Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

I agree on both. Now, can you admit that's AOC is an idiot?

Hardly...graduated at the top of her class

Has much to learn about the workings of Congress but has much she can teach about the struggles of working Americans

Can you imagine that to get elected she actually went an met the people and found out about their problems.......How stupid is that?

Ironic how so many wags here were like "drain the swamp" --- until AOC came and drained the swamp, then they're like "uh, hooold up, we want the Democrat swampy guy". Just shows how a walk through the ocean of most souls on this board would scarcely get your feet wet.

exactly how has this idiot girl drained anything? cant wait for your answer.

Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.
they are both crazy and they are both socialists. Your views on healthcare make you one of them.


now, having said that, we are a compassionate country and we need to also provide medical care for those unable to pay themselves. Single payer for everyone is the worst possible solution.

No it is not a right but it is something great nations do

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and we brag of being exceptional.
Exceptional countries to not let people suffer and die unnecessarily. We found the money to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires we can find a way to ensure every American has healthcare

Even someone as “stupid” as Ocasio Cortez understands this

did you read my last sentence?
Opinion on your part

Many countries have single payer and it works

name them.
Canada and UK

LOL, ask any brit or Canadian, they say it sucks. Long waits for routine procedures, limits on what you can have done, too few doctors so you end up seeing a nurse, high taxes to support the govt health bureaucracy. It doesn't work for the average person. The rich have private co-ops or go to the US for treatment. It sucks, and it would suck here.
Hardly...graduated at the top of her class

Has much to learn about the workings of Congress but has much she can teach about the struggles of working Americans

Can you imagine that to get elected she actually went an met the people and found out about their problems.......How stupid is that?

Ironic how so many wags here were like "drain the swamp" --- until AOC came and drained the swamp, then they're like "uh, hooold up, we want the Democrat swampy guy". Just shows how a walk through the ocean of most souls on this board would scarcely get your feet wet.

exactly how has this idiot girl drained anything? cant wait for your answer.

Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.
She beat an established candidate because she knocked on doors, talked to people on the streets, found out what their concerns were

Imagine that?

if she was a white male she would have lost, imagine that.
that was not me, try to get your insults properly aimed. I was quoting the left/dem cadre as a whole, not you personally,

What's the fourth word in your post above? The one immediately following "all true but"? Hm? Who posted that if it was "not you"?

Don't wimp out now --- you made an accusation, back it up or back up from it. Ain't got all night here.

And again --- I don't have a "cadre" either. Just as I don't have a "party" or a "collective". And perhaps to save time I should add I don't have a "club", a "membership", a "group", a "crew", a "society", an "institution", a "gang", a "pack", a "cohort", a "division", a "platoon", an "association", a "posse", an :"aggregation" a "retinue", a "coterie", a "cartel", a "syndicate", or whatever else you scrape at in desperation because you can't address my points for what they are --- my points --- and need to plug in somebody else's.

Know what I do have? A language. Learn how to use it distinguishing the singular from the collective. K?

although I think you would be hard pressed to produce one of your quotes where you admitted that Palin never said what the left media has been accusing her of for years.

I don't NEED to prove a negative, Gomer. *YOU* need to prove the positive. The one you just ass-serted. For which we're all still waiting. What's the delay here?

as to "fingerfuck", you continue to display your juvenile reactions when called to task. you are no better than rightwinger, but for a while I thought you might be.

"Fingerfuck" is a variation of "Fingerboy" who clicked an assenting mark on your baseless accusation. And Fingerfuck can't find it either. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Either of you. QUOTE me.

you are a lib, saying you libs was a term generalizing you with those who think like you. the positions taken in your posts validate my designating you as one of the libs.

I'm hip. And I called you out on that Hasty Generalization fallacy. And you're either oblivious to that callout, or pretending to be, neither one of which gets you anywhere. Moreover you appear to have just done it again to a different poster in the post immediately before this one.

I'm guessing you're Irish and your last name is O'Blivious.

There is no one that "thinks like me". I am an individual, a singular entity, and sui generis. As is every individual.
Like it or lump it but you seem to be fixated on the latter. It's a straightforward admission that you can't address *my* points, so you revert to somebody else's, a collective which in the real world does not even exist. It's an admission of incompetence, of failure. Shall I accept your concession now or would you like to writhe some more about some imaginary school of fish?

horseshit. I always address and respond to your "points". but since they rarely withstand the test of logic and reason, proving them wrong is quite easy. Your inflated self evaluation is further evidence of your lack of any true ability to analyze and evaluate any issue from an unbiased viewpoint. My characterization of you as a liberal is accurate based on the positions (talking points) that you take on virtually all issues.

Once AGAIN you confirm what I just pointed out. You're addicted to these dichotomy "labels" and are either unable or unwilling to address an individual without this façile crutch of the imaginary hive mind you'd rather address than the individual's point. Because you can't handle it.

Come back to the fray when you can. K?

I only label you because of the positions you take. you are 99% on the left, so the label fits whether you like it or not.
What's the fourth word in your post above? The one immediately following "all true but"? Hm? Who posted that if it was "not you"?

Don't wimp out now --- you made an accusation, back it up or back up from it. Ain't got all night here.

And again --- I don't have a "cadre" either. Just as I don't have a "party" or a "collective". And perhaps to save time I should add I don't have a "club", a "membership", a "group", a "crew", a "society", an "institution", a "gang", a "pack", a "cohort", a "division", a "platoon", an "association", a "posse", an :"aggregation" a "retinue", a "coterie", a "cartel", a "syndicate", or whatever else you scrape at in desperation because you can't address my points for what they are --- my points --- and need to plug in somebody else's.

Know what I do have? A language. Learn how to use it distinguishing the singular from the collective. K?

I don't NEED to prove a negative, Gomer. *YOU* need to prove the positive. The one you just ass-serted. For which we're all still waiting. What's the delay here?

"Fingerfuck" is a variation of "Fingerboy" who clicked an assenting mark on your baseless accusation. And Fingerfuck can't find it either. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Either of you. QUOTE me.

you are a lib, saying you libs was a term generalizing you with those who think like you. the positions taken in your posts validate my designating you as one of the libs.

I'm hip. And I called you out on that Hasty Generalization fallacy. And you're either oblivious to that callout, or pretending to be, neither one of which gets you anywhere. Moreover you appear to have just done it again to a different poster in the post immediately before this one.

I'm guessing you're Irish and your last name is O'Blivious.

There is no one that "thinks like me". I am an individual, a singular entity, and sui generis. As is every individual.
Like it or lump it but you seem to be fixated on the latter. It's a straightforward admission that you can't address *my* points, so you revert to somebody else's, a collective which in the real world does not even exist. It's an admission of incompetence, of failure. Shall I accept your concession now or would you like to writhe some more about some imaginary school of fish?

horseshit. I always address and respond to your "points". but since they rarely withstand the test of logic and reason, proving them wrong is quite easy. Your inflated self evaluation is further evidence of your lack of any true ability to analyze and evaluate any issue from an unbiased viewpoint. My characterization of you as a liberal is accurate based on the positions (talking points) that you take on virtually all issues.

Once AGAIN you confirm what I just pointed out. You're addicted to these dichotomy "labels" and are either unable or unwilling to address an individual without this façile crutch of the imaginary hive mind you'd rather address than the individual's point. Because you can't handle it.

Come back to the fray when you can. K?

I only label you because of the positions you take. you are 99% on the left, so the label fits whether you like it or not.


Hardly...graduated at the top of her class

Has much to learn about the workings of Congress but has much she can teach about the struggles of working Americans

Can you imagine that to get elected she actually went an met the people and found out about their problems.......How stupid is that?

Ironic how so many wags here were like "drain the swamp" --- until AOC came and drained the swamp, then they're like "uh, hooold up, we want the Democrat swampy guy". Just shows how a walk through the ocean of most souls on this board would scarcely get your feet wet.

exactly how has this idiot girl drained anything? cant wait for your answer.

Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.
you are a lib, saying you libs was a term generalizing you with those who think like you. the positions taken in your posts validate my designating you as one of the libs.

I'm hip. And I called you out on that Hasty Generalization fallacy. And you're either oblivious to that callout, or pretending to be, neither one of which gets you anywhere. Moreover you appear to have just done it again to a different poster in the post immediately before this one.

I'm guessing you're Irish and your last name is O'Blivious.

There is no one that "thinks like me". I am an individual, a singular entity, and sui generis. As is every individual.
Like it or lump it but you seem to be fixated on the latter. It's a straightforward admission that you can't address *my* points, so you revert to somebody else's, a collective which in the real world does not even exist. It's an admission of incompetence, of failure. Shall I accept your concession now or would you like to writhe some more about some imaginary school of fish?

horseshit. I always address and respond to your "points". but since they rarely withstand the test of logic and reason, proving them wrong is quite easy. Your inflated self evaluation is further evidence of your lack of any true ability to analyze and evaluate any issue from an unbiased viewpoint. My characterization of you as a liberal is accurate based on the positions (talking points) that you take on virtually all issues.

Once AGAIN you confirm what I just pointed out. You're addicted to these dichotomy "labels" and are either unable or unwilling to address an individual without this façile crutch of the imaginary hive mind you'd rather address than the individual's point. Because you can't handle it.

Come back to the fray when you can. K?

I only label you because of the positions you take. you are 99% on the left, so the label fits whether you like it or not.



really? then provide some of your quotes that are pro-trump, pro-GOP, or anti dem, anti liberal. I'll wait.
Ironic how so many wags here were like "drain the swamp" --- until AOC came and drained the swamp, then they're like "uh, hooold up, we want the Democrat swampy guy". Just shows how a walk through the ocean of most souls on this board would scarcely get your feet wet.

exactly how has this idiot girl drained anything? cant wait for your answer.

Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.
I'm hip. And I called you out on that Hasty Generalization fallacy. And you're either oblivious to that callout, or pretending to be, neither one of which gets you anywhere. Moreover you appear to have just done it again to a different poster in the post immediately before this one.

I'm guessing you're Irish and your last name is O'Blivious.

There is no one that "thinks like me". I am an individual, a singular entity, and sui generis. As is every individual.
Like it or lump it but you seem to be fixated on the latter. It's a straightforward admission that you can't address *my* points, so you revert to somebody else's, a collective which in the real world does not even exist. It's an admission of incompetence, of failure. Shall I accept your concession now or would you like to writhe some more about some imaginary school of fish?

horseshit. I always address and respond to your "points". but since they rarely withstand the test of logic and reason, proving them wrong is quite easy. Your inflated self evaluation is further evidence of your lack of any true ability to analyze and evaluate any issue from an unbiased viewpoint. My characterization of you as a liberal is accurate based on the positions (talking points) that you take on virtually all issues.

Once AGAIN you confirm what I just pointed out. You're addicted to these dichotomy "labels" and are either unable or unwilling to address an individual without this façile crutch of the imaginary hive mind you'd rather address than the individual's point. Because you can't handle it.

Come back to the fray when you can. K?

I only label you because of the positions you take. you are 99% on the left, so the label fits whether you like it or not.



really? then provide some of your quotes that are pro-trump, pro-GOP, or anti dem, anti liberal. I'll wait.

You dig yourself even deeper with each post. See what I mean about being trapped in dichotomy?
horseshit. I always address and respond to your "points". but since they rarely withstand the test of logic and reason, proving them wrong is quite easy. Your inflated self evaluation is further evidence of your lack of any true ability to analyze and evaluate any issue from an unbiased viewpoint. My characterization of you as a liberal is accurate based on the positions (talking points) that you take on virtually all issues.

Once AGAIN you confirm what I just pointed out. You're addicted to these dichotomy "labels" and are either unable or unwilling to address an individual without this façile crutch of the imaginary hive mind you'd rather address than the individual's point. Because you can't handle it.

Come back to the fray when you can. K?

I only label you because of the positions you take. you are 99% on the left, so the label fits whether you like it or not.



really? then provide some of your quotes that are pro-trump, pro-GOP, or anti dem, anti liberal. I'll wait.

You dig yourself even deeper with each post. See what I mean about being trapped in dichotomy?

seems like you are the one trapped since you cant respond with any of your posts taking non-lib positions. You are what you are, why cant you admit it? Are you embarrassed to be a liberal?
exactly how has this idiot girl drained anything? cant wait for your answer.

Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------
No it is not a right but it is something great nations do

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and we brag of being exceptional.
Exceptional countries to not let people suffer and die unnecessarily. We found the money to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires we can find a way to ensure every American has healthcare

Even someone as “stupid” as Ocasio Cortez understands this

did you read my last sentence?
Opinion on your part

Many countries have single payer and it works

name them.
Canada and UK

LOL, ask any brit or Canadian, they say it sucks. Long waits for routine procedures, limits on what you can have done, too few doctors so you end up seeing a nurse, high taxes to support the govt health bureaucracy. It doesn't work for the average person. The rich have private co-ops or go to the US for treatment. It sucks, and it would suck here.

I have talked to them. Haven’t found one that would prefer our system of haves and have nots

Met a guy from Britain once and we started talking about healthcare. He told me he had heart bypass surgery the previous year and never even received a bill. Just show your card at admittance and it is taken care of

In this country you spend months arguing over medical bills and copays and in network vs out of network
Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------
Trump is next
Really? You posted this with a straight face?

Primary? Joe Crowley? How could you be in South Louisiana and not remember the name "Crowley"?

she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------

They were elected, so yeah.

You seem to be unable to answer a simple point that YOU brought up.

Why is that?
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

Actually she says nothing about "days off" in the first place.

And you're not "missing income" before it starts.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

That’s a tough one

The time for a newly elected Congressperson is pretty hectic. A lot needs to be done before you take office. Establish an office, hire staff, arrange living quarters, learn new rules and regulations

Conservatives are puzzled how someone who is not being paid yet would want to take a few days off

Shows what simpletons they are
and i need a vacation from the freaking posts saying what a bitch she is.
Don't click on them then? Seems the obvious solution to me but I could be wrong....
yea, and i can keep ignoring people who create them but at times i already come into a forum with only 6 threads on the front page. turn off ignore and i see why. usual NO YOU SUCK BULLSHIT YOU SUCK DOPE MORON FUCKFACE.

after awhile you just gotta vent back, i suppose. you can also bypass my venting and ignore it - seems easy enough.

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.

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