drool, PHBBBBBBTT!! CCP(with spittle spraying).

You really are quite stupid.

Tell you what, let's bet. if your Country attacks Taiwan in the next 6 months, if you Chinese Communists use this opportunity to attempt an invasion, you leave USMB for 3 months, if they don't - by lets say end of February, I will.

But you won't bet - you know what I posted is 100% correct.
President Biden is delivering exactly what I expected of him. Steady leadership with no tantrums and no weekly self induced drama.

A return to normalcy
You really are quite stupid.

Tell you what, let's bet. if your Country attacks Taiwan in the next 6 months, if you Chinese Communists use this opportunity to attempt an invasion, you leave USMB for 3 months, if they don't - by lets say end of February, I will.

But you won't bet - you know what I posted is 100% correct.
You post and post and post but all anyone ever heard is:


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