Admit it Republicans, aren’t you embarrassed by some of the stuff coming out of your party?

Actually, it's you and the other fence sitters who elect presidents.
LOL - that's a good one. The people NOT voting for bad candidates are responsible for getting bad candidates elected. How do you get your head around such twisted logic?
Who are these Americans and why aren’t they getting out?
there are thousands not in Kabul that can not get there due to the Taliban. Our NATO allies specifically ask the US to stay past the31st. There are Thousands of Afghan allies that can not get to the airport.
History will view the Biden fuckup as one of the gravest foreign policy disasters of all time.

How we got there will be a footnote to the incredible failure of the Biden regime.

This has global impact.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The reprehensible right does nothing but deflect with lies about Afghanistan.
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?

Stolen Election: Who knows what to believe. It certainly isn't clean. So no....not uncomfortable.

COVID Shots: Personal beliefs. Nobody likes being told they have to inject themeselves with something they don't trust just to exist.

Climate Change: Total crap.

Obama: Yes, that narrative is stupid. I wish it would go away.

Border Crisis: Real. Harris is a buffoon and has really shown it here.

Afghanistan: Total f**k up on Biden's part.

Debt: Does not seem to bother either side: both suck.
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
I'm an agorist/ancap who doesn't vote.

Stolen election Forget the machines....The statistical evidence that the election is beyond overwhelming...If you're really stupid enough to believe that literally dozens of statistical improbabilities all fell to the same person, then it's questionable that you have a functioning brain stem.

FauxiFlu vax I already had it, making my natural immunity no less that 5X stronger and more effective than any snake oil that your beloved BigPharm could come up with...Why do you moonbats ignore the estabilshed science of natural immunity?

"Climate change denial" The climate has always changed, there's no denying it.

Obama born in Kenya myth Never believed it....But why is it that he made that claim on the dust jacket of his first "autobiography", hmmmm?

Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed to be broadbrushing those with whom you disagree?

Of course, that was a rhetorical question....You can't be the kind of moonbat crackpot that you are, without being entirely dissociated from the concept of embarrassment.
f you're really stupid enough to believe that literally dozens of statistical improbabilities all fell to the same person, then it's questionable that you have a functioning brain stem.

Biden received 8 million more votes which led to him winning the election

The only statistical probability we need

Trump was able to overcome Hillary receiving 3 million more votes. He couldn’t overcome 8 million votes

“ Admit it Republicans, aren’t you embarrassed by some of the stuff coming out of your party?”

of course

but probably not the same stuff that bothers you

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